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Xero the Hutt


Xero the Hutt
"You know what they say, time is credits, so why don't you just shut up and stop wasting mine?"
-Xero whenever someone pisses him off​
Name: Xeros Desilijic Besadii​
Faction: The Black Sun Syndicate/Bounty Hunter's Guild/New Order​
Rank: Hutt Crimelord​
Species: Hutt​
Age: 197 Standard Human Years​
Gender: Hermaphrodites (Masculine Personality)​
Height: 7'0"​
Weight: 1200 lbs​
Eyes: Orange/Red​
Hair: N/A​
Skin: Greenish/Yellowish​
Force Sensitive: No, he is to fat to be Force Sensitive​
Strengths and Weaknesses:
There are many things that a Hutt could consider "Strengths" or "Weaknesses" and they all slightly vary, since he is a younger Hutt of the clans he has not yet realized his full strengths, and his full weaknesses so I shall do here the best I can do for a Hutt so young, with so much potiental to have many more strengths, and along with those strengths many more weaknesses, here is his current strengths and weaknesses, listed simply so that the stupidest of apes that you seem to call Human can understand what I have written here.​
Mind Effect Immunity ~ This is a strength, at least most people in there right minds would consider it to be a strength. A natural ability of the Hutt species has always been that many things can not penetrate there thick heads, mind tricks do not work on Xero, his mind cannot be effected by those Jedi Philosophers waving there hands in the air and saying some foolish words to make him lose his train of thought and agree with them, instead they have to win him over the old fashioned way! Through courtesy and the like.​
Extremely, Extremely, Overweight ~ This is a weakness, not even people who are mentally insane wouldn't be so insane to think that the weight and speed of a Hutt would be a strength. A natural curse of the Hutts is their weight, and so it is equally so with Xero, his weight slows him down... a lot, but it also comes back as a strength because it gives him strength, but not much strength, just enough strength to protect himself from the dangers of the outside galaxy.​
Underworld Contacts ~ This is a strength, especially to Xero, this helps him a lot over the course of his adventures. Being a part of the Hutt Clans, Xero has been brought up in the underworld, a place that thrives off the crime of the galaxy, he has many "business" friends who can supply him with any merchandise he might need, except Credits, that is an entirely different matter all together, one which will not be described as of this moment.​
Headstrong ~ There are many aspects of Xero that many will consider to be "headstrong" many of these are quite simple, as he is quite tenacious when it comes to getting his way, he can also sometimes be a little bit carefree with his Credits if he has had a lot to drink.​
Xero the Hutt was born into the Desilijic family of the Hutt clans, one that was popularized by Jabba the Hutt during his reign as Crimelord of Tatooine, except Xero wasn't born and raised on Tatooine, he was born and raised on the planet Nal Hutta, the original home to all of the Hutt's. Growing up he had a fairly standard childhood, living in his mother's pouch, letting her protect him from the dangers lurking in the outside world, but that couldn't last forever.​
About 98 years after his birth his mother became sick with the Hutt variation of cancer, but managed to live to see her only son's 100th birthday and dying only a few months after that, leaving her son with her fortune, not wanting his mother to be forgotten Xero saved some of the Credits away to be able to plan and give her a big funeral, during that time he had amassed many underworld contacts and had even grown facial hair, he always wears a tuxedo with a fancy top hat. And now after 97 years after she died he decided to give her a proper funeral. The funeral was rudely interrupted by a bounty hunter, who was sentenced to his death. Xero also found his body guard [member="Gar"] at the funeral. He then, for unknown reasons he decided to assist the New Order with all there criminal needs.​
-Basic Blaster Pistol, Unmodified​
-Basic Blaster Rifle, Unmodified​
-Basic Slugthrower, Unmodified​
-Basic Vibroblade, Unmodified​
None... Yet *Dun Dun Dun*​
Well Xero is a Hutt, and he is always wearing a tux with a blaster pistol strapped to his belt, also he has a mustache and that is about all that separates him from the other Hutts of his clan (and anywhere really) the other features of him are very Hutt like and standard, in fact it is a little bit boring if you ask me but oh well, a Hutt is still a Hutt.​
Bounties Collected:
Bounties Posted:
None... Yet​


Well OOC I may be a gentleman, but IC I am sort of like a Mafia leader [member="LaxKnight"]


Go ahead! You can attend the funeral with me then maybe I can employ you officially IC'ly [member="Gar"]

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