Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xavzen Sae'ryx

NAME: Zavzen Sae'ryx
FACTION: The Expeditionary Fleet and The Seven Swords and The Order Of The Grey
RANK: Escaped Slave / Je'daii Ranger / Rouge Knight / Captain
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 173 cm / 1.73m / 68" / 5' 8"
WEIGHT: 178.45 lb / 14.05 stone
EYES: Green
HAIR: Red hair that is long at the back and short and spiked at the front. His long hair (on the back of his head) is up and back from his scalp into a ponytail. All of the in the 'tail but a small bit at the tip is wrapped tightly in cloth.
SKIN: Lightly tanned, fair skin.
VOICE: Nolan North (Desmond from Assassins Creed, Nathan Drake from Uncharted and Male Jedi Consular from SW:TOR)
SEXUAL [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]ORIENTATION[/SIZE]: Hetrosexual
RELATIONSHIPS: Nekran Sae'ryx (Father - Deceased), Heltet Sae'ryx (Mother - Deceased), Tenma the Hutt (Former Master - Deceased), Grenna (Fellow Slave/Friend - Deceased), Krest/Darth Ferus (Former Master) Sochi Ru (Master), Xardus Folidarr (Friend/Ally), Vassara Raxis (Student/Friend/Ally) , Venris Helion (Student/Ally), Alexandra Lianne Feanor (Master), Stardust (Friend), Jarzen Zexxel (Student)
STRENGTHS: Loyal, Determined/Persistent, A Quick Learner, High Physical Attributes (due to his former life as a Slave Gladiator on Nar Shaddaa) and Highly Intelligent.

WEAKNESSES: Lack Of Respect For Authority Unless They Prove Themselves (this is due to him gaining freedom and not wanting to lose it to authority), Mentally Unstable And Can Be Set Off With Without Cause, Slow To Trust (due to life as a slave) and Half Blind In His Left Eye.

APPEARANCE: Xavzen has a slim but muscled build (swimmers body). He has three scars going over his left eye, this has resulted in his left eye becoming slightly murky (no loss of sight though). He has 15 horns although only 7 can be seen: 3 small horns are on the left side of his head and are hidden by his hair, 3 small horns are on the right side of his head and are hidden by his hair, 3 small horns are on the left side of his forehead, 3 small horns are on the right side of his forehead, 1 large horn is on the middle of his forehead and 2 small horns are along the top centre of his head and are hidden by his hair. He has a burn scar covering his left hand.

BIOGROPHY: Xavzen was born to Nekran and Heltet Sae'ryx on Nar Shaddaa. Nekran and Heltet were poor and constantly struggled for money and this got worse when there was another mouth to feed, Despite this Xavzen grew up in a loving home for the first 3 years of his life. That changed when his parents ran out of money and were forced to loan money from one of the local gangs due to being left no choice. This did nothing to help though and soon the family was in extreme dept and ended up being sold to Tenma the Hutt.
For nine years Xavzen lived a simple life, albeit one of a slave while his parents were forced to fight for the Hutts amusement and the families continued survival, but that changed when he was 12. Tenma had Xavzen thrown into the same fights as his parents, forcing him to become a gladiator and years later would have Xavzen fight as his Champion against the champion of another Hutt. This life continued for a further 8 years during which Xavzen learnt to fight at a high level out of urgent need, trained hard and learnt to only trust his father, his mother dying in combat when he was 14. He only ever trusted one other living being Grenna a Male Lethan Twi'lek, a fellow slave and gladiator who dreamed of freedom alongside Xavzen.
Xavzen's life was forced to change once again though when he was 18. Nekran had rebelled against Tenma alongside Grenna, and failed. The only reason Xavzen wasn't involved and didn't suffer their fates was because Nekran and Grenna had decided to leave Xavzen out of the loop but decided that if the rebellion succeeded they would grab him while escaping. Nekran, Grenna and 7 other slaves were executed in front of the remaining slaves with Tenma the Hutt planning on their deaths being a deterrent for other rebels, this decision resulted in the Hutt's death. When Xavzen saw his friend's and father's death his latent Force Affinity swelled up and reacted to his rage, causing him to release a massive Force Push knocking Xavzen out and collapsing the Palace of Tenma the Hutt on top of all the inhabitants, including, unfortunately the other slaves, the only survivor being Xavzen. When he came to and saw what he had done Xavzen fled. He stole a ship and ran and didn't stop until Nar Shaddaa was Light Years behind him. Despite his depression Xavzen at no point felt like suicide.
It was only by luck that Xavzen had been able to pilot the ship, mainly through the instinctive use of Mechu-Deru, but eventually he ended up being forced to land on Coruscant due to the ship breaking down (and almost into pieces). While staying there for 6 months Xavzen worked as a gladiator in the lower sectors to earn money and stole bits and pieces from ship to repair and then upgrade the old MIE-CRS DE50 Saviour Corvette Spaceship. Before leaving Coruscant Xavzen renamed his ship the Surviving Gladiator.
However his new ship was not without issues and those issues ended up arising when he was in the Tython System and he was forced to land on the now inhabited Shikaakwa. It was there while he was fixing his ship (thankfully no new parts were needed) Xavzen can across and old Je'daii Holocron of Master Ketu. While repairing his ship and after Xavzen learnt from Ketu and slowly healed over time. Xavzen's studies included: basic force control abilities, basic force sense abilities, basic force alter abilities, the Je'daii Philosophies and the Je'daii Code and how it applied to a Je'daii's life. The Holocron was embedded with a Force Double-ganger which had used Spirit Transference, this allowed the spirit to levae the holocron for short periods of time (lest it fall apart) meaning the spirit continued to learn.
For two years Xavzen continued to drift around the galaxy, all the while learning from Master Ketu's Holocron, training with his blaster and expanding his knowledge. It was during these two years that Xavzen crafted his two lightsabers. The first thing he did was to craft his crystals. Instead of using the conventional way of finding a crystal Xavzen chose to make them personally.

