Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Order Database...
First Order Fleet
Starfighter Corps
Special Forces
Name: WX-890, name when conscripted: Kilric Dysar
Faction: First Order, Starfighter Corps
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 6 foot even
Weight: 170 lbs, within flight standard
Hair: N/A, cut to First Order regulation
Eyes: Brown
Skin color: White
Species: Human, 100%
Force Status: Force Dead


Recorded Strengths:

+Fit - As per First Order pilot standards, WX-890 exceeds the physical fitness of the average civilian. On top of being in the Special Forces division of our starfighter corps, he even exceeds the fitness of our average soldiers and starfighter pilots.

+Intelligence - As per criteria, WX-890 has been ran through a multitude of aptitude tests and simulations regarding flight strategies and combat, as well as how to repair a variety of vehicles and starfighters, and operate the same amount of vehicles as well.

Recorded Neutral Traits:

+/- Conformist - WX-890 follows orders and executes them almost immediately without any doubt. This may bring rise to problems within standard units that have morals and ethics, causing them to hesitate when following orders.

+/- - Undying will - WX-890 refuses to give up on an objective. No matter how outnumbered, outmanned, or outgunned the First Order is, he will proceed to fight to the death to complete an assignment.

Recorded Negative Traits:

- Personality lacking - WX-890 lacks the personality that any volunteered trooper would have. Due to his being conscripted into the First Order, he was trained as a soldier since he was a young boy. This stripped him of his childhood, and although he has various positive traits, he lacks personality.

- Skeptical - WX-890 is very skeptical when it comes to new members of a Flight, Squadron, or even new high command being appointed among the First Order.


Appearance: WX-890's physical appearance has not changed throughout the years. When not bearing the SF Fighter pilot helmet, he has a bald head, hair completely shaven off when it shows signs of growing. He has no facial hair, and no identifying marks such as scars on his face. One thing that makes him identifiable, however, is an engraving in the side of his helmet that has yet gone to be noticed by high command or FOSB officers.

Ship: First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter, shown below.


Kills: None, yet.
Bounties Collected: N/A

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