Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wren Vissar

Wren Vissar

Name: Wren Vissar
Age: Twenty
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125 pounds

Faction: The Outer Rim Coalition
Rank: New Jedi Knight/ Judge
Force-Sensitive 1-10: 6

Wren is described by many people as dry. She responds to anything she finds stupid with blunt sarcasm, which she finds she has to use often because as she says "Humans are just ignorant and it makes me sad." She is brutally honest, not lying about anything, even if that social situation would go more smoothly if she did. Her honesty is not derived from a lack of knowledge of social standards, but from Wren genuinely not caring if she hurts someone else's feelings. She has a very strong opinion that if it is true, it should be stated whether hurtful or not. The galaxy doesn't have time for dishonesty. She is very intelligent but also very arrogant. While Wren does not brag in an obvious way, her actions make it clear that she has been infected by pride, causing concern for her by many of her fellow Jedi. When the concern is expressed to her she either acts offended or blows it off, saying she "doesn't care." She has no friends due to being so unpleasant and prefers the company of books. When people try to get close to her, she insults them and berates them until they give up.

While Wren may sound like an insufferable prick, there is a reason she is a Jedi. She is selfless, always going out of her way to help someone who is in danger. Wren is fiercely loyal to the New Jedi Order, despite saying she thinks "every Jedi is an ignorant sheep." Wren has a soft spot for children and will always be kind to them, dropping her angsty exterior around them. She also likes animals. (Especially porgs, because who doesn't like porgs?)She sometimes, secretly, nurses sick animals back to health. If anybody tried to ask her about this she would threaten to dismember them.

Wren keeps up the "arrogant prick" facade perhaps because she has a deep dislike for herself. She has trouble getting up in the morning due to feelings of defeat and inadequacy and has missed Jedi duties due to oversleeping and then deciding it wasn't worth it. Wren has earned a reputation for being someone with potential who is "horribly lazy." She often forgets to eat due to having skewed priorities and only remembers when she is having hunger pains. Wren puts herself in dangerous situations for seemingly no reason, which confuses everyone around her.

Strengths and Weaknesses
(+) Intelligent, Clever
Wren has been formally educated and has good problem-solving skills. She is analytical and a quick thinker. She is also street smart, able to solve real-world issues using her head. She is usually logical when it comes to these issues. This gives her major advantages in fights as she can usually come up with a clever approach that will win the fight.

(+) Physically Healthy, Fairly Strong
Wren is not exceptionally strong but she is definitely healthy and sturdy. She doesn't often get sick and her tiredness is mental instead of physical. She is skinny enough to be lithe and quick but at a decent enough weight to not be frail.

(+) Trained in combat and the Force
Wren knows martial arts to an extent though she is by no means a master at it, she knows enough to keep herself alive. While she isn't exceptionally tuned in with the Force, she can use it for many things.

(-/+) Brave, Loyal
While bravery is considered a good trait, sometimes she puts herself in danger. She can take risks that would get herself hurt. Though she acts like she doesn't care about other people she would throw self-preservation in the garbage to protect them.

(-/+) Merciful
Mercy is a Jedi-trait, but Wren is extremely reluctant to kill. She could easily make the mistake of letting someone live and then having that person turn around and kill her instead. Wren would only kill if she knew the person was a true monster.

(-/+) Poker-Face
Wren is extremely fearful of what will happen to others if she fails in her duties and often gets anxious. She is good at masking her fears though and acting completely calm. It is extremely hard to tell Wren is anxious at all. She covers it with snark and sarcasm.

(-) Isolated
Wren has very few people who enjoy her presence which is nobody's fault but her own. If it came down to it, not a whole lot of people would stand in her corner or back her up. She pushes everyone away due to feeling like a burden.

(-) Self-Doubt, Lethargy
Wren thinks she is a disgusting, selfish person. This fact makes her lethargic and unmotivated. She often doesn't attempt things because she is afraid to fail. She stays in her house and avoids responsibilities because she often can't find a reason to make herself try. This is a flaw she is trying to overcome.

Soresu: 8/10
Djem So: 6/10
All other forms: 3/10 (She only focused on two because y not)
Speed: 6/10
Strength: 5/10

Wren was raised by two loving parents and then became a Padawan in the New Jedi Order once she was discovered as Force Sensitive. Nothing eventful really happened from there. The most notable thing that happened in her teenage years was her friend almost being dismissed from the Jedi Order for causing a small fire, which in reality Wren accidentally caused. She never admitted it or talked to the friend again. Years passed and she completed training and became a Jedi Knight. Wren has seen very little combat, only fighting on "keeping the peace" tasks, such as stopping spice traders and breaking up conflict. She has never had a run in with a Sith.


*this song is not descriptive of Wren's personality at all, but rather what she thinks she is.

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