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Public X-Wing: Flight of the Phantoms

Blizzard Base, Javaal, Brentaal System
Strategic Intelligence Agency
Phantom Group
Corala Gethsverg
Max Darksun
Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard
Serenity Serenity
Westenra Mina Westenra Mina
Aeson Keel Aeson Keel
[Any SIA personnel are also welcome]


"Welcome to our home, Director Gethsverg. To be completely honest, I pondered on whether I was half mad when I proposed this idea to you, I wouldn't blame you if you thought the same."

Olen put a gloved hand through his sandy hair as the two traversed through the hangar bay. Mechanical whirring sounds went off from all around them as the mechanics were hard at work. Coming towards a corridor, he headed down it, sentries dashing past them, surprisingly eager to get to their posts. They soon came across a door which he opened to reveal a large circular conference room. Orange flight suits lined the hollowed out cave. Awaiting their commanding officer. Due to the frigid environment, the flight suits had a winter vest and soft neckguards, some wore headgear under their helmets along with their boxy life support units on their chests. Other support personnel had also joined the meeting.

"Here they are, Director. It was a little tough to try and find eligible members but we've got a strong roster here. I've chosen Captain Darksun as my XO." He'd instructed Max to wait at the front of the room behind him, for some moral support. "And Lieutenants Layne and Alucard as my third ranking officers." He acknowledged his three command staff of the unit, winking at them.

"Our training started with a bit of a wobble but we were able to get ourselves mostly combat ready. We have the REC-SS01 X-Wings ready but our order of special X-Wings haven't arrived yet, I think we may just have to make do."

He walked over towards a holotable and hit some buttons on it, which put up a diagnostic of the base, he then zoomed out to a map of the galaxy and their position on it, before heading to the front of the stage. "Alright people, the day has arrived. Good to see you all fresh from training, Director Gethsverg has graciously come to visit us to check up on us." He cleared his through before continuing on.

"Remember why you've all been chosen for this unit, we are Phantoms that strike from the darkness, and I expect you all to uphold that reputation with any of our enemies. The Director has a task for us and I imagine that we'll have to coordinate with our friends in the SIA. I don't want any rivalry from any of you." He made sure to make the last part very clear to them, rivalry equalled a death sentence in battle, and that was rather ironic when they were the ones trying to kill.

"Some housekeeping too, we've been assigned some Y-Wings, A-Wings and Scramjets in addition to our starfighters and ground vehicles, these are not to be used when not instructed by me or Captain Darksun, I'm sure the Director would like to explain our task further." Stepping back, he nodded to Max before allowing Corala to take center stage.


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Wearing: Piloting Catsuit

Armed with: Bloodsign (Red Core, Pink Aura Double Bladed Lightsaber)

Arriving at: Blizzard Base.

007 hours prior...

Ahhh, life in The Navy.

The Android found it delightful. There were plenty of people to feed on where ever she was posted. She had kept to late night visits in people's quarters.

Take this one for example. This was a Captain's quarters. Brave man. Gorgeous to behold. She had thirsted to feast on his psychic energy after seeing his shiny medals on his chest and after learning he had just been posted. Her teammates on Twin Suns were exempt from feeding.

Westenra never needed to sleep. To facilitate her need to feed without getting caught, she had used her stealth configuration to move throughout the ship she was stationed on, going about in a semi-liquid, mollasses like mass that camouflaged itself on surfaces as necessary to avoid detection, pouring herself into his quarters, shifting along the surface of the floor as a liquid mass while the lights were off and he was sleeping.

His trusty astromech's audio sensors picked up shifting tissue sounds and activated, making the biot freeze as it initiated a scan of the room. It blended into the carpet.

"Deeeewooo..." the astromech beeped softly before going back to power save mode.

It moved much slower, agonizingly slower toward the Astromech, tendrils of flesh from the main mass slowly seeping into openings in its shell, disconnecting its main power source from within and slithering back out reforming into her stealth guise, a curvy athletic woman with bronze skin and pink eyes, clad in long, bright yellow gloves and boots and a yellow and black leotard. She slinked over, a creak in the floor waking him up unexpectedly when she was two meters from his bed.

His eyes saw her smiling in the near dark. Her military grade pheremones had already flooded the air.

"Shhhh..." she whispered, putting a finger to her lips.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" The captain, a handsome Corellian man asked groggily, already being drugged by the airborn chemical.

"You're dreaming..." she explained, slinking closer.

