Jorus Merrill
is mek bote
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Make: Kathol Republic (member state of the Outer Rim Coalition)
Model: Lotekk DST bulk cruiser
Colour: Gray
Trade-In Value: Est. 120,000,000cr
Size Classification: Star Destroyer
Mission Profile: Deep Space Transport
Combat Role: A Lotekk DST is a bulk cruiser meant for solo runs through the Kathol Outback and stranger parts of Wild Space. Heavily shielded, armed, and armored, a Lotekk is a well-balanced combat ship in its own right. It can deploy a limited escort of defensive interceptors and scout fighters. Since a Lotekk is only cost-effective when running hefty cargoes, though, commanders take no unnecessary risks. A Lotekk can survive most pirate attacks, but isn't optimal for a front-line battle. Some ORC armadas use Lotekk DSTs as combat resupply coordinators and providers.
Tech Level: Comparable to a Mid Rim government
Sensor Range: Extended. Lotekk DSTs need excellent situational awareness to avoid piracy and other Wild Space hazards.
Hyperdrive Range: 40,000ly at Class 1.0
Sublight Fuel Capacity: Interplanetary. Lotekk DSTs can make long sublight trips through complex systems of inhabited moons and planets, and cross systems to the best hyperdrive jump points.
Cargo Lift Mass: Extreme. A Lotekk DST can haul as much transorbital cargo as its massive bays can hold. Reinforced bulkheads, redundant inertial dampeners, stasis fields, tensor fields, and military-grade repulsorlift arrays let the Lotekk transport anything from fresh food to dense ore.
Supply Capacity: Two years, though monthly fresh food restock is recommended.
Amenities: Life on a Lotekk DST is plain and uncompromising. Leisure time is a pair of headphones and a novel while chilling in your bunk. Notable amenities include a medical bay specializing in immunization, and plenty of opportunities for shore leave on exotic worlds.
System Strain Resistance: Extreme. Heavy cap stabilizers and self-repair protocols let a Lotekk shrug off solar flares and piratical ion bombardments.
Points of Strain: Storage, engines, and defenses were higher design priorities than offensive firepower. Once a Lotekk starts taking real damage, the first major systems to fail will probably be the turbolaser batteries. Consider it an extra few minutes to align to an escape vector, even though shooting back won't be an option at that point.
Make: Kathol Republic (member state of the Outer Rim Coalition)
Model: Lotekk DST bulk cruiser
Colour: Gray
Trade-In Value: Est. 120,000,000cr
Size Classification: Star Destroyer
Mission Profile: Deep Space Transport
Combat Role: A Lotekk DST is a bulk cruiser meant for solo runs through the Kathol Outback and stranger parts of Wild Space. Heavily shielded, armed, and armored, a Lotekk is a well-balanced combat ship in its own right. It can deploy a limited escort of defensive interceptors and scout fighters. Since a Lotekk is only cost-effective when running hefty cargoes, though, commanders take no unnecessary risks. A Lotekk can survive most pirate attacks, but isn't optimal for a front-line battle. Some ORC armadas use Lotekk DSTs as combat resupply coordinators and providers.
Tech Level: Comparable to a Mid Rim government
Sensor Range: Extended. Lotekk DSTs need excellent situational awareness to avoid piracy and other Wild Space hazards.
Hyperdrive Range: 40,000ly at Class 1.0
Sublight Fuel Capacity: Interplanetary. Lotekk DSTs can make long sublight trips through complex systems of inhabited moons and planets, and cross systems to the best hyperdrive jump points.
Cargo Lift Mass: Extreme. A Lotekk DST can haul as much transorbital cargo as its massive bays can hold. Reinforced bulkheads, redundant inertial dampeners, stasis fields, tensor fields, and military-grade repulsorlift arrays let the Lotekk transport anything from fresh food to dense ore.
Supply Capacity: Two years, though monthly fresh food restock is recommended.
Amenities: Life on a Lotekk DST is plain and uncompromising. Leisure time is a pair of headphones and a novel while chilling in your bunk. Notable amenities include a medical bay specializing in immunization, and plenty of opportunities for shore leave on exotic worlds.
System Strain Resistance: Extreme. Heavy cap stabilizers and self-repair protocols let a Lotekk shrug off solar flares and piratical ion bombardments.
Points of Strain: Storage, engines, and defenses were higher design priorities than offensive firepower. Once a Lotekk starts taking real damage, the first major systems to fail will probably be the turbolaser batteries. Consider it an extra few minutes to align to an escape vector, even though shooting back won't be an option at that point.