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Wow that felt good! [Phrik raid Sekulas]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
In an off the record operation, Miss Blonde had called up a few of the more shady agents of the Mandalorian Crusaders to assist in a snatch and grab operation on Sekalus. The job was pretty simple, head down with a strike team to the surface where a local phrik mine was, kill or capture everyone, and take the phrik. You didn't want to leave any of those pesky witnesses to identify you at a later time of course. While leaving no witnesses normally wasn't a problem with Miss Blonde she had learned that the mine was operated by the Sith spawn abomination the Croa, so she was going to take great pleasure in doing a little good in the Galaxy.

Now Miss Blonde wasn't exactly sure how the Mandalorians were going to arrive on the planet but for her and the crew she worked with they had stolen a trading freighter that was headed straight for the mine. Hopefully the others would arrive in a little less grand style and stick to a more incognito style, but seeing how they were Mandalorians she highly doubted that.

"Remember gentlemen, no survivors. I don't care if you are into that sort of stuff but there will be no witnesses." Blonde said to her men as the ship broke atmosphere.

Coming down onto the planet the freighter touched down in front of the mine where a group of Croa stood in front of the ships off ramp to greet the incoming miners. A few seconds passed and the ramp opened to a barrel of a gun in Blonde's hand firing and putting a slug between a Croa's eyes causing her to fall over and perish.

"Wow that felt good."

[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Aedan sat on the command throne of the Evakmar Mk 3-class corps assault carrier. He smirked as he tapped the arm of the bridge chair lightly leaning back as he checked on the status of the fairly large assault group. He smirked lightly as he shrugged someone had mentioned that taking such a large force for a mere raid was uncalled for but he didn't do anything in halves. With a flash his ship exited hyperspace followed by the true rampaging beast his Alor-class Dreadnaught which would secure space and an escape route. Activating his com link Aedan calmly gestured having the Evakmar start down towards the planet. "Oi Blonde its Aedan I am in bound with a very large transport and a large force to secure what ever we are after give me a target location."

[member="Miss Blonde"]
Kurayami had decided to take his A-12 personal transport for a spin. He hadn't flown it in awhile and it was a home away from home for him, so he needed to make sure it was in good repair. That was so difficult, but apparently the vehicle could be stubborn. He was having some hyperdrive issues and was less than happy that he had to come to a complete stop while he went to check on the old thing. IT was antiquated by todays standards, at least the baseline model was, but this was modified by a Corellian, so it was plenty up to date, just not always as reliable as one would hope.

He sighed and trudged back to the engine compartment and took his time sorting through all the parts that seemed to be just fine. Ah it was just a minor issue with the motivator getting slightly misaligned. With a gentle nudge, all systems reported that they were optimal. He smiled as the message from Miss Blonde came in. Reading it over he quirked an eyebrow at the description of opposition before shrugging and heading back to his room.

Using the terminal in there, he connected to the flight computer and set the coordinates for Sekalus, taking the time to change into his old Katarn MkIII Stealth armor. He grabbed the T-7 ion disruptor and both of his MSD-32 pistols. on his hip hung Jenni's old lightsaber. As soon as he arrived he'd be good to go.

A few hours later and the ping sounded to let him know that he was at this destination. Angling down into the atmosphere he flipped the switch on the Phantom 4x comms jammers as he neared the facility and set his ship down. once landed he powered down the jamming system and lowered the ramp, making his way down. He opened a channel with Miss Blonde and Aedan.

"Ladies and gents, good to see you here. Now I say we take what we came for and get the hell out. I feel dirty just stepping on this planet."

Closing the channel for a moment, he unslung the disruptor from his shoulder and fired a shot at the first Croa who came to greet him, center of mass, slightly above the sternum. Granted he wasn't sure she had been hostile, but he wasn't taking chances with Sithspawn. He walked past the pile of ash left behind making his way to meet up with both of his other team members for this raid.

[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"Sending coordinates now." Blonde said over her comms to Aedan who of course did not fail to live up to stereotypes.