"But...I...huh?" he thought out loud, deeply confused by her pheremones.

"Such big muscles..." she whispered, hand reaching out to his arm. He weakly, almost mindlessly tried to pull back but she caught his wrist, the non-lethal, painless, paralytic tranquilizer poison in a jeweled ring she wore administering the cocktail. He was paralyzed, and out cold a second after.

Black fangs extended from her upper jaw and she sank them into his neck, flesh rippling and bubbling as she non-lethally consumed his psychic energy. She pulled back, sated, his blood running down her flesh, being absorbed into the skin.

She looked around, spotted his medkit, opened it, and injected him with a healing stim to vanish the fang wounds. He'd wake up with mild hangover effects.

There. She could last another five days without food. She was still working on a method to keep herself fed without having to constantly LARP Vampire: The Masquerade on the crew (Narrator's euphemism, not Lana's). Now, in all fairness, the Android found it a real pleasure to go non-lethal Gothic Horror on the crew but even she knew she would get unlucky eventually. It was essential to find some alternate method of sustenance.

The biot's humanoid shape broke down into a shifting mass that slithered up the vent moving through several routes in the system (There was nowhere on this ship she could not infiltrate easily.)

She began to consider reserving a copy for a guise as part of the Security Team, but shot it down immediately. Too risky. Two Vampire Androids doubled the risk of discovery.

She poured herself into her quarters, taking her human shape back, and triggering an transformation into her piloting configuration, skin bubbling and wriggling as the changes to her programming and appearance were inacted.

When it was finished, a curvy woman with a tan and curly, chocolate hair stood up, eyes an unsettling metallic pink, the veins lightning like patterns that glowed pink also. The claim she was a Force User was taken at face value as it conveniently explained away the horrifying incident that had taken place before she had charged in to the rift with Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr guns blazing.

The creature slipped on her metallic bronze piloting catsuit.

Apparently they had made it to Badass Status, because now they were Phantoms, right up there with Alec Baldwin, Billy Zane and that one movie Batman was in with Sabertooth.

Lana began to prep...


Her Crimson X-Wing landed at Blizzard Base. She felt the cold but her design was rated for it as she slinked out of the cockpit to join the rest of Phantom Group, making her way to the meeting chamber. She was quietly working on upgrades to her own X-Wing but for now Bloodstone was holding up well.

A group of technicians working on a magnetic crane accidentally turned it on as she walked close.

Her flesh and muscles on her skull tugged away from it, pouring onto the magnet slightly. The horrified technicians scrambled away as the biot struggled to free herself, finally managing to shut off the crane, her flesh pulling back onto her skull and resetting.

Another disaster. Masquerade slightly broken.

Lana covered expertly.

"It's my personality..." she explained confidantly before walking off like nothing happened to join Olen in the Conference Room with the others.

Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard

Max Darksun

Corala Gethsverg

Serenity Serenity
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Lieutenant Cynthia "The Pixie" Alucard, Shadow Leader
Location: Blizzard Base, Javaal Brentaal System
Actions: Attend the Meeting

Perhaps I can grab an early retirement. . . .

Was the first and only thought Cyn had when she had accepted joining this new group, a specialized commando group for the Alliance. Phantoms. The ex-Imperial sighed, often she had to deal with rather unique names and Imperial TIE pilots weren’t any better with such names or designations. What is wrong with just numbers and letters? Cyn pondered on why other military minds spent even an iota of creativity with names.

Well, I guess I can’t really talk. . . but Pixies was a name I was forced to take on.

Cyn argued against herself, while she had no choice with the name Pixie, it had stuck ever since her early days of the Imperial Remnant, even after the short civil war that sent her to join the pilot ranks of the First Order. Even after the mass defections that saw her join the Core Imperial Confederacy, her first and only call-sign of Pixie remained. Even to this moment I cannot rid myself of that nickname.

She sighed, her footsteps echoed down the empty hallway as she looked at her data-pad. The meeting was to be soon and with larger step sizes she zoomed through the hallway and into the hanger-bay. Cyn quickly slowed her pace as she neared the meeting area, she clipped her data-pad to her waist as she used both her hands to straighten her uniform and quickly assuring her hair was well kept within her cap.

Stepping towards the small assembly of other personnel, she quickly saluted and took to attention as she waited for the Director and her Superior to continue talking.

| Olen Halcorr Olen Halcorr | Serenity Serenity | Corala Gethsverg | Westenra Mina Westenra Mina | Max Darksun |

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