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Private Wrath and Nemesis


Eriadu | Dark King Hangar
Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

The probably most important world of the Outer Rim was turning below the shadowy hull of the Dark King, its intersection of the biggest hyperspace lanes making it a strategic asset beyond any other in neighbouring sectors and the connection to the entire Galactic South. Eriadu had a history of imperial aspirations and imperial defiance, despite never being part of the last, unified Empire that arose from New Imperial Order, it always stood as a beacon for its values, for its inheritance to the New Order's most infamous individual. And his successor, Vandar Tarkin Vandar Tarkin also pursued a similar legacy. But it now it was part of the Sith Empire. An Empire that was far less united in purpose and ideology than many that came before.

Darth Imperius oversaw the deployment of parts of his naval assets as well as accompanied the first bit of a journey of a convoy destined for Polis Massa and Reicher Vax Reicher Vax . The pact that the frontier had forged only recently aboard the very ship he stood in, even in the hangar he looked onto the world below from, between Darth Callidus Darth Callidus and Kaila Irons Kaila Irons to have a mutual defensive agreement and more civil contracts, had its center not on Karfeddion, Denab or Echnos, but strategically, it was here. Neither of them claimed the planet's rule, yet, but it mattered little to the Heir. Among the many projects that he oversaw to give the Sith an actual Empire, Eriadu was a necessity and next in the queue.

It was here where he hoped to make the next step, not only for himself, but for the Empire and it required more than just a Governors' voice in the assembly to do. His ambitions for the Empire were not ending in the assembly either and it was the Dark Council and above that offered what he required. Since the conversation at the war declaration of the Diarchy, Imperius had been looking forward to meeting the Emperor's Wrath in a dedicated, official setting. He had seen, from afar and on screens, the very first Emperor's Wrath, his power undeniable, his treason unquestionable, similar to his successor. But as far as he knew, Lechner was utterly devoted to the Empress and Emperor.

The Dark Lord hoped that he would be equally or more devoted to the Sith Empire.

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Relationship Status: It's Complicated
TAG: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Eriadu was a world which Gerwald had not deigned to set foot on in a long time. They had once been part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a boon for the shipyards which the planet boasted. Its history with the Confederacy had been a rocky one, and the Dread Wolf recalled what happened when the planetary leadership had attempted to secede from the Confederacy. They had violated the charter and nearly declared war on the nation itself. At least that was how the Wolf remembered it. The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger had taken to the galactic stage once more, and somehow Gerwald seemed to like this version better.

He hated the flattery, however.

This meeting was not with the man who once held the planet. It was another he met during the Diarchy’s announcement. Darth Imperius Darth Imperius seemed to have a similar view of the galaxy, and with the ever moving parts among the Sith Order, he needed allies. Gerwald wished, as Srina Talon Srina Talon did, to see the Order unified. The days of factionalism needed to die, and unfortunately it meant Gerwald needed to play into it. However, the relationships he forged pulled from all factions. Kainites, Eternalist, Tsis’kaar, those who were unaligned, and those who had been displaced Confederates.

It would take time, but the Dread Wolf was working toward uniting those who others deemed uncooperative. He would do what others thought impossible.

His shuttle left his hangar. Gerwald did not mind taking it to the ship of the man he was to meet. It would be good to see how this one ordered his subordinates, and took care of those under his charge. How one treated those beneath them spoke a lot of the sort of person they were. Everything would be observed. He grinned as the ship touched down. He would be escorted to where the two would meet.

The Dread Wolf inclined his head. There was no reason to show anything but respect in another man’s house. It was Gerwald’s way, but it was also needed. The Lord Commander wanted friends, not rivals. He did not need to make a rival of one who seemed to have connections with others the Wolf had also recently made connections with.



Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Darth Imperius observed the planet and its busy orbit and atmosphere from the edge of the hangar. The Vehemence stood further in, ready to carry him to the Wrath's ship upon arrival, but it was not necessary. The Wolf was coming to him. A curious move but nothing out of the ordinary - while Sith, they both had a sense of their allegiance and either knew that there was no gain in betrayal here. Imperius did not seek to divide the Empire, but to unite it.

As the shuttle approached, the tall figure moved away from the hangars entrance and further to give space for the landing of his guest. Other than some crimson-black clad Dark Custodians near the bulkheads and a pair of Extremis Paladins, the hangar was empty and Imperium stood alone, his red cape flowing as the ship set down and its engines created some airflow. Unlike during their first meeting, the Heir was clad in his armor, dark plates from neck to toe, his greatsword on his back.

