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Xariah Pavanos

Xariah Pavanos

"We do it my way, or we don't do it at all. Your choice."
Xariah Aalicya Pavanos

[member='Kaalia Pavanos'] [Mother]
[member='Ishana Pavanos'] [Mother]
[member='Xarielle Pavanos'] [Twin sister]





Dromund Kaas





Dark brown



DROELOE – Wake the Warrior

Seychelle Gabriel
In terms of looks, the inheritance from her parents is quite lopsided towards one. From her tan skin tone and her hazel brown eyes to her dark brown, nearing black-colored hair that falls slightly below her shoulders she is very reminiscent of Ishana. Even Xariah’s smile is very alike to hers. Kaalia’s influence wasn’t absolutely nothing however- her height is very similar to hers while being over 30cm longer than Ishana.
Daughter of Defiance – Even though physically Xariah looks much more like Ishana, her most outstanding personality trait is her fiery defiance passed down by her redheaded mother. She will go against the current if it suits her and speak her mind no matter what, refusing to be anyone but herself. She will do things her way, or not at all.

Discovering the Force – With her young age, Xariah does not fully grasp the Force yet. Although she was taught in the basics of what the Force is and its more neutral application of it by Kaalia, only time can teach one the intricacies of it. She knows how to use it but wishes to understand it too, from Light to Dark.

DIY – Unless help is absolutely required, Xariah prefers to learn things by doing it herself. She has reinvented the wheel countless times, but is too stubborn to ‘follow the manual’.

The World in my Head – Xariah’s mind is like a messy desk. It is unorganized, busy, and restless, but also spectacularly creative. She comes up with the craziest solutions to problems, and chances are they miraculously work as well. Just don’t ask her where she left her socks.

Ohana Means Family – If there is one thing Xariah cares about, it’s family. Try to put them in harm’s way, and she will find you and beat the chit out of you.


Mirari [Kaalia Pavanos’ first lightsaber, handed down to Xariah]

Xariah Pavanos, and her twin sister Xarielle, do not come from the most conventional set of parents. A pilot and a Sith Lady. There was a definite age difference between the two. Oh, and both are her biological parents. It’s not something you hear every day.

Every child can cause their parents headaches, and Xariah was no exception. A mixture of Ishana’s stubbornness and Kaalia’s defiance started showing very early on in her life, which as a child meant things such as refusing to clean her room because she liked it that way and constantly disagreeing on bedtimes. Innocent things indicative of the person she would become.

The relationship with her twin sister has always been strong. Despite the innocent fighting that perhaps all siblings do and their clashing personality she cares for Xarielle more than anyone. She trusts her unconditionally, and lets nothing or nobody get inbetween them.

Some of her favorite childhood memories are the little trips she would make with Ishana every once in a while. She vividly remembers how she felt when she felt the Blue Star take off for the first time and how wondrous it was. It was only a matter of time before she would take the controls of the Blue Star herself, the ship in which Ishana taught her how to fly.

Despite the fact her Force sensitivity was known from a very young age and being raised on Dromund Kaas, a planet under the influence of the Sith Empire in which Kaalia was not an insignificant figure, she was never pushed towards the Sith. Instead she was always encouraged to find her own way in life, and it was always used to its fullest extent. She was and still is a rebel, and it made her very much different in her alignment to the Force compared to Kaalia. Family went before everything else, however. It never got between the two.

Quite the contrary, in fact. Kaalia had taken it upon herself to show her daughter the Force, but used the knowledge she had gathered in her previous life as a Jedi to teach Xariah in a nuanced and neutral way, away from the eyes of the Empire. This way she would be able to carve out her own path, whatever it may be. That neutral outlook translated to her growth in her usage of the Force as well. She is not afraid to draw power from her emotions like her redheaded mother, but it was only one of the ways she learned.

This would eventually lead to Xariah wishing to see more of the galaxy and carve out her own path. At age 17 she and Xarielle went to do exactly that, heading out together to gain their independence. Using her training in the Force and the lightsaber Kaalia handed down to her before she left, she became a bounty hunter and mercenary to get by.

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