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Wretched Hive - Ship Notebook

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Make: Kathol Republic (member state of the Outer Rim Coalition)

Model: Lotekk DST bulk cruiser

Colour: Gray

Trade-In Value: Est. 120,000,000cr

Size Classification: Star Destroyer

Mission Profile: Deep Space Transport

Combat Role: A Lotekk DST is a bulk cruiser meant for solo runs through the Kathol Outback and stranger parts of Wild Space. Heavily shielded, armed, and armored, a Lotekk is a well-balanced combat ship in its own right. It can deploy a limited escort of defensive interceptors and scout fighters. Since a Lotekk is only cost-effective when running hefty cargoes, though, commanders take no unnecessary risks. A Lotekk can survive most pirate attacks, but isn't optimal for a front-line battle. Some ORC armadas use Lotekk DSTs as combat resupply coordinators and providers.

Tech Level: Comparable to a Mid Rim government

Sensor Range: Extended. Lotekk DSTs need excellent situational awareness to avoid piracy and other Wild Space hazards.

Hyperdrive Range: 40,000ly at Class 1.0

Sublight Fuel Capacity: Interplanetary. Lotekk DSTs can make long sublight trips through complex systems of inhabited moons and planets, and cross systems to the best hyperdrive jump points.

Cargo Lift Mass: Extreme. A Lotekk DST can haul as much transorbital cargo as its massive bays can hold. Reinforced bulkheads, redundant inertial dampeners, stasis fields, tensor fields, and military-grade repulsorlift arrays let the Lotekk transport anything from fresh food to dense ore.

Supply Capacity: Two years, though monthly fresh food restock is recommended.

Amenities: Life on a Lotekk DST is plain and uncompromising. Leisure time is a pair of headphones and a novel while chilling in your bunk. Notable amenities include a medical bay specializing in immunization, and plenty of opportunities for shore leave on exotic worlds.

System Strain Resistance: Extreme. Heavy cap stabilizers and self-repair protocols let a Lotekk shrug off solar flares and piratical ion bombardments.

Points of Strain: Storage, engines, and defenses were higher design priorities than offensive firepower. Once a Lotekk starts taking real damage, the first major systems to fail will probably be the turbolaser batteries. Consider it an extra few minutes to align to an escape vector, even though shooting back won't be an option at that point.
Zephyr Carrick, a Mando from Clan Verd, contracted the Hive to overhaul a heavy fighter into a personal transport. He asked for good sensors and limited stealth. I told him we can deliver. Shenna'vala is taking charge of this one personally. She likes ugly boys, and Carrick has a face like the back end of a dinko. On an unrelated note, she's decided to name the ship 'The Dinko.’

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Make: Koensayr, aftermarket modifications by the Wretched Hive

Model: STL-90 Assault Fighter

Colour: Off-white

Trade-In Value: 140,000cr stock, close to 200,000 including modifications.

Size Classification: Light freighter

Mission Profile: Personal transport

Combat Role: The Dinko has the old Koensayr toughness and token weapons, but it's not suitable for more than incidental combat encounters. Good sensors and a modest stealth field (a sensor mask that does nothing against advanced sensors or the naked eye) are the Dinko’s first line of defense. Like many personal transports, it's best suited to avoiding fights. Weapons include a pair of laser cannon turrets and a single concussion missile bay.

Tech Level: Mid Rim military

Sensor Range: Long/extended. The Dinko has the sensor suite of a dedicated scout fighter. A big scanning array on a specialized ship will see the Dinko coming before it's seen, but nothing else will.

Hyperdrive Range: 20,000ly at Class 0.8. We upgraded the heck out of this: a personal courier needs more range and speed than a starfighter.

Sublight Fuel Capacity: Transorbital. The ship is too small, and has too many other components, to fit fuel tanks for cross-system jaunts. Pity we couldn't fit them in.

Cargo Lift Mass: 1 metric ton. The Dinko has strong engines and repulsors, but the limiting factors are the tiny cargo bay and its unimpressive structural reinforcement. The sensor mask and the beefed-up hyperdrive took up too much space. I recommend bringing luggage, personal weapons, and maybe a speeder bike or two.

Supply Capacity: One month if flying solo; a week or two with passengers. Fresh food stasis cabinet.

Amenities: Miniature medical bay, mouse droid control node, multispectral long-range sensor interface, two small residence suites, integrated solo command/tactical chair.

System Strain Resistance: Medium to high. There's so many sensitive components, it'd be a crime not to put in a cap drain. Once weapons get through the shields and armor, though, those systems will start to fail pretty quickly.

Points of Strain: The first system to die if the ship takes damage will definitely be the long-range sensors - they're just too finicky. Next would be the weapons. The most protected systems are the sensor mask, the engines, and the hyperdrive. Everything else is secondary to getting the Dinko's owner where he needs to go in an emergency, as quickly and quietly as possible.
I built this ship for a nobleman named [member="Eddak Manod"] in trade for a gorgeous old pirate ship called the 'Argosy'.

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Make: Kathol Republic (a member state of the Outer Rim Coalition), aftermarket modifications by the Wretched Hive

Model: Ambit-class, modified

Colour: White

Trade-In Value: 2,500,000cr

Size Classification: Frigate

Mission Profile: Missile sniper, pocket carrier

Combat Role: The Alabaster is designed to engage - and remain - at long range. It carries a couple of dozen small, fast Vulture droid starfighters, but its primary armament is a missile bay. Long-range intruder missiles cause little hull damage but deliver serious punishment to shields. The Alabaster uses powerful engines to stay far away from its enemies and far ahead of their weapons fire. In a perfect world, the Alabaster will kite around an enemy frigate or cruiser, staying out of range of most enemy weapons, take down enemy shields with long-range intruder missiles, and sit back to watch the Vultures do their job.