Having showed up with a battle group the woman audibly sighed as her men started to flood out of the transport. With Croa either going into fight or flight the Syndicate enforcers started to gun down the Sith spawn with automatic fire. While normally Blonde would have felt some sort of guilt she oddly felt nothing or mildly happy seeing their abomination being cleansed off the face of the planet.

But those feelings could wait, the second contact had arrived and Miss Blonde waved at him smiling from beneath her gas mask. It was always refreshing to see Mandalorians who could get their hands dirty in the criminal underworld.

"Thanks for coming, reports have told me that the shipment of ore is located in a warehouse about a kilometer behind the mine. We're looking at a pretty good haul of ore so we'll Jack some transports to move it all." Blonde spoke to the two mandos in person and through the comms.

Slapping a new clip into her pistol the woman gunned down another fleeing Croa and casually flicked her pistol towards the direction they needed to go.

[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Kurayami sighed Inwardly, seeing the mass of troops that had come. He had been thinking this was going to be a simple three person hit and fade type of thing. He had been wrong. Then again he was working with Mandalorian Crusaders, so yea, there wasn't much reason to expect anything less. Slinging the rifle over his shoulder as he approached Miss Blonde, he nodded in greeting, the trademark smirk playing across his features as he responded to her.

"Ma'am I spent many years as a soldier, pilot, and mercenary. Getting my hands dirty in less than legal affairs is simply another weekday to me. A raid to steal ore is barely even a blip, especially with these savages. Taking the transports sounds like a solid enough plan to get the ore outta here."

As he was finishing saying this a Croa ran up from behind hoping to catch him off guard. Wrong move. Within moments the creature was flung backwards, it's neck snapping on impact with the ground. Telekinesis was a wonderful way to deal with these...abominations. This brought attention for other friends of the downed thing and Kurayami politely excused himself from the conversation a moment, drawing one of his pistols and firing a snapshot that went wide. When he addressed the Croa, his voice was flat and emotionless, but the Corellian accent was impossible to miss.

"Leave now and I might not shoot at you again. Stay where you are and die. Your choice. Choose now."

The Croa stuttered while trying to find words, Kurayami found this more than a bit annoying and holstered the pistol. He lifted the Sithspawn into the air and used the gauntlet vibroblade on his left hand to disembowel it. Dropping the creature unceremoniously to the ground as it groaned in pain for a few moments. He made his way back to Blonde and followed her without another word, just a silent nod of recognition.

[member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
Aedan looked down at the planet and gestured a squadron of drop ships taking off filled with members of the Drakon Regiment to secure the landing area for the Evakmar which slowly moved down towards the ground. It took a good ten minutes to get to the ground while the Alor and its complement of fighters secured the space over the planet. Smirking Aedan stood and made his way towards the belly of the ship where a series of three ramps laid they could be lowered to allow for the swift departure of any men on it. As he moved the men in front of him moved aside the ship only carried a third of its complement leaving room for various other cargos. Finally he walked down the ramp and gestured quickly as his horde of forces swelled around him the three legions worth of droids moving forward killing most and capturing some of the Croa in their way. The Shadow Gundan came out after them carrying not weapons but pushing carts to acquire Phirk from the mine. "Blonde this is Miles I have plenty of room for cargo on my ship so lets load it up and get ready to get outta here. Also any Croa that are being taken prisoner are to be left alone is that clear."

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"First off, let's get something straight. I don't care if you're the pirate King, Queen, Duke, Prince, or Crown Reagent. I don't take orders from you, but you are of course welcome to any prisoners you capture and I won't impede." Blonde said on the Comms wanting to iron a few things out.

"Secondly, I'm not loading a single piece of ore onto your ships. Not after the stunt you pulled with the Republic, I'm not an idiot like them. It's nothing personal it's just business of course, you and yours are of course welcome to the ore in the mine and warehouse so long as we all get a fair cut. If you need any support contact me and my men will help." Blonde finished her conversation with Aeden and got off the comms.

