Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wrecking Ball

Allyson adjusted the cloth around her neck that her helmet rested on. She didn’t know if infiltrating a crime lord’s syndicate was such a good idea after all. She had been undercover for a few weeks and had suddenly gained the trust of the leader and she stood in the middle of his inner network watching him make deals. Today though, he seemed upset. Footsteps paced as she stood in line with four other guards. A prisoner had escaped while they were switching patrollers, this prisoner was something with vital information on a rival gang. Allyson wrinkled her nose under the helmet and thanked the Force the helmet had a mask to hide her face.

“Someone let that rat go. He knew too much! When I find out who released him…” There was a pause and the man looked over his shoulder at the four guards. “I’ll skin them alive”

That didn’t sound too entertaining or fun. Allyson remained still, doing her best to keep her heart rate normal. It proved to be too difficult and she shivered. The Lord made his way to the line and hovered over Allyson, who was tall, but it seemed this guy was the tallest of them all. “You have something to say?” The helmet shook quickly, but it didn’t help stave off the man from wanting to question her further. Looking towards the rest, he growled. “Leave!”

Allyson assumed this meant her too and quickly turned on her heel to leave the room, but she was quickly grabbed by the man and dragged back to where his desk was. He quickly tossed her and she pulled off the helmet and looked at him. She wasn’t going to sit here and just let him push her around like that. “Hey what was that for?!” She quickly snapped at him, breaking character which mean that she was about to let go that she was the one that released the man. A hand quickly reached out and struck her across the face. “You did it! I know all the guards I hire, who are you working for?!” Allyson didn’t answer, but a small BB unit appeared from under the desk and shocked the man in the ankle. “Get him bait!” With the Droid occupying him, Allyson was able to send out an SOS to anyone in the area.

Hopefully someone would show up, because now the entire complex was starting to fill up with guards. “This...doesn’t look too good.” [member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
To be honest, Gavin would never had found out that the argument happening in that little office was more than an internal spat... except that a certain ex-prisoner had almost literally run into him. So, with one hand on the gun that was pointed at the man's head, and the other on the comm unit that was tapping into the internal channels in the building. The guy he was holding at gunpoint looked at the comm when a woman's voice came out of it.

"Hey, that's the chick who broke me out. They caught her, I guess. Oh, well."

Gavin looked at the guy a look, then just whipped him in the forehead with the butt of his blaster. Ungrateful little frakker. He put away the comm and grabbed a speeder, praying a little that the owner wasn't one of those people who had a tank to deal with thieves. A gigantic hole in his chest would be a little much to have to regenerate. Hot wiring the vehicle wasn't necessary, so he just smashed everything but the steering controls and floored the pedal. Instant battering ram.

The SOS came over his comm right as the speeder went smashing through the wall of the building. Gavin quickly hopped out of it and dusted himself off, looking for an escape route as the engine began to catch on fire. Hmm... He stomped once, and the floor gave way under him... he drew his gun as he fell, but his preparedness meant nothing when he fell on his face into the room the woman was in. Frak.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson flipped behind the desk and kicked it, a small firefight had broken out as she and her BB-unit bait hid behind the boss man’s desk. Cursing, she reloaded the small pistol she kept on her and waited till the firing finished. She pooped out from the top of the desk and started to fire towards the man and the 3 goons that slipped in when they heard the boss yelling and start to open fire. Allyson unloaded the clip and then ducked back down behind the desk. Bait opened up his compartment and another clip rested inside. “Thanks, I think we’ve gotten ourselves a bit too deep Bait.” The little droid beeped and understood what she was saying. “Yeah, probably should send Kai that video we prerecorded. Alright go ah--”

The roof creaked and the gunfire stopped. Blinking, Allyson raised her hand towards the droid to pause him from sending that goodbye video to the girl back on Borleias. The roof cracked and then suddenly a man fell from the roof and landed face first. It seemed to surprise everyone in the room so much that no one opened fire as everyone just began to gather around the man. “Uh...what…” Allyson crept from behind the desk and headed towards the guy using the dust he created as a cover. It seemed that the drug lord and his lackies got bored waiting to see what happened and quickly opened fire once more.

“Not good!” Ally began to drag the guy behind the desk or basically cover him before he got an arse full of blasters and slugs. One of the blaster bolts nicked her shoulder and she cursed and let go of him as she grabbed her shoulder. “Get up!” She pulled down one of the file cabinets and crouched behind it and began to open fire. “Who ever you are - hopefully you’re on my side and conscious!” [member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
"I'm fine! Just stay down here, will you?"

The fall had hurt for sure, but nothing was even broken, let alone permanently damaged. Gavin rolled onto his back to pull his gun out and check that it was loaded. He tossed a savage grin at this unnamed woman he'd apparently not-quite-rescued, then stood straight up behind the desk in a way that would've gotten most humanoids shot to pieces. Time to earn his pay and pretty much violate the Vitae's no-kill rule in a million different ways, all at the same time.


Gavin began to sort of haphazardly take aim at anything and everything that wasn't on their side of the makeshift barrier. His jacket, the shirt under it, and his skin were probably starting to bear a resemblance to a torn-up stuffed animal... except with bullets and vlaster burns. He shrugged them off. Welcome to the Gen'dai life.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Allyson’s eye twitched slightly as she watched him. He was something else, something different and she was happy that he was fighting on her side for the most part. His body took the bullets like they were nothing and she just remained in cover while she tried to figure out this was all working out. Blinking, she tried to understand what was going on. Shaking her head, she decided she would figure this out later and popped her head up from where she was hiding and fired a few shots towards one of the goons that was already pretty hurt from when the other guy fell in.