Tech Level: Comparable to Mid Rim military.

Sensor Range: Long, comparable to a command ship or dedicated scout ship.

Hyperdrive Range: 20,000 light-years at class 1.2, suitable for protecting a couple of sectors.

Sublight Fuel Capacity: Interplanetary. The Alabaster is fully capable of fighting a running battle across a solar system at sublight speeds.

Cargo Lift Mass: Low. The Alabaster needs to carry huge volumes of missiles, leaving no room for other cargoes.

Supply Capacity: Six weeks of consumables and four average battles’ worth of missiles. The Alabaster needs to operate near friendly ports or guaranteed supply lines.

Amenities: The Alabaster is a lethal little ship, not a luxury yacht. It has only the most limited medical and entertainment options.

System Strain Resistance: Low. The Alabaster has many complex systems and no room for bulky cap drains or self-repair systems. Ion cannons can wreak havoc on it.

Points of Strain: The Alabaster has a thin hull and weak shields. If it starts taking serious damage, or gets stuck in a short-range brawl, it will need to flee. Any major damage could be catastrophic. Fortunately, intruder missiles aren't especially vulnerable to sympathetic detonation if hit. However, any serious damage to the ship can throw off the missiles’ sensitive electronics in a variety of ways.
I built this sucker for Joza's dad, [member="Zef Halo"]. Couldn't settle on a name for the longest time, so I called it the Longest Time.

Reference Image: “Space Courier” by Cassio Fernandes, found at

Make: Silk Holdings, aftermarket modifications by the Wretched Hive

Model: Perru-class Courier

Colour: Orange and blue

Trade-In Value: 350,000cr

Size Classification: Light corvette

Mission Profile: Transports small groups and vital supplies between remote destinations, through hostile or lawless territory.

Combat Role: Not much. The Longest Time is good at avoiding fights: it's got solid sensors and engines, plus a stripped hyperspace countdown and a dang good navigation package. Bare-bones shielding and a couple laser cannons are all she wrote.

Tech Level: Core Worlds military. It's a good one.

Sensor Range: Long, comparable to a scout ship or a command ship.

Hyperdrive Range: 110,000 lightyears at class point three, backup class ten.

Sublight Fuel Capacity: Intersystem. You can get pretty much anywhere within a single system in a few days.

Cargo Lift Mass: 200 tons, a little on the low side for a ship this size but more than enough to play light freighter.

Supply Capacity: For a crew of six, maybe two months. Start taking on passengers and you'll need to pick up fresh food every time you hit a gas station.

Amenities: Retractable card table, guest bunks, sonic showers, stasis refrigerator, not a lot else.

System Strain Resistance: High. Between redundant cap drains and some solid wiring, this ship can survive fighter-scale ion fire, Chiss nets, and your average EMP detonation.

Points of Strain: First thing to go when things get dicey will be the shield generators, and those aren't easy to fix. The main hold isn't as protected as it could be: after a solid hit or two, the Longest Time might just leave a trail of cargo. Not ideal. I recommend not getting shot too much, whenever possible.
Shenna'vala threw this boat together for a Jedi kid named [member="Ember Farseer"]. Not a lot of money involved, but we had the parts and the hull on hand and it's for a good cause.

Reference Image: “Fallen Skiff” by Joseph Cross, found at

Make: Silk Holdings, aftermarket modifications by the Wretched Hive

Model: Silverfin-class Fighter-Bomber

Colour: Gray-green once we were done with it.

Trade-In Value: 150,000cr

Size Classification: Subcapital

Mission Profile: Personal transport, Jedi expeditionary craft.

Combat Role: Not a lot. It's middling quick and I kept the military shields, but most of the teeth had to go. It's still got two fixed cannons, a dorsal ion turret from a Y-Wing, and a ventral antipersonnel autoblaster - what I'd call the bare minimum for Outer Rim survival.

Tech Level: Started out as Core Worlds military, but it's heavily stripped and modded to what I'd consider Rim standard.

Sensor Range: Standard, stock.

Hyperdrive Range: 30,000 light-years at class one, backup class ten. You'll need to stop for gas every couple of sectors, and it'll take you a pit stop or two to get from the Rim to the Core by superlane. Still better than a lot of fighters, though, and I'm glad Shenna crammed in that backup drive.

Sublight Fuel Capacity: Orbital. Going from orbit to surface, or from a planet to its moon, is fine. Long haul is not.

Cargo Lift Mass: 50 tons, and that took some doing. This isn't a freighter, after all.

Supply Capacity: One really uncomfortable month for a single pilot. Room and life support capacity for two passengers if necessary, but only for a couple of weeks. We're talking emergency rations, too: this ship doesn't exactly have room for a kitchen.

Amenities: High-efficiency chemical toilet, two folding bunks, medpacks, mini medical droid, small holo library.

System Strain Resistance: Average. It's got a cap drain, so an ion cannon ought to take a good few shots to knock it out. The ship's solid, too: damage isn't going to do a whole lot to system function, not right off the bat.

Points of Strain: That long thin etheric rudder might help the boat make good turns, but it's vulnerable. If it goes, good luck aligning to your best escape vector. You might need to make a blind jump or buy enough time to recalculate for a new destination.

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