It was also during these years that Xavzen found himself a physical Master in the form of the Zabrak, Krest. It was from Krest that Xavzen learnt many of his skills, tricks and abilities.

When he was 21 Xavzen was offered the chance to join The Seven Swords by Krest. The Seven Swords were a part of/strongly allied with The Ession Reformation and so Zavzen ended joining them. As a Seven Sword Zavzen crafted his blades and worked on mastering his form.

Xavzen started to look for an official teacher to teach him what he had yet to learn so as to become a Knight and serve the Seven Swords and the Ession Reformation as much as possible as a Sentinal, but his Je'daii ways and lack of respect towards authority alienated nearly every available Master. The reason he applied as a student and not as a knight was that there was still more for him to learn, maybe not on combat beyond a few forms nor the Force but on a social level, that included politics and more.
Instead he started to train with a Gungan call Jaani inside the temple while not having a master.
It was a while before Xavzen approached Master Sochi and was accepted as a student. He immediately put effort into finishing the modifications on his ship. This caused him to not leave with his Master and her other students, resulting in him following them to Ansion in Eternal (Nickname for The Eternal Saviour).

When war came to the Galaxy, Zavzen signed up to the Army Of Light along with most of the Reformation.

When returned from training from Sochi Ru he entered training under Krest, It was during this time that he began to take part in Seven Sword Mission.

When Zavzen was 23, he disappeared an arrived in the Netherworld. He ended up in the area called "The Field Of Blades" and ended up teaming up with Nickolas Imura (someone he knew from the Seven Swords) so as to survive.

After returning from the Nether Zavzen began to suffer from Force Psychosis. Thinking he was going to die soon he left the Ession Reformation and set off as a nomad and to look for a cure. His first stop was on Dagobah, location of the Black Harvest. He found nothing there.

After this he joined a group called The Order Of The Grey to complete his training, wishing to leave behind a legacy to be proud of. After learning a few things Zavzen set out for space wishing to follow up any leads on a cure and to help as many people as possible. He basically became a Nomad. However during this time he did return to The Order every so often to help and to learn.

Ketu had information though that he might find something on a planet called Tortuga. Zavzen set off for the planet, and encountered the Expeditionary Fleet there. He ended up joining them. While he was with the Fleet he gained true friend and taught and was taught many thing. He also found someone to teach the ways of the Je'daii to and took them on as a Journeyer.

SHIP: A Personal Modified MIE DE50-Saviour Class Corvette (MIE= Mass Ionized Engines). Name = The Eternal Saviour.


AI: HAELI (High-functioning Artificial Emotional Living Intelligence). Link 1 (History+Description). Link 2 (Creation).

Thunder Gun Blaster Pistol.
Master Ketu Holocron.
1 Lightsaber with a slightly longer than normal hilt that is lightly decorated with tribal swirls with a yellow blade that looked like it had red fractures along it.
1 Shoto Lightsaber with a curved hilt made out of Brylark Tree wood with a black blade that had yellow veins running throughout it,
1 750mm [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Chinese[/SIZE] style sabre (Named "Saviour").
1 450mm [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Chinese[/SIZE] style sabre (Named "Reaper").

