Lysle of the Hydian Way
Silent and Violent

Deep within the bowels of Nar Shaddaa was a lonesome nightclub. The VonSchlitchen sat on the line of poverty and wealth. In some ways, it separated them and in others it brought them together. Rich and poor congregated in the club, but the building itself was the last line of neon lights to be seen before the ocean of slums that clung to the outer rim of the sprawling city. It was nearby here that the scoundrel Lysle Rigger relaxed, sitting from the railings of a balcony.
He watched with undying curiosity the dealings of the denizens. Their shady back-alley trades of narcotics to the gutter-side tattoo artists. He spied a particular man walking around with a Ysalamir hung on his shoulder, offering it for outrages prices to the curious. Some took holographs of themselves with the exotic lizard. His mind began to drift as the ocean of scum washed down the street.
[member="Pollux Alrai"], [member="Sigourney Xanthius"]