Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wulrenkit Claymus


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Wulrenkit Claymus

Species: Zorren
Gender: Male
Height: 1.8 Meters
Weight: 115 kg
Force Sensitive: Yes
Voice: "Opie"

Built with an imposing Physique, Wulrenkit has always stood a head above his peers and being built like a freighter, is strong, even for his species. Finding him in a crowd isn’t difficult, one only needs to look for a head of silver hair towering over those around him. As an untrialed Zorren, Wulrenkit appears for all intents and purposes, human, with blue eyes lacking the fangs, claw, and tail of his trialed brethren.

Lightsaber(Blue balde)

Wulrenkit was never seen as the smartest or the wisest of his cohorts. But he was often described as among the kindest. Trusting and generous, Wulrenkit believes heavily in the bonds of friendship and family and has been described as loyal to a fault. Normality pacifistic, he shoes any need of violence, even as he shows a shocking aptitude for it when that need becomes unavoidable.

Strong as the Wolf: Wulrenkit has always been large for his age, and he knows how to use his strength.
A friendly Face: Trusting and Kind, Wulrenkit has a habit of seeking friends no matter where he is.
Force User: Wulrenkit has been blessed with the ability to sense and use the force

Slow Thinker: For all his strength, Wulrenkit was never what one would call, intellectually inclined.
Naive: Wulrenkit can be trusting to a fault, often wanting to see the best in others.
Limited Potential: While capable of using the force, Wulrenkit has shown a distinct difficulty in learning abilities beyond physical enhancement.

Born on Veradune during its time of reconstruction, Wulrenkit learned from a young age the values of cooperation and community. Always happy to help, he built his considerable strength through his efforts in construction. During this time, Wulrenkit started to show signs of force sensitivity, and would be brought to the attention of the Veran Wilders.

Wulrenkit’s training with the Wilders was, to say the least, difficult. He showed some promise in controlling earth in the way of the elements, though his instructors were constantly frustrated by his lack of progress in the way of the whispering wilds, and his inability to connect with the beasts of Veradune in a way that would allow him to be a true shifter. This lack of progress however, came to the forefront during a routine sparring match with one of his peers.

Frustrated by failure and his inability to understand his studies, Wulrenkit unleashed his fury in a display of Feral Rage. While not exactly banned by the Sect to which he belonged, the ability was certainly frowned upon as the lack of control could be dangerous, as evidenced by the severe injuries dealt to Wulrenkit’s sparring partner. After being subdued by his teachers, Wulrenkit came to with only a foggy memory of what had happened.

Aggrieved by his loss of control, Wulrenkit left his sect and moved towards the core in an effort to join the Wilders’ efforts of cooperation with the jedi. His goal was simple. To help others while finding peace and control for himself.​
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