Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FACTION: Freelance
RANK: Rescue Ranger
SPECIES: Collicoid Cyborg
AGE: At least five
SEX: Varies
HEIGHT: 1.7 meters in cyborg apparatus
WEIGHT: Flesh, not much, whole hookup, a bunch
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Changes
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Strong Carapace
(+) Swords for Hands
(+) Cyborg
(-) Cyborg
(-) Mute
(-) Not entirely free from hive mind
A Colicoid in a cybernetic walker
Xek began life as any other Colicoid does, a small bug. As Xek grew up, life started to happen, and … well, lets call them poachers, had taken in some Colicoids as bounty for the owner of a galactic fighting ring. The insects, they figured, would be an easy appetizer for the main events. What they didn’t expect was Xek to become the designated fighter of the local hive mind. Displaying a fair bit of skill with the blades, Xek became a regular fighter.

After suffering an injury, the spectators crowd-sourced a mechanical rig to allow Xek mobility upon retirement. Now Xek spends their time bouncing from world to world, helping to save those who look in distress, especially after linking up to [member="Krorg"] and the Ginormous spaceship.


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