"Prick." she said to herself then looked over to the force user that was with them.

"Good kill, let's get going. His lord and majesty's forces have arrived so we won't have to worry much about taking fire." Blonde said to the young man.

Looking around she would clock a nearby speeder parked in front of the mine. A decent sized transport skiff that would work for transporting a few crates worth of phrik. She didn't need a terrible amount, just enough to get a little pet project off the ground. So with a small scuffle over to the skiff she boarded it with a few acrobatics and made her way to the controls. It wasn't anything special and was a pretty easy push to start speeder.

Priming the skiff the woman looked over to Bloodborn and waved her hand for them to come and get on so they could hit that warehouse.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
Kurayami couldn't help but chuckle slightly when Blonde rebuked Aedan about taking orders from him. Then again it was she whom had sent out the message asking for help. So as far as he was concerned, she gave the orders on this run. It seemed as if she had a bit of a history with Aedan so far as knowing his modus operandi was concerned. She made it clear that such things would not be tolerated on this raid. Kurayami nodded to no one in particular, he always liked the split to be an even one, of that there was no doubt. Especially in a case like this where it was something as valuable as ore, credits and lesser materials he worried less so about. Phrik ore? If he couldn't find a use for it he could always sell it for a rather tidy sum.

He burst out laughing when she referred to Aedan as 'His majesty.' He shook his head as he regained his composure.

"Eh, I prefer making sure the target is dead rather than fancy kills. Efficiency gets better results anyways, and leads to more dead in the end. Thanks for the compliment though."

Kurayami followed behind her and hoisted himself up onto the skiff. Again nothing fancy, just simple fluid motions. As she primed the skiff he grabbed the rifle from his back again to take care of any who might try to keep them from making it to the mines in a timely manner.

"Ready when you are."

[member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
Aedan grinned and shrugged at a nearby group of his men as he gestured them forward lightly. "Was worth a try boys now lets get this done. Make sure to only take as much as the Ore we need. Leave the rest for those two." He strode forward watching as the various other forces under his command completed their tasks capturing a couple Croa and herding them into the Evakmar where they would be put into Cells for the time being. Aedan continued onward his violet eyes flicking back and forth his lightsaber lashing out suddenly to take the arm of an armed Croa at the elbow leaving the being there screaming in pain and terror as he marched onward. Looking around calmly the young man gestured to the right as a portion of his droid force split off to engage what appeared to be the planets defense forces nearby garrison rushing towards them. They would be dealt with and if the Droids needed support the rest of the first droid legion would swing that way.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Miss Blonde took control of the Skiff and with her new friend on the machine she revved the engine of the vehicle and took off in a rush. With the skiff pushing forward at blazing fast speeds she was going to be able to close the gap between the mine and the warehouse within a few seconds, plus she was able to run over a few Croa in the process which was always a plus.

"Hold on to something!" Blonde yelled back towards the man.

Hitting the forward brake turbo lifts she slammed on them and twisted the wheel around to cause the skiff to spin at high speeds making various boxes fly off of it until it was turned around and the back loading ramp was faced against the warehouse doors.

Blonde let out a few gasps of adrenaline induced exhaustion and did a quick elbow pump with a closed fist. "Still got it!"

With the ramp lowered Blonde shot the lock off the warehouse door and opened its more primitive sliding door to reveal various crates of phrik ore mined from the crust of the planet. This was good, new phrik items were on the way after all.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Aedan Miles"]
With the sheer speeds Blonde was going Kurayami was quick to reholster the T-7 on his back and grabbed his lightsaber from his belt instead, leaving it unignited for the moment. He took her advice and activated the magno-grips in the soles of his boots, grabbing onto the nearest railing. It really was fast for a skiff, maybe he could work on a new repulsor vehicle for Nubia Stardrives at some point. Right back to the mission at hand. This first, business later. Well technically this was business, just of a different kind. Not that he minded.

He shook his head and refocused his thoughts.

