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Character Xeno, Formerly Sith

Xeno, Formerly Sith


NAME: Xeno (ZE-no)

FACTION: Neutral, Light Aligned.


SPECIES: Human/Nagai Hybrid

AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 187.96 cm (6 ft 2 in)

WEIGHT: 157 lbs

EYES: Grey (Unseen)

HAIR: Jet Black

SKIN: Pale (Unseen)




  • Expert Swordsman. Skilled with most blades due to rigorous training.
  • Possesses the rare force ability Phase. This allows him to pass through solid matter.
  • Physically and mentally strong.
  • Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Proficient in most lightsaber forms.
  • Effective with fire arms.

  • Fighting darkside withdrawals.
  • Despite his best efforts, he can tend to be cold or apathetic at times.
  • Has taken a vow to no longer take life.
  • Slow to trust others.

A tall, well built man in his early twenties, Xeno conceals himself behind a black mask and an old, dark gray jumpsuit. Beneath, he has the grey skin of the Nagai, a trait from his mother, and sharp blue eyes. His hair is jet black and generally unkept. There is a patchy beard clinging to his face.

Born a slave, Xeno (his birth name is unknown as of now) was purchased by a rogue Sith lord who detected his force sensitivity. Xeno would be found to possess a rare force ability, Phase. Seeing Xeno as an effective tool, his new master would train the boy as a Sith assassin. Xeno would be deployed to silence his master's enemies, killing hundreds in his eight year career as an assassin. Xeno would have a change of heart, however, when he was sent to kill a Jedi knight. Xeno and the knight engaged in a heated duel, which saw the assassin the victor. The Jedi, on his last breath, utilized and advanced form of force empathy, flooding Xeno's mind with the pain and suffering his victims had experienced. The assassin broke, finding the pain too much to bare. He returned to his master, slaying the Sith lord and turning his back on his old ways. Repentant, Xeno set off to defend the weak, vowing to never take another life. The face of the Jedi knight he killed, an young Zabrak, still haunts Xeno's dreams.

His Ship, The Unification, is a Barloz-class medium freighter. The vessel is equipped with NovaQuad-D engine unit, on board shielding and sensors, a class 2 hyperdrive (with class 12 back up), laser cannons on either side of the vessel, a modified nose gun, and two escape pods.




  • Generally antisocial. He tends not to speak often.
  • Struggles with empathy, but does have a particular distaste for the abuse or harm of children.
  • Detests criminal organizations, especially the Hutts. Likely due to his early life as a slave.
  • Adopted a cat to help break his cold nature.

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