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Approved Starship Wyvern-class Eternal Flagship

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Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Very High
Width: Average
Height: Small
Size: Very Large









  • Wardrake - A very strong offensive and defensive suit make this flagship a capable combat platform.
  • Command & Conquer - Designed as a fleet flagship and with the capability to transport a corps worth of ground troops, it is destined to command and conquer.
  • Void Stalker - With its special hyperspace systems it can utilise them as operational and even strategic weapons, from blocking hyperspace to pursuing enemies through it.
  • Invisible Fist - The cloaking device and its stealth coating make this station extremely difficult to find and detect.


  • Lumbering Behemoth - The flagship suffers from an incredibly sluggish maneuverability.
  • The Rear - With nearly all of its major armament pointing forwards, its aft and engine section is not well equipped to deal with threats.
  • A Thousand Stings - Being absolutely devastating against anything larger than a starfighter, its anti-strike craft and anti-starfighter weapons are severely lacking.
  • Carriers - With its incredibly small complement of fighters on board, the Wyvern-class is reliant on carriers to protect it against the more nimble starfighters with its own starfighters.
  • Chain Reaction - Powered by Sun Generators, a hit to them, them overheating or any interference to their equilibrium can cause a catastrophic explosion, destroying the ship and everything in its vicinity.


The Wyvern-class Eternal Flagship was designed as a direct upgrade to the Pax Imperialis-class and to be directly commissioned for the Eternal Empire and its re-furbishing and rebuilding of its navy. The shipwrights on Iokath were building the lead-ship and then issued the license to the engineers and docks of Kalidan-Lysenia itself, offering a limited production only for the highest echelons of the leadership of the Eternal Empire.

Designed as a core warship with its capabilities both in direct engagements as well as supporting invasions, it was build around the core ability of what made Iokath ships special: speed. Capable of delivering an incredible payload of offensive weaponry as well as ground troops, it excels not only as a flagship for fleets but also as a raider which can take out enemy outposts, garrisons and strongholds with ease.

Control and command of the ship is optionally in the hands of a GEMINI unit or an organic captain with the droid offering support. The new Eternal Empire relies more on sentient and organic commanders and leaders who might desire a greater impact and control over their ship, therefore the GEMINI has its function altered to be able to reinforce and support an organic crew rather than it being supported by them.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To recreate my old submissions for this flagship for the Eternal Empire as new flagship.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: HPI

Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Wyvern-class Eternal Flagship
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: No
Material: Impervium-334, Seigurium, Quadanium, Duralloy, Laminanium, Durasteel, Plasteel, Alusteel,Skuggalegt Stealth Polymer Coating, Glasteel Viewports
Armaments: Very High
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Extreme
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1750
Passenger Capacity: 40000
Cargo Capacity: Average
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