Takumi Tikotzki
best looking bounty hunter at your service
Planet: Kessel
Location: on the way to the western checkpoint, middle of the desert
Ambience: //
Clothes: some fighting clothes
Gear: IB-94 Blaster | A few thermal detonators
As they both parted ways, Takumi went out of the house, towards the fenced area, that was behind it. It looked empty. deserted. Still, with his gun in his hand, he made his way through the area but found nothing. Some boxes were lying around, as well as tables chairs, and other things, Takumi couldn't really figure out what they were for. But no sign of the slaves. He sighed shortly and put his gun away.
He started to think a little about the things that were happening.
//"Master Arthakk said something pushed him to take it, he does not know what it is, but Master Arthakk felt he needed to take this contract"//
//"Master Arthakk said he became a bounty hunter not for the credits, but for the hunt, as credits can be gain easily whilst a great hunt to so much, but he does not do hunting that are considered unethical or he considered a disgrace to something honorable as a hunt"//
His thoughts centered around the things his partner said. But also the trandoshan attack was in his mind. There had to be something Takumi missed. A key thing to solve this whole mystery about the contract. Takumi sat down on a box, letting his legs go from the ground, who bounced around. What did he miss?
"Trandoshans attacking. Why did he accept this contract? It's just slaves...Unless....!!!!" There it was. The light bulb in his head suddenly was activated. "Unless he isn't here to capture them! That furry son of a...." He began to become mad. It seemed as his 'partner' had other intentions than him. Quickly he took out his gun again and went to the entrance of the tower. His gun pointed right at the door, he was standing a few meters away from it and waited for Arthakk to come out. If Takumi's thought was true, Arthakk wanted to free the slaves not capture them. And why? Because they were wookies too! That's why there was a group of Trandoshans hunting them. They knew the slaves were wookies. "Damned pykes!" he said with an angered overtone. He just waited for Arthakk to come. Not knowing he found the slaves.


Planet: Kessel
Location: on the way to the western checkpoint, middle of the desert
Ambience: //
Clothes: some fighting clothes
Gear: IB-94 Blaster | A few thermal detonators
As they both parted ways, Takumi went out of the house, towards the fenced area, that was behind it. It looked empty. deserted. Still, with his gun in his hand, he made his way through the area but found nothing. Some boxes were lying around, as well as tables chairs, and other things, Takumi couldn't really figure out what they were for. But no sign of the slaves. He sighed shortly and put his gun away.
He started to think a little about the things that were happening.
//"Master Arthakk said something pushed him to take it, he does not know what it is, but Master Arthakk felt he needed to take this contract"//
//"Master Arthakk said he became a bounty hunter not for the credits, but for the hunt, as credits can be gain easily whilst a great hunt to so much, but he does not do hunting that are considered unethical or he considered a disgrace to something honorable as a hunt"//
His thoughts centered around the things his partner said. But also the trandoshan attack was in his mind. There had to be something Takumi missed. A key thing to solve this whole mystery about the contract. Takumi sat down on a box, letting his legs go from the ground, who bounced around. What did he miss?
"Trandoshans attacking. Why did he accept this contract? It's just slaves...Unless....!!!!" There it was. The light bulb in his head suddenly was activated. "Unless he isn't here to capture them! That furry son of a...." He began to become mad. It seemed as his 'partner' had other intentions than him. Quickly he took out his gun again and went to the entrance of the tower. His gun pointed right at the door, he was standing a few meters away from it and waited for Arthakk to come out. If Takumi's thought was true, Arthakk wanted to free the slaves not capture them. And why? Because they were wookies too! That's why there was a group of Trandoshans hunting them. They knew the slaves were wookies. "Damned pykes!" he said with an angered overtone. He just waited for Arthakk to come. Not knowing he found the slaves.