Black eyes observed the confident approach of the Dread Wolf, the man was completely assured of his role and position and offered an aura of strength but also wildness that certainly met his nickname and title. They had found common ground in several aspects of their outlook on the Empire and it's wars to come and such mutual approach was to be the foundation of more to come. There was no need for everyone to be agreeing about everything. Some would have to swallow, others would choke, but change was necessary.

He met the respectful nod in kind, his exposed head dipping in greeting and respect.

"Wrath. Welcome to the Dark King. Your presence is appreciated as I am sure you have plenty of duties to attend to." Imperius' voice was as neutral as it would get, but still measured and barely hiding undertones of contained passion. "Hence why I will not delay any subjects I wish to discuss."

He gestured for the man to accompany him.

"The Sith Empire is weak. It's separate factions and disunited military a mere spark of what could be an inferno. My ambition is to undo both, through common sense if possible, through force if necessary. We can forge the Empire into an engine of war, into an avatar and true expression of the Dark side instead of a state of bickering philosophies and pathetic nepotism."

"I have heard from Kaila Irons Kaila Irons that you might be in favor of such changes. That you have an ideal as well of a stronger Empire."

"If we are able to align such goals and visions, we have a chance to create a new foundation of strength, unity and purpose that a true Sith Empire craves."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated
TAG: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The Dread Wolf hated the pleasantries of political meetings. He was glad Imperius let the respectful gesture they had both offered be all they needed. Gerwald preferred to enter into discussion immediately. It was more Sith of the towering man than he could ever present. It was the nature of the Wolf to cut straight to business, and even though it risked exposing his hand too soon. In this case, it seemed Imperius chose the same risk.

A brow arched at the mention of the word weak. It seemed this Imperius thought the Empire was less than what it needed to be. Gerwald could not fully agree with the assessment which had been provided to him. The Dread Wolf did not truly know this new player in the Order as well as he knew others, but this was generating visibility. He was meeting with those who knew the Wolf, and they had pointed toward him as a potentially willing and receptive party.

Gerwald let the man talk as he turned toward Eriadu. He watched from the hangar as life moved around and about them. None of those on the surface knew what would be discussed or decided in the ship which currently orbited the world. They had found themselves absorbed into the Sith Order, and so far they had been cooperative. The scenes of Echnos and Susevfi were warnings to all those in proximity that the Sith would not tolerate rebellion in their ranks.

“Look at the planet. Look at the bustling shipyards. All of them are working to produce ships for the Sith Order. For the war machine that successfully repelled the Galactic Alliance, took Tion and Felucia from the grasp of the Empire of the Lost, and dismantled the Rimward Trade League in one decisive action. A weak and disjointed empire does not find themselves that successful.”

Blue eyes shifted their gaze to Imperius. He needed to choose his words carefully, and suggesting the Empire was weak would not be a good way to secure the friendship of the Wolf.

“Under Darth Empyrean both Carnifex and Ophidia bent the knee, and the Sith were united under Eternalist rule. It has been a fight to maintain it, as there will always be. Factionalism will harm the Order only to the extent in which it is allowed to. The real threat are those who would introduce philosophies which would make the Sith behave like Jedi.”

Gerwald sighed.

“I want a united Order, but I do not wish to see us at war with each other again. The Galactic Alliance is the real threat. The Diarchy has made their intentions clear. With the Empire of the Lost still close to our vassal state, war could come to those of our Order which are there as well. We can ill afford to pursue any method which would push us into conflict within our own borders when there are so many enemies outside of them.”


Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Imperius followed the gesture, his dark eyes taking in the world below. One of millions in this Galaxy, a corn of sand on a beach, waiting to be washed away by the ever breaking waves. It was nothing and it was everything, a matter of perspective. It was all it took, to shift the view, to zoom in or out, to focus on the right moment or the wrong one, to see what one wants to see. Some would narrow their eyes to see more, some opened them and saw less.

"I see what is. I see what was. But more importantly, I can see what can be. Victories of the past do not give justification in the presence or legitimacy for the future. They are gone. Achieved. Lost. We stride the path of conflict, follow the Code of the Sith and know that there is never a time for idleness, complacency or hesitation."

"You asked me on Bastion about the future. I tell you now, that if our Empire is not reforging itself in unity, passion and strength, it will tear itself apart. We can not make our enemies responsible for our stability, we cannot close our eyes from the fanatics of the Kainate, the stalkers of the Tsis'kaar or the fanatics of the Eternalists. The Triumvirate has died, its leaders bend the knee and yet, we stand here, barely a few light years away from a place that far more recently than your listed triumphs, nearly pushed us back into civil war."

"The fire has never been out and a spark can light what will undo the achievements you have proudly listed."

His hands clasped on his back, on the outside of his red cape, while he gaze was turned to fully face the Dread Wolf.

