Image Source: (Top) Excelsior Suit, (Bottom) Deus Ex ReV Cybernetics :: ZeroFrust
Intent: Main armor undersuit for TCC military.
Development Thread: n/a
Manufacturer: Arcrystal Arms (an Arcrystal-Mnaya Corporation label)
Model: Wyrm Body Suit
- The Crystalsong Commonwealth
- The Open market
Production: Minor
Material: High-Grade Armorweave, High-Friction Silicon, Durasteel
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: (Via Metric System. Appropriate weight varies by quality, material, and character species. For example, standard Mandalorian armor is around 10 kg. Armor made of true Mandalorian iron, or a full set of combat gear for a soldier in the field, can be around 25kg. For special items, try to find the weight of a real-world equivalent.)
Quality: Class IV
Special Features:
- High-Friction Padding
- Internal Durasteel Kneepads
- Internal Durasteel Shinplates
- Atmospherically Sealed
- Heat Sinking