Heir of Tenebrae

Eriadu | Dark King Hangar

The probably most important world of the Outer Rim was turning below the shadowy hull of the Dark King, its intersection of the biggest hyperspace lanes making it a strategic asset beyond any other in neighbouring sectors and the connection to the entire Galactic South. Eriadu had a history of imperial aspirations and imperial defiance, despite never being part of the last, unified Empire that arose from New Imperial Order, it always stood as a beacon for its values, for its inheritance to the New Order's most infamous individual. And his successor,

Darth Imperius oversaw the deployment of parts of his naval assets as well as accompanied the first bit of a journey of a convoy destined for Polis Massa and

It was here where he hoped to make the next step, not only for himself, but for the Empire and it required more than just a Governors' voice in the assembly to do. His ambitions for the Empire were not ending in the assembly either and it was the Dark Council and above that offered what he required. Since the conversation at the war declaration of the Diarchy, Imperius had been looking forward to meeting the Emperor's Wrath in a dedicated, official setting. He had seen, from afar and on screens, the very first Emperor's Wrath, his power undeniable, his treason unquestionable, similar to his successor. But as far as he knew, Lechner was utterly devoted to the Empress and Emperor.
The Dark Lord hoped that he would be equally or more devoted to the Sith Empire.

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