"Way ahead of you in the holding onto things department ma'am. Though with all due respect, I have met suicidal people who drive more sanely than this. Not to say you are a bad driver, but yea, just a bit insane is all."

When she wrenched the controls and sent the back of the skiff skidding around, Kurayami was more than slightly thankful for the warning she had given and for magno-grip boots. Those were the only reason he was not a couple hundred feet away and rolling across the ground right now. As Blonde lined up her shot and blew the lock off before sliding the door out of the way, he activated the saber in his left hand, just in case. When he saw no Croa in the immediate vicinity, he deactivated the saber and clipped it back to his belt making his way down the loading ramp to help start loading the ore. Or they could just get the native abominations to do it for them, either way he was fine with it.

[member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

Miss Blonde chuckled as she stepped off the ramp and into the warehouse to gaze upon the crates of phrik ore that were set up in neatly established rows. She rather liked the look of things and it made it easy to transport them, what with them being hover crates and all that a young boy could even push. So walking up to three crates the woman activated their hover feature then took a deep breath.

Miss Blonde sucked at using TK powers. She could imbue an item seven ways from Sunday but when it came to actual physical force power she wasn't the strongest person. So gripping the crates with the force she watched them bend to her will as she gently pushed the three into the skiff where they sat down hunkered past its metal loading ramp.

"Each of these boxes should hold up to a hundred and fifty KG, we'll need a good seven so if you can get the other four it'd be appreciated." Miss Blonde was indeed a greedy woman but she knew limitations, she couldn't transport the dozen or so boxes in this warehouse on the smaller skiff. It could hold seven tops.

So with her boxes loaded up the woman hopped back up onto the skiff and lifted her pistol to gun down a few incoming Croa wielding blaster rifles. All and all this was only the fifth strangest day she'd had in the criminal underworld.
Kurayami took little time to hop down from the skiff and move into the mine to start loadingthe hover carts onto the skiff. He moved as quickly as he could, though there was no doubt that the crates were rather heavy with ore. This was a good thing though, more ore meant more possibilities that were open. Armor, weapons, saber hilts...the number of things that could be made was rather immense. However he knew that once refined the overall amount would be appreciably less than the raw ore. So he would have to plan carefully for what he intended to do. Kurayami slowly worked the first crate up the ramp. As he did he heard Blonde ask for him to mover four total onto the skiff. Seven crates and one hundred fifty kilos of ore per crate? That was a hell of a haul to be sure.

He nodded as he walked back down the ramp and began to load the second crate. This was also smooth sailing. Third was no issue either. Though due to the sheer weight each one took a good amount of effort to move up the ramp, the fact that they were hover crates made it much simpler to load the heavy product. The fourth one was taking longer than the others as he was starting to feel the exertion from all the work of loading the crates for transport. He knew that this was going to make the ride back a bit slower, but that was the price they paid for access to such a worthwhile prize. A few minutes later he eased the last crate into place and gave a casual salute to Blonde.

"Four containers loaded, seven total ma'am. Ready to make our way back and get out of here before things get too nasty with the natives here. Not that I would mind helping cull the population further, but honestly don't want to touch the creepy things again. Already sullied my armor enough with their blood. Let's hope loading up and leaving is an uneventful time."

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
With the Phrik loaded up, Miss Blonde wasted no time in getting herself back into the drivers seat to take off. With her foot on the gas she put the pedal to the metal and bonked out of the warehouse with the phrik loaded up. She was pretty excited about what possibilities she was going to open up with the amount of phrik she had gathered and had a very specific idea in mind that would sell pretty well.

"We'll unload at my freighter! You can get your share once it's transported and we're away!" Blonde yelled back as they pulled up to the freighter.

At this point [member="Aeden"] Miles was busy taking slaves and doing the whole Mandalorian Pirate King thing, whatever made him happy. As for Miss Blonde she quickly unhitched the back and had her crew load up the crates into the ship's cargo hold before stepping aboard and ordering for the ship to take off with the loot.

She didn't have time for the whole stay and torment and burn at the stake routine. She had places to go and products to push.

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]

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