Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would like to RP :)


Keeper of Lies
Hi, I'm trying to get my feet wet before jumping back into RPing. My bio is located here. I would like to get something going that would be suitable for an intro thread. I haven't chosen a main faction yet and would potentially like this time to shop around while also creating a nice story.

I would easily be wanted just as easily as I would be hunting a wanted criminal so I'm quite flexible when it comes to story, my only request is that I would like to not die quite yet ;)

Let me know if you're interested, I'm open to writing with anyone who would be willing to help me out.


Keeper of Lies
Cael is a drifter at heart. You could sure as heck try to get him into a Mando lifestyle. He's a decent warrior by galactic standards but not sure how that translates into Mandalorian :p


Keeper of Lies
Alright well Cael is going to be a BH also so maybe I'll do the typical bar scene opening and we can see what trouble we can start :p

Two mandos are better than 1!

@[member="Teroch Gra'tua "]@[member="Strider Garon"]


Keeper of Lies
@[member="Darth Ayra"] As long as you're willing to pay, my blaster is yours.

@[member="Steph Zenima"] we should cause some shenanigans together. I have an itchy blaster finger

Connor Harrison

I'm new here too and would love to get a good reputation amongst people here and be involved in RP - I'm always willing to give it a go and let creativity run wild. :)


Keeper of Lies
Have any planets in particular in mind? @[member="Steph Zenima"]

@[member="Ben Trasker"], I started the thread I posted earlier and you could join that or we could do something else, whatever floats your boat :)

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