"I am not a politician or diplomat. I do not play courtly games or engage in intrigues and schemes. I am Sith and I am warrior, I crush those that stand in my way through the very means at my disposal, my fleet, my armies, my sword or my bare hands. But I am not a fool. The webs of family, friendship and other petty calamities are spun too tight in the leadership of this Empire to simply set them ablaze, even though I would do it if I could."

"My path starts with the military. I am preparing to bring a proposal to the Assembly and the Dark Council which essentially centralises the military in a first step. While I am more than aspiring to assume its leadership, it will require more action than to write a few words of clarity and I very much assume that it will meet resistance."

With a simple gesture that brought his arm forward, he showed the text to the Wrath, observing the man's reaction to what he would read. Patiently waiting while the man read, having gone through the text many times in the past weeks, added and removed details here until he finally had presented it to the first person, the Governor of Polis Massa, the only non-Sith in the Assembly.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated
TAG: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Gerwald listened. He had learned to do more of that than when he was younger. Had he been as he was then, the Dread Wolf would have likely already drawn his blade and cut the man down. Then it would be left for the dead corpse to speak to whether the Empire was weak, or if it was simply the ramblings of an ignorant Sith looking to carve a name for himself on the back of repetitious ideology and false propaganda. Gerwald had heard this kind of thinking far too many times, and every time it came from those on the fringe.

His eyes did not waver from the taller man. It was not like the Wolf to ever back down, and he would not begin to do so today.

“One man. One death. It is all that would be required to right the sins you seem to lay at the feet of the Order. You were not there on Echnos. Whatever stands between Carnifex and Malum are not the concerns of the whole empire. He interfered where he had no business. His meddling and his meddling alone are the threat you should be concerned about.”

“One woman. One Echani. That was all it took to put an end to what happened on Echnos and ensure the loyalty of those who would have otherwise destroyed the planet. Malum bent the knee at her command. Carnifex calmed his anger because she wished it. You say we are not united, and I challenge you to say we are not. The Triumvirate is broken, but they all bend to Srina Talon Srina Talon . She stands between Empyrean and Carnifex as well. You would do well to remember that.”

Should the Wolf have corrected the man in such a manner on his own vessel with his own followers likely within ear shot? He did not care. The man wanted to paint a picture that there was disunity, and in the next breath claim that webs of family and friends were too tightly spun within the Order. Gerwald wondered which it was… were they disjointed, or were they too unified?

He smirked.

Everyone wanted something. Even this one wished to control the entirety of the Sith Military. Perhaps he was the man for it, or perhaps he was not. Regardless, Gerwald humor the reason for the invitation. He had been asked there because he was a Dark Councilor.

He took the information and read it, glad that he could. Fifteen years ago, and the Wolf would have struggled to form any sense from what had been put in his hand. Every letter would be nothing but a meaningless scribble, a shape no different from the rest.

“Well… you can strike the trooper portion. We have already passed a bill which allowed for this. You should also amend this bill to create a seat for a Minister of War. This would be similar to what Lady Raaf recently proposed, and saw passed with the Ministry of Order. You may wish to lead it, but you have only recently taken up a governorship."

He handed the text back to Imperius.

“There are other legions already in the works, and planned. Centralizing them will be a challenge as the two which exist are controlled by the Emperor or myself. Each serves their own strategic purpose. You may find support for this, but not all at once.”

Gerwald was not fully committing.

“This Order is not as weak or fragile as you may think. War with the Jedi is upon us. We have repelled them, but now we strike. If you truly seek unity, prove you can serve before you ask to lead. What we want is not too dissimilar, but those I work with also have a vision for what the Order could be. Show me that yours is the same, and I will promise the support of those in Assembly who seek a revival of sorts amongst this Order.”


Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

"It begs the question as to who is the Consort and who the ruler."

Darth Imperius was not known for nor would start to be known for not giving his direct thoughts. He took no offence by another one's opinion or view, even if it was wrong, delusional and blinded by personal attachment or not. There was no sense in being an Emperor's Wrath if the person could not speak their mind and give those that he deemed below him a hard time. It was his duty, to the Empire. Or the Empress? A curious difference that hopefully was none.

"I have seen the reaction of Darth Omnia on Susevfi and her intervention on Echnos. One a show of political acumen, the other certainly not. I am not a political creature and do not intend to lower myself to one, the Empire is a war machine and it requires correction. This correction will not happen by a mere written list of changes, it has to be shown to those too stuck to see it. I do not intend to let inaction and big words take the stage. Your worry is unfounded."

"The Stormtrooper bill that the Assembly passed is a validation of my view, Lord Wrath. It holds no merit as it was phrased and passed, it requires correction and amendment."