A few quick shots from her blaster burned through the goon’s forehead and he fell. She moved to reload the blaster and she looked over at the man. “Don’t die and I’ll get you dinner for help me out!” Grinning, she popped back up and fired shots towards the big boss who seemed too quiet for his own good. Allyson looked towards where she had last seen him, the man moved out from behind his desk with a bomb strapped to him and he cackled.


Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Gavin was having the time of his life. Having to fish bullets out later didn't even cross his mind as he took 'em, returned the favor, and just laughed his ass off at the little men and their automatic weapons. He turned and winked at the woman behind the file cabinet when he heard her mention dinner. Damn right was she getting him food after this. His trigger finger was starting to get sore.

The blonde Gen'dai's good humor paled a little when he saw the bomb on the big guy's chest. Sure, he'd survive it, but the chick and her thin metal cover wouldn't... and the engine of the speeder that still hadn't exploded yet also wouldn't. Two explosions was a little more than he was willing to deal with. He scooped the woman's squeaky little droid up and jumped straight towards her, smashing the window next to her. He pushed the droid into her arms and puled her into his grip, nodding towards the window.

"You're gonna hate this idea."

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Bombs, they weren’t the best thing if you were on the receiving end of them. Looking over at the man who was seemingly enjoying this she smirked. It was a good thing he was on her side for the most part. She continued to shoot at the other lackeys that hadn’t perished, but the guy with the bomb, no not a good idea. As she tried to work out in her mind how she was going to get out of this and not lose a few limbs, the man appeared near her.

Bait was shoved into her arms and she blinked giving him a quizzical look. He was pretty quick and seemed to have a plan already. His notion towards the window made Allyson look and then look back at him like he was crazy. “Of course I’m not going to like it, but…” Frowning, she sighed. This was going to be the tree situation all over again. “Alright let’s go! I can’t think of anything better!”

Getting the general idea, Bait used his utility wires to tie himself to Allyson, this allowed her to hold onto the man with a full grip. Before they burst through the window or do whatever the man had planned, Allyson pulled down her goggles from her forehead. At least her eyes would be protected. Pushing herself into him, she put all her trust into his plan. “Go for it!”

The man with the bomb started to creep closer and he pushed a button which started a count down. “ILL SEE YE ALL IN CHAOS!!!” The countdown only had 5 seconds hopefully enough time for the pair to react. [member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
Noise, glass, then nothing but air. Then a sudden whoomph as the bomb, and then the wrecked speeder, exploded. It seemed very much like the whole building bent over as the floors on between the two explosions collapsed in on themselves. Gavin didn't envy whoever was standing there on the street in front of that right now.

He had more practical worries now, though. Like the fact that the two of them were falling faster than he could control, and that they were heading straight into the air traffic below. He had the wind knocked out of him the first time they landed on one of the speeders, momentarily having to recover from a few broken vertebrae. They rolled straight off, onto another speeder, which swerved and made them fall into the back of a cargo truck full of what looked like compost.

Gavin gently pat the woman's back with his hand. He was fairly sure she was still breathing. Hardy girl.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
[SIZE=10pt]On several occasions Allyson has made the statement of ‘I’m durable’, getting launched into a tree by a rather competitive force user was one instance where she believed her statement. Though this was on a whole different scale of durability. She tried to keep her eyes closed, but once she felt the free fall, she opened her eyes and in an instant her short life flashed before her eyes. Of course it was all the good parts. Thud after thud and then the landing into the compost, Allyson tried to make sense of everything that was happening. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The pat on her back brought her mind back from the trip it had just taken. She placed Bait next to her who had recorded the entire thing. He quickly uploaded it to the holonet and watched it in his memory core over and over again with excited whistles. Allyson coughed a little mostly to clear her throat and to make sure she could still breath. Looking over her shoulder she smirked. “You’re insane. I like you.” Rotating her body, she shifted and sighed softly. The relief of surviving that ordeal washed over her and she started to laugh. “That was so crazy! I mean I’m upset that I screwed my cover, but oh Force that was INSANE!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Holding out her hand she extended it to the man that saved her life. “Allyson Locke and you are?” [/SIZE][member="Gavin XIII"]

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
"Gavin. Gimmie a sec, I think I'm paralyzed."

He groaned and winced a little bit as broken ribs reattached and he had the lovely experience of having his spine repair itself. He shook himself a little afterwards, feeling just the slightest bit grossed out. Breaking his back was really a new one. He slowly began picking bits of shrapnel out of his chest as he watched Allyson's droid play the video of the whole thing. After a few seconds of mulling it over, he decided that there wouldn't have been another way to go about it. Being an indestructible maniac was what he was good at.

"Alright, there, I can feel my legs again. So... Allyson? You're buying me that dinner, no question."

He gave her a joking smirk, relaxing into the pile of trash and staring up at the sky. Nice view.

[member="Allyson Locke"]
Never in a million years did Allyson think she’d find herself riding rather comfortably on a pile of trash through the streets. It was something that you only really saw in the holo films when the heroes of the story finally escaped the bad guy’s strong hold and they were off and then the credits rolled. Looking up towards the sky she sighed softly and realized that she did dodge a bullet there, with the help of the eccentric man beside her. As much as she wanted to dip out of the dinner offer, she returned his smirk and shrugged.

“Guess I have to. I mean without you making that rather risky decision - that could have killed us or worse ruined my cute face, guess I do owe you that dinner.”

The droid settled into the nearest trash bag and beeped a few times only to remind Allyson that she shouldn’t make too many promises or her bank account was going to start screaming at her. The droid beeped again as if he was laughing as he replayed the video of them jumping out of the window. Allyson frowned and looked once more to Gavin. “Pick a place and you got your dinner.” [member="Gavin XIII"]

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