Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wynter Rackham 2.0




Age: 34
Species: Near-Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.83m
Build: Athletic, Strong


Wynter Rackham has a striking appearance with sharp, defined features and a somewhat brooding expression. He has dark, tousled hair that often falls into his intense, piercing eyes. His complexion is fair, hinting at his noble lineage. He sports a rugged beard that enhances his rogueish charm. His athletic build and strong physique are the results of years spent surviving on the streets and in space.


Wynter is a man shaped by a life of hardship and survival, and it shows in his ruthless and greedy nature. Always looking for ways to come out on top, he has become a hardened survivor, willing to take extreme measures to achieve his goals. His belief in self-reliance and distrust of authority, whether it be the Alliance or the Imperials, drives his actions. He operates under the principle that everyone has a price and everything is for sale. Despite his cutthroat demeanor, there lies a soft spot in him for vulnerable people struggling to make ends meet, a reminder of his own difficult past. This flicker of empathy occasionally influences his decisions, adding a layer of complexity to his otherwise ruthless persona.


  • Athletic and Strong: Years of physical activity have honed his body.
  • Ace Pilot: Excellent at piloting various ships, especially under pressure.
  • Close-Quarters Combatant: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons.
  • Extremely Lucky: Wynter has a latent Force sensitivity that manifests as extraordinary luck, often turning dire situations in his favor.
  • Bacta Allergy: Allergic to Bacta, making healing from injuries more difficult.
  • Bad Eyesight: Has poor eyesight inherited from his unknown Hapan parent, affecting his long-range accuracy.
  • Old Wounds: Carries injuries from his past that haven't healed properly, causing occasional physical pain and hindrance.


Wynter Rackham's story begins on the dirty streets of Terminus, a chaotic world where survival often trumps morality. As a street rat, he navigated the labyrinthine alleys and bustling markets, unaware of his noble lineage. His mother, a Hapes noble, had abandoned him to keep his existence a secret.

Growing up, Wynter joined a local gang, quickly proving his worth as a pocket thief and look-out. His keen instincts and nimble fingers made him a valuable asset. By the time he was barely into his teens, he had already established a reputation among his peers. His audacious nature led him to steal his first ship from a rival gang, a bold move that marked the start of his journey as a smuggler.

Life as a young smuggler was perilous and full of close calls. Wynter's luck, often bordering on the supernatural, saw him through countless tight spots. However, his reckless lifestyle eventually caught up with him, and he found himself in an Imperial prison. The experience was harrowing, but Wynter's resourcefulness and indomitable will enabled him to orchestrate a daring escape, solidifying his reputation as a survivor.

With his newfound freedom, Wynter set his sights on building his own smuggler gang. Over the years, he assembled a crew of like-minded individuals, all driven by the promise of wealth and the thrill of the trade. Under Wynter's ruthless leadership, the gang thrived, running weapons and contraband to anyone willing to pay the price, regardless of faction or cause. Until they finally mostly went their own directions, leaving Wynter to operating solo again. This he did not mind so much since he enjoyed the solitude. But it did not prevent him from sometimes thinking back wistfully to the 'good old days'.

Despite his hardened exterior, Wynter never forgot his roots. His experiences as a street rat instilled in him a soft spot for vulnerable people doing their best to survive. This empathy, though rarely displayed, occasionally influenced his decisions, adding a layer of complexity to his otherwise ruthless persona.


  • The Undoubtedly: A heavily modified freighter equipped with smuggling compartments, advanced navigation systems, and enhanced shielding and weaponry.
  • Blaster Pistol: A reliable, modified blaster for quick-draw situations.
  • Vibroblade: A melee weapon for close-quarters combat.
  • Smuggler's Gear: Includes a concealed holster, lockpicks, and various hidden compartments for stashing illicit goods.
  • Comm Device: Secure communication device for coordinating with his crew and clients.
  • Pilot's Suit: Customized for protection and utility, with hidden pockets and reinforced plating.
  • Goggles: Specialized to compensate for his poor eyesight, enhancing vision in various conditions.
  • Datapad: For navigation, hacking, and keeping track of deals and contacts.
  • Field Medkit: Contains essential medical supplies, excluding Bacta, for treating wounds on the go.

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