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Xander Lok-The Mirshir Chornicles


NAME: Xander Lok
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Human(Korun)
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5' 9"
WEIGHT: 136 lbs.
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Raven/White
SKIN: Fairly dark


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Marksmanship(+)- Learning the skills of a warrior from his father for about two years, Xander's strength often comes from his basic skills of wielding a gun and a sword. Though he is mostly trained with using a sniper for long ranges, Xander knows what it takes to prove his worth by the simple of his finger on the trigger.

Con Artist/Escape Artist(+)- Being a pirate often comes with an reward. In Xander's case, it taught him how to work out situations easily, and escape when needed. After his first arrest, me managed to still possess this aspect and use it in all ways of his life.

Intelligence/Diplomacy(+)- Despite his rebellious ways during his childhood against his stepfather, the education granted to him came with a few educational values. He learned different subjects about his universe, and how to be a politician when he grows up. Although this is against his current morals and the morals of his Mandalorian Brethren, he still retains it, just in case.
Emotion(-)- Xander's past often caused him neglecting pain, as his mother was busy due to her new found life as the wife of a politician, while his stepfather ridiculed him for his rebellious ways. This caused Xander to easily become upset and in return, get him into troubles that are not needed

Patience(-)- He lacks this at times. Xander often looks ahead to the prize of his task/mission, not focusing on the target and objective. This will often lead him to assassinating the wrong person, or failing a certain objective.

Interstella- a Modified CloakShape fighter built to modifications that would best suit Xander. Equipped with the standard lasar cannons and concussion missiles, this starfighter is at it's top shape possible. At least after Xander stole it.

Xander's background is a rather unfortunate, but trumpeting story. His father was a freelancing bounty hunter who simply came and went wherever he would go. While his mother was just a commoner, she felt that his father had some sort of connection to her heart, that would forever change the way she felt about him. However, while she thought it was a typical love story, he felt it was just a one-night stand or a fling of some sort. As expected, he left her alone as he went on with his life elsewhere. Alone during the harsh times of Coruscant, she was left pregnant with Xander, the lovechild of a underling and a ruthless assassin. Things had changed for the better in her case; after Xander's birth, she married an rising politician at the time, who promised to take care of her and the boy throughout anything. During Xander's childhood, his stepfather had reached the peak of his career, after being accepted into the Senate. Always trained to be some sort of snobby son of a politician would prove to be trouble for his parents when Xander's way of having fun was sneaking into the lower grounds of Coruscant to bargain and deal in all sorts of crime going on in the planet.

This type of life would go on until Xander turned 17, when he was finally busted by the authorities for running a crime ring of his own by selling drugs and other illegal merchandise. Trying to avoid any scandals with media and fellow politicians, Xander's stepfather sent him away to a distant planet to learn how to properly life a simple and honest life. Things would change in Xander's favor however, when a band of Mandalorians led a siege on the planet. Obsessed with the life they led, which seemed much more appealing compared to his previous pirating experiences, Xander would follow their lifestyle, and take in their teachings. The dream would soon materialize when he learnt of his father's life. After reuniting with him, the man(though reluctant at first) would soon take him in as a protege, and teach him certain skills and guidelines of being a true mandalorian, since it is in his blood. After departing from his father and renouncing his lifestyle forced upon him by his stepfather, Xander went out into the world to try to live the true life of a warrior, and what it takes.. to be a Mandalorian.
He debuted his promises when he was shipped out to Keldabe to defend an attack on Mandalore's stronghold by dar'jetti forces and even assisted in restoring power back to Keldabe after a dar'jetti trashed the mainframing. It was there that Xander interacted with various key vod in his life such as Kila Cadau, Kad Kando, and Firax Ved, even interacting with all three to investigate a hideout thought to have been occupied by dar'jetti off of Keldabe's coasts. The investigation was cut short when the dar'jetti unleashed a small scale nuclear attack on Keldabe, nearly taking the lives of Xander and his vod. He was fortunately saved by several Omega Protectorate soldiers and the assistance of HK-36, that he came out a short coma.

None yet.



Its Better To Carry On[Training]- Coping with the events that occured in his absence, including the passing of his comrade Kila Cadau, Xander has decided to spend time away from the central bulk of his vod. He is planning to build up a proper return to the vod, including constructing a commemoral beskar'gam in honor of Kila's passing, and a fleshing out of his combat skills, as well as establishing and taking leadership of his clan, Lok. In the mean time, Xander seeked out the assistance of a man known as Ragnar Fett. Ragnar has taken Xander as his pupil to teach him how to melee fight. Xander hopes this a beginning of truly proving himself worthy to his brethren and his father's name.

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