Asmus Janes
Name: Wraith Squadron
Intent: Create an NPC/PC Unit for the SIS
Affiliation: SIS
Availability: Unique
Quality: A
Type: Starfighter Squadron
Strength: 12, split into 4 flights of 3
Description: The SIS has begun to increase operations within enemy territory. At times this calls for extractions of agents from hostile territory, deploying elite squads to key locations, or conducting raids with starfighters. To this end the SIS created several squadrons formed of retired and formally discharged GADF pilots. Some of the very best talent from the Rimma Trade route was brought into the ranks of Wraith Squadron. All needed significant flight hours in starfighters and/or shuttles in combat situations.
They are often not deployed in one group. Most often they are broken down into Flights of three and deployed to different locations. Small carrier vessels, or hidden bases within enemy territory. The defence of GADF territory is not within the remit of the SIS so the squadron is never formally deployed to large carriers or Alliance outposts, only secretly for training.
They use a range of starfighters and the use of proprietary Alliance technology is strictly forbidden to reduce the chance of a political incident. Custom, upgraded from stock X-Wings, Y-Wings, and even TIE fighters are common. They often use well known civilian shuttles that have been modified with more powerful engines.
All members have small arms and hand to hand combat training. They are also trained in blending in when making an extraction in hostile territory by the intelligence services. Wraith Squadron members often have to take shuttles with public transponder codes into enemy territory and carry out delicate missions.
Wing Commander
Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander
Flight Officer
Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander
Flight Officer
Wraith 1 - Wing Commander Asmus Janes
Wraith 7 - Flight Officer [member="Adder"]
Wraith 4 - Flight Officer [member="Naomi Carolina"]
[member="Loske Matson"][member="Ryan Korr"][member="Tela Uolmi"]
Flight commander (CAG):
Max Odennus https://s-media-cach...629954ae2f0.jpg
Max is too young for his position, but the SIS don't always get to hand pick from the GADF. He is open and honest and has a good relationship with his pilots, who often look out for him in return. Runs the Flight Deck on the Subversion
FO Jay Wilson
Asmus' junior wingman. Flies a modified Y-Wing. Easily amused.
LCDR Eston Chad (Fondor)
Flies a form of TIE Advance. The more serious of Asmus' wingmen.
Lt Ro'vena:
Didn't attend university and has a chip on her shoulder about pilots who act like spoiled jocks. Flies an Eta-class interceptor
Lt Detreet Omar:
Omar likes to live up to the Zeltron stereotype. Flies a T-70 X-wing
FO Lowin Delaney:
The junior pilot onboard the Subversion. Easily influenced by Asmus, Omar and Wilson. Ro'vena takes a firm hand in his training.
Links: squadron NPCs are introduced and fly several sorties from an SIS frigate.)
Ghost Squadron (2 Flight):
FC Lieutenant Ro'vena:
Didn't attend university and has a chip on her shoulder about pilots who act like spoiled jocks. Flies an Eta-class interceptor
Lieutenant Detreet Omar:
Omar likes to live up to the Zeltron stereotype. Flies a T-70 X-wing
Flight Officer Lowin Delaney:
The junior pilot onboard the Subversion. Easily influenced by Asmus, Omar and Wilson. Ro'vena takes a firm hand in his training.