The Conqueror of Koboth
Xaraxunia: Conqueror of Koboth
Age: 45
Species: Kobok
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 245 pounds
Force Sensitive: "zz i ddontttt zz need thozzzze trrriickzzzzz, zhezhezhezhezhe!" ("I don't need those tricks, zhezhezhe!").
I ....zzzz.... am BIG.... enoughhhh to.... zzzzconquerr....YOUR....zz....planet....humanzzz!!! Zhezhezhezhezhe ... I hhhope...zzzyour warriorzzzzZZzzzz are larger...than sixzzzzz...feetzz...... tall....zzzz... for when our SHIPZZZzzz arrivezzz .... on YOUR planet...zzz...the shoezzzz....will be....onn theeee otherrr zpezeez footzzzzz....zhezhezhe!
(The protocol droid translates: "I am big enough to conquer YOUR planet, humans! I hope your warriors are larger than six feet tall, for when our ships arrive on YOUR planet, the shoe with be on the other species' foots, harharhar.")
(The protocol droid clarifies: "I must clarify for Mr. Xaraxunia. Xaraxunia is ten feet tall, and his warrior force stand at six feet tall. They are quite intimidating, I do say.")
I have a great many thingzzzzz....but you...humanzzzzz....you may not touch....zzz....my thingzzzzz...only the worthiezzst onezzzz....the onezzzz who were, onzzze ago...the "Azzzlanzzzzz Crusaderzzzz"...the Jedizzzz who onze pazzzzt through our zzzzzzystem... zzzz...zzz...zzzaving...uzz...from ourrrrzze....from ourrrzzzelzzz...THEY can zzzzhare with uzzz....our thingzzzz...but the otherzzz? They....zz....must zzerve...zzz...their penance....zzzz!
(The Protocol droid translates: "I have a great many things, but you humans, you may not touch my things. Only the worthiest ones, the ones who were, once ago, the "Ashlan Crusaders" and the Jedi who passed through our system. They saved us from ourselves. They can share with us our things, but the others must serve their penance.")
[ When you ask what Xaraxunia is afraid of, he immediately kicks your entire group, and then you, out of his Tribal Hive. He leaves you on the dry, arid, barren surface of Koboth. You'll have to come up with a better question for the self-styled "Conqueror of Koboth", who slaughtered the Green Carapace Tribe nearly to extinction in his quest to restore the honor of the Red Tribe and the Tan Tribe. ]
Physically Imposing
Veteran Tactician and Warrior
Fleeting Experience Across Three Different Systems
Cruel and Unyielding Towards Enemies:
Spacist Towards Humans:
Red Tribe is Isolationist - Primitive Weaponry and Surplus Ships:
[ Through the translator droid, Xaraxunia relays a terrifying personal history. Koboth is a planet where one-third of the planet is randomly seared by a solar flare once every "X" number of years, which they believe to be ten thousand years. The insectoids have reverted to their base primal instincts, organizing into tribes based on the color of their carapaces. They are now thirty years overdue for a solar flare. The Kobok insectoids are in constant civil war, fighting for competition and domination, as they know that whichever colored tribe occupied the "Sorrowlands" dustbowl at the end of the ten thousand years, will be obliterated and made extinct by the solar flare. When the tribes do not face a solar flare, they fight over scant resources, especially water and ship fuel. So far, three different tribes have been hunted and seared to extinction: the Golden Tribe (the "predecessors of all"), the Blue Tribe (intelligent but foolish academic insectoids), and the Green Tribe (wiped out in war, bombings, and searings by the Red-Black alliance ). Xaraxunia fears that unless the solar flares can be stopped, the remaining tribes will all be wiped out at once.
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