Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xav Tor

Xav Tor

NAME: Xav Tor
FACTION: None. Xav works alone as an info dealer.
RANK: n/a
AGE: 42 years of age.
GENDER: male
HEIGHT: 2 meters
WEIGHT: 131 kilograms
EYES: Black
HAIR: n/a
SKIN: Orange


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Depression: Xav lost his family as a child and suffers from depression.

Misinformed: Being an info dealer, Xav occasionally gets the wrong info, which has landed him in the wrong place more then once.

Cautious: Xav is careful about what he tells people and what he does.

Martial arts: Xav has trained in the art of self defense for 17 years.

Xav does not have a ship. He keeps a low profile by shuttle and freighter hopping.

Xav Tor was born on Dorin to reasonably wealthy parents. When Xav was 12 his parents were killed in a yacht crash at Coruscant. By the time emergency crews arrived, Xav's parents were dead, but Xav was huddled in a storage compartment and survived the impact. For years Xav stole and fought for information about everything, Xav wanted to know things. He figured that he could sell what he knew and use the money to return his family's name to what it used to be. One day, on Taris, Xav was approached by an older Kel Dor man who asked for Xav to kill him, for the man had been scratched by a Rakghoul. Obliging, Xav shot the man and found book on the mans corpse. The book told of the old ways of Kel Dor martial artists. Studying the books contents, Xav began to learn the ways of self defense. He trained for the next 17 years and still practices to this day.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


In dark alleys:
Xav fights a horde of Rakghoul with a little help from his friends(still running)View attachment 243

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