Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xiaphia Sha'Co

Name: Xiaphia Sha'Co
Rank: Older brother
Species: Human
Age: 22
Sex: male
Height: 6'3
Weight: 75kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes

+ Loyal
+ Egar to learn

- Thick minded
- Reckless

Xiaphia grew up with his family on Naboo. He lived with his mother, his force sensitive father, and three brothers, he was the oldest of the four. His family were a part of a small fishing village. Each morning he go out on a small boat to fish until about midday.

Eventually he sought a different life, one of adventure. He joined the Naboo military. Despite the parents disapproval. He joined the military living his life as soldier travelling to different planets and living his life unaware of his bloodline unlike his younger siblings.

Xiaphia is 6'3 with green eyes and brown hair, he has medium hair.

G9 rigger freighter

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