CLOTHES: A black Shell Spider Silk tunic and trousers with a brown, wool cloak. A sash tied around the waist. Nothing on the feet.

CODE(S): Je'daii Code = "There is no ignorance, only knowledge. There is no fear, there is power. I am the revealing fire of light. I am the mystery of darkness. In balance with chaos and Harmony. Immortal in the Force"
The Old Jedi Code = "Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance yet knowledge. Passion, but serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the Force"
Abilities (Non-Obvious. Obvious = Slash with a Vibroknife):
{Initiate - Adept - Average - Skilled - Expert - Master - Apex}
Force Alter:
[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Telekinesis - Skilled[/SIZE]​
Force Body - Adept
Force Barrier - Skilled
Force Lightning - Average
Tutamis (Altered Force Barrier) - Skilled
Phase (Instinctive) - Expert
Sith Sorcery - Skilled

Force Sense:
Force Immersion (Force Sense + Sight + Listen) - Expert
Empathy - Adept
Battlemind - Average
Force Meld - Average

Force Control:
Alchaka - Expert
Detoxify Poison - Skilled
Tapas - Skilled
Force Healing - Adept
Martial Arts:
Free Style/[SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Instinctive[/SIZE] - Master
Fighting With Senses - Skilled
Gǒuquán - Average
Jung- Skilled
Sai- Averge
Shun- Skilled
Jung Ma- Skilled
Su - Skilled
Lightsaber Forms:
Jai'Kai: Skilled
Shii-Cho: Adept
Makashi: Avergae
Soresu: Adept
Ataru: Average
Djem So: Adept
Shien: Adept
Niman: Skilled
Juyo: Adept
Non Of The Above:
Building/Crafting Technology (From his time as a slave)
Playing The Violin
Playing The Flute

Quick Draw
Rapid Fire

Lightsaber Style
----- Physical Combat + Force Abilities
Niman ----- Offensive ----- Ataru + Djem So + Shii-Cho
----- Defensive ----- Shien + Soresu


Chosen Jedi Path: Jedi Sentinel: Jedi Combatant and/or Jedi Watchman
Chosen Je'daii Path: Temple Master of Akar Kesh


OOC: At this moment in time, Zavzen does seem to be too advance for his rank. There is a reason for this. This is his Knight Profile. As I slowly work towards Knight Rank he will start to learn all the abilities mentioned previously. When he fights currently he uses a fraction of abilities compareed to what is listed here. Some abilities do not have threads teaching him those abilities. This is because they will be private/dev threads that I have not gotten round to completing off-site (before posting) or starting.
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

If you want to be a Je'daii, you should study with me.

I've got the holocrons of the only two living Je'daii Masters in the last few thousand years....and trained with one while he was still alive. So that's a thing. Come be my friend! :)

Kills: N/A

Bounties: N/A



Training Threads
Total: 6 | Completed: 4
Teaching Threads
Total: 2 | Completed: 0
Faction Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 2
Duel Threads
Total: 3 | Completed: 1
Development Threads
Total: 4 | Completed: 2
Miscellaneous Threads
Total: 7 | Completed: 4
Abilities Master Ketu's Holocron Can Teach (This Doesn't Mean Xavzen Will Learn Them All):
Telekinesis: Learnt
Mechu-Deru: Learnt
Mechu-Deru Vitae:
Force Alchemy:
Alchaka: Learnt
Breathe Control:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Tutamis: Learnt
Detoxify Poison: Learnt.
Force Healing:
Force Body: Learnt
Tapas: Learnt.
Force Cloak:
Force Listen: Learnt.
Battle Precognition: Learnt
Force Immersion (Force Sight + Sense + Listen): Learnt
Comprehend Speech: Learnt
Art Of The Small:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Alter [SIZE=11.9999990463257px]Environment[/SIZE]:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Force Illusion:
Dark Transfer:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Force Stun:
Revitalise:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Force Destruction:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Force Lightning: Learnt
Force Horror:
Force Affliction:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Alter Damage: Learnt
Shadow Vision:[SIZE=11.9999990463257px] [/SIZE]
Mind Trick:
Non-Force Abilities Master Ketu's Holocron Can Teach:
Dancing: Learnt/Learning
Manners: Learnt
Violin: Learnt
Flute: Learnt
Science: Learnt/Learning
Anatomy: Learnt
Philosophy: Learnt/Learning
Metallurgy: Learnt

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