Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Writers of Chaos, What are you interested in at the moment?

What kind of threads are you interested in currently?

  • PvP

  • Social

  • Internal Faction Stories [Dominions and such threads]

  • Map Game/Expansion

  • Credit & Politicking

  • Faction vs Faction Threads [Skirmishes, Invasions etc]

  • Open Threads

  • Did I miss one. Comment it

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I'd set this to allow multiple answers :) I can't speak for others, but I usually like most of the above and have variety.

PvP, invasions or skirmishes are really cool, but it's also fun to do aftermath stories. Socials can be great in addition to further develop relationships between characters and a mix of internal and cross faction keeps things interesting for developing stories as well.

So I'd say I'm interested in most of the options, but just not too much of one thing. Variety is good for the muse.


Too many characters, I have
For me, I'm really high on Warposting and Faction v Faction threads.

My internal personal stories can always keep going, but there's something really fun for me to write these large scale war stories, especially getting to use all the work I put into the factory in a meaningful way.

That said, I'm really proud of all the work I've done with internal stuff, and it's always good to have that to fall back on. Jonyna's story with becoming a Council member and taking a leadership role within the NJO is really fun to write out.
I'm fond of political/corporate intrigue that carries on through multiple stories, branching out into a big overall picture! Such a tangled web that can be woven, full of danger and mystery! Adding to that I'm learning how to co-write a bit of action, although the process is a bit slow given that I'm just getting started, ha ha! Social stories are part and parcel to the political ones and I find that they compliment one another, nicely!
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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
It really depends on the character, but as long as I am in a really good story, I'm golden. Whether it be an epic battle (like the attempted annihilation of Tython) or a character building defeat in a fight (nudges Darth Kizash Darth Kizash )my favorite aspect of writing and reading is "feeling it".

Even if it is just sitting in a kitchen eating a grilled cheese.

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