"The Legions, such as your own and whatever is in the works for III and IV, require the supervision and coordination of someone dedicated to military leadership. It will not interfere on their operational freedom, but the Empire's strategy and direction in war need to be overseen not by three vacant posts or an Emperor who has an Empire to reign. The duality of a Sith and an imperial can ensure professionalism and controls."

He iterated in response and was about to continue but paused. His gaze turned towards Eriadu and with the projection disappearing, his arm lowered. There was little reason to continue an effort of convincing and to pursue the topic further, it had no merit or would bare fruit at this point. Actions would speak louder.

"I am preparing operations against the Naboo, the petty souls of the Lost and the Mandalorians. My work has yielded some astonishing results and to bring them to our enemies, will deter their resolve in attacking us while we pursue the fight with the Alliance or offer them ample reason to march into the maws of an improved engine of war."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

"The Empire requires no such correction," Gerwald stated flatly. "You assume too much for someone who has barely been appointed governor with minimal to no presence in the events I laid at your feet."

Were his words meant to rebuke? There would be no mistaking it with the tone in which Gerwald offered it. The man was out of line and uninformed. He was striking at things he did not have knowledge of and was too new to the seat he currently occupied. The Dread Wolf would not tolerate the ramblings of ignorant Sith which felt they knew better simply because they remained in the dark recess of their own chambers plotting what they would do once they made themselves visible.

Gerwald was visible now, and had been. His work was known. The worlds of the Rimward Trade League fell at the feet of his raiders and his work. It was on the back of his legion the Order was expanding. Imperius was nothing more than a cog in a greater machine, one which assumed too much importance after having done so little.

Titles and declarations did not impress the Wolf. Actions did.

"The Naboo do not pose a threat. Attacking them now will only encourage them to attack us in return. If you march on them you had best be committed to annihilating them with great prejudice otherwise you will be personally responsible for any retaliation on their part."

"The Lost are dying and have been since Tion. You pounce on the weak after the machine of the Sith Order and the continued decimation of the Kanite occupation so close to their capital has kept them docile. Your engagement after the fact is not strategic, and the expense to reach them alone is not worth the engagement."

"The Mandalorians are the same as the Naboo. They have not encroached, nor have they cast off the shame and defeat which came at the hands of Darth Carnifex. They are a machine of war in their own right when they organize, but why give them a reason to?"

Gerwald shook his head.

"Nothing you have spoken of are the actions of deterrence. They will bring war to the Sith Order, and instead of destroying the Galactic Alliance, you would have us engaging four enemies at once. That is not wise, nor is it sound. It certainly does not demonstrate the foresight which is required by anyone aspiring to consolidate the control of the Sith Military."

His eyes drank in the dark side. The blue hue of them turning gold.

"If the Order is as weak as you propose it is, then you should not be doing anything to invite more enemies to the battle. If you wish to see reform, then you should join the Revivalist cause rather than work plans that are counter to it. The goal is simple in the sense that we wish to see the Order return to a place where it is guided by the Sith Code itself. There are those among our Order which have forgotten it, but they are not any of those whom you have named. I think you would be surprised who sits around that table."

"If you truly wish to prove yourself… do so on Woostri. Perhaps you will see just how well this machine actually works when each cog remains true to its function."


Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Darth Imperius remains unmoved. His eyes simply staring at the man that stood in front of him.

"I expect your martial skill to be superior to your political. Bringing arguments against a cause that two sentences ago was for the cause, is certainly a disappointment."

With that the figure turned towards Eriadu again, his gaze offering no expression, his tone unchanged. He could have been a statue that changed direction for all that mattered, one that seemed infused from podium to scalp with a barely held in place wrath, beyond an event horizon that nothing could see past, a heart of darkness, a singularity that could power stars.

"I am not asking for approval, nor do I require it. But to satisfy that side of yours, your overlord has given it. And with that you will have ample opportunity to witness what you have missed. Woostri, Naboo and whatever lies beyond, will offer the chance to test the temper you claim is present. Alas again an enemy unites this Order and the cogs will chew threw through what is inferior."

His eyes wandered to the man for the last time. "Revivalists? The cause sounds blatantly obvious and its simple existence confirms my point of view, even worse, it highlights that such a drastic move is necessary - for Sith to return to the Sith Code. I argue that those who do not follow it or need to be reminded of its existence, have neither place in this Empire nor one among the living."

"Unless you have another matter to address, I presume we will see each other again over Woostri. Force Serve, Lord Wrath." And except for if he would be stopped, the Dark Lord would turn towards the hangar's exit and stride towards it in long, calm steps.


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