
.:: RANK ::. Criminal
.:: SPECIES ::. Twi’lek (Rutian-Lethan Mix)
.:: AGE ::. 26 Standard Years
.:: SEX ::. Female
.:: HEIGHT ::. 1.7 Meters
.:: WEIGHT ::. 54 Kilograms (~120 lbs)
.:: EYES ::. Yellow
.:: HAIR ::. None
.:: SKIN ::.Lavender
.:: HOMEWORLD ::. Ryloth (Birthplace) / Coruscant (Residence)

((+)) Polyglot: After years of service to her master, and addition to surviving in the criminal underworld as a bounty hunter, Xiann has picked up a few couple languages. In addition to her fluency in Basic and Ryl, she is at least conversational in Huttese and Mando’a.((+)) Seductive: A Twi’lek woman like Xiann is no fool. She is well aware that females of her kind have an appeal to men (and some women) of other species. She uses this to her advantage when possible to influence the decisions of others.
((+)) Wealthy: Having accrued credits from odd jobs and her master’s fortune, she has a moderately wealthy standing. Enough to keep a comfortable living.
((+)) Death-Dealer: After shedding first blood in a bid for freedom, Xiann carved out a career in bounty hunting and the occasional assassination. As such, she knowledgeable in informal combat and killing, if necessary.
((-)) Extreme Abolitionist: Slavery’s touch upon her life has understandably left resentment in her heart. She should she learn someone has owned slaves, or otherwise knowingly participated in the slave trade, she will not hesitate show violence towards them.
((-)) Holds a Grudge: After years of being disrespected by someone who lorded over her life, Xiann does not take kindly to disrespect towards her. Enough so that she may hold a deep-set grudge to the offender for a long time.
((-)) Anti-Hutt: Likely an extension of her hate of slavers, Xiann does not take kindly to Hutts. She will deny her services towards Hutts, and will not deal with them in any capacity unless the situation is dire. If Hutts are involved, she will have prejudice.
Xiann is a young Twi’lek woman who is gradually approaching her late 20’s / early thirties, according to Galactic Standard years. She is built in a curved, almost statuesque body-shape. Due to her mixed heritage, the Rutian blues and Lethan reds mixed to give her a lavender-purple colored skin, accompanied with amber-yellow eyes. She is often found in some sort of lounge dress, or if working, appropriate hunting gear for the intending prey. She speaks in an accented Basic, ousting her Ryl upbringing.
Xiann is a young Twi’lek woman who is gradually approaching her late 20’s / early thirties, according to Galactic Standard years. She is built in a curved, almost statuesque body-shape. Due to her mixed heritage, the Rutian blues and Lethan reds mixed to give her a lavender-purple colored skin, accompanied with amber-yellow eyes. She is often found in some sort of lounge dress, or if working, appropriate hunting gear for the intending prey. She speaks in an accented Basic, ousting her Ryl upbringing.

Out of many things, Xiann's own past is one she likes to keep secrets about. However, there are common features in each telling of her personal story. She was born on Ryloth, like the most of her fellow Twi'leks. One of her parents belonged to the sapphire-skinned Rutian ethnicity, while the other was a scarlet-tinged Lethan. This, she says, is what contributed to her natural, violet coloring. As a young woman, she was captured and sold into slavery, not unlike many, unfortunate forbears of her people. She was pawned off to a rather wealthy "owner", who payed a handsome credit to possess the lovely lavender girl for his own. She was his person servant girl, his dancer, his entertainer. His plaything.For years, she suffered at the hands of the vile master who ruled over her. Forced to commit demeaning acts that comes with one's slave status. One night, however, this all changed. Her mastered had gone heavy on his drink, and become rather violent and verbal, as drunkards tend to become Once he had lulled into his booze-induced sleep, she payed for her freedom in blood. She ceases to say how she accomplished it. Bludgeon to his head? A well-placed dagger? Xiann will never tell. All that should be known is that her master was dead by her hand. To add extra insult to his legacy, she withdrew a large percentage of her former master's credits into an account of her own, citing it as "blood money".
Following this, she still craved a thirst for blood. Sure, with many, the credits she had taken was enough to live a modest, comfortable life. Yet, the primal nature of her deeds awoke something in her. She devoted her free time to learning the ways of hunting and killing, for a time offering her services as a bounty hunter and assassin. It was around this time that she began using the alias Xiann Syndulla. It is unknown for certain if she, herself, is a Syndulla by blood, or if she uses the name as homage to the patriotic rebels of her people's past. With the credits leftover from her master, compounded with creds acquired from the bounty or two, she decided to settled down for bit. Open her own place on Coruscant. But by no means is she out of the game. Should opportunity come knocking, the game. Should opportunity come knocking,she is more than willing to take the odd job

Twin LL-30s, plated in black durite and grips made of rancor tooth ivory
A personal vibroknife
"Tracker", a personal ID10 Seeker Droid she uses to spy on prey or troublemakers
.:: SHIP ::.
Black Beauty, Xiann's personal, dark painted Belbullab-22
.:: KILLS ::.
.:: BOUNTIES ::.