Xiarr Sair
Waltzing Matilda
NAME: Xiarr Sair
RANK: Master
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 ft
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
+ Battle Hardened - Xiarr has seen the horrors of war and battle, which can give him an upper hand against young or inexperienced opponents.
+ Form V Lightsaber Combat - When Xiarr heard the idea of Niman lightsaber combat, he was hooked, but recently he has realized that Niman would take too long to use to its fullest potential, so he switched to the more Lightsaber V Lightsaber combat style of Djem-So, one of the subforms of Form V lightsaber combat.
+ Form III Lightsaber Combat - "A good offense is a good defense" is something Xiarr has heard a lot in his lifetime, but in his mind, this is simply not true. This is why Xiarr has always chosen Soresu as one of his lightsaber forms, he admired the fighting style of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the godfather of the form.
- Horrible at Mechanics - Xiarr can do most of the basics, but he's not going to be fixing your hyperdrive anytime soon.
- Politically Isolated - Ever since the fall of the Dominion, Xiarr has isolated himself from politics, thus not being very informed about the current state of the galaxy.
A fairly young "Jedi", Xiarr stands at 6 feet tall and is a Human, Caucasian, Male.
Born on the backwater rim world of Lothal, Xiarr was found by the Jedi Order at a very young age and was taken to the Jedi Temple on Tython, the world where the light reigns supreme, and darkness can be only found in the deepest and darkest corners of the planet. As such, this shaped Xiarrs future, the heavy presence of the light is what made Xiarr a servant of it. After proving himself to a young Jedi Knight, he was selected to be his Padawan. One of their first missions was to the world of Taris, the duo was assigned by the council to take down a dominate Crime Syndicate that pretty much ruled the underworld. But by the time they got there the Syndicate was destroyed by an "Alliance" made up of other smaller gangs. After that, their new mission on the planet was to see the effects of the aftermath of the event, and it wasn't pretty. Life began to break down in the underworld, countless amounts of people were driven out of their homes and forced to live on the dangerous streets. Xiarr and his master tried to help as much as they could, but they began to realize that they really couldn't do much to help the population, and so they left the planet. After that, they had many unnotable adventures together, the two were mostly overlooked by the Council ever since the events that unfolded on Taris. A couple years passed and a new faction known as the One Sith were gaining power in the core worlds, bringing the Republic to its knees.
One day, the Jedi's greatest fear came to life, the Invasion of Tython and Coruscant. The Jedi Temple on Tython was quiet and peaceful as always until one single shot of blaster fire was heard and was followed by the sound of Lightsabers turning on and even more blaster fire, was the distant sound of artillery growing ever so closer. That day, everything Xiarr knew was destroyed, and his life would be changed forever. Xiarr and his master held off hoards of Sith Acolytes as they stormed the temple, but eventually, they were overwhelmed, Xiarr watched as his master was butchered by the Sith, and like a coward, he ran. Eventually, he bumped into the Jedi Battle Master who was trying to get Padawans and Younglings to safety, Xiarr followed the Battle Master but a piece of falling rubble separated Xiarr and the Battle Master. In what can only be described as a miracle, he got out of the Temple alive and found a seemingly abandoned dropship. But when he entered the ship he was ambushed by a single Sith Acolyte, in a quick duel Xiarr defeated the Acolyte and escaped the planet.
After six years of wandering the Unknown, he found a man that would change his life forever, but that my friend is something you can read about on your own (Check out my early roleplays for the continued story!)
The Ancient Outsider
Saotome Tomie
Desperado Class Beskar Armor
ACS-204 Vulcan Blaster Rifle
Phantasm Class Stealth Cloak
Drifter Class Shotgun
Phrik Bracers
Jedi Lord Armor
RANK: Master
AGE: 35
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 ft
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
+ Battle Hardened - Xiarr has seen the horrors of war and battle, which can give him an upper hand against young or inexperienced opponents.
+ Form V Lightsaber Combat - When Xiarr heard the idea of Niman lightsaber combat, he was hooked, but recently he has realized that Niman would take too long to use to its fullest potential, so he switched to the more Lightsaber V Lightsaber combat style of Djem-So, one of the subforms of Form V lightsaber combat.
+ Form III Lightsaber Combat - "A good offense is a good defense" is something Xiarr has heard a lot in his lifetime, but in his mind, this is simply not true. This is why Xiarr has always chosen Soresu as one of his lightsaber forms, he admired the fighting style of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the godfather of the form.
- Horrible at Mechanics - Xiarr can do most of the basics, but he's not going to be fixing your hyperdrive anytime soon.
- Politically Isolated - Ever since the fall of the Dominion, Xiarr has isolated himself from politics, thus not being very informed about the current state of the galaxy.
A fairly young "Jedi", Xiarr stands at 6 feet tall and is a Human, Caucasian, Male.
Born on the backwater rim world of Lothal, Xiarr was found by the Jedi Order at a very young age and was taken to the Jedi Temple on Tython, the world where the light reigns supreme, and darkness can be only found in the deepest and darkest corners of the planet. As such, this shaped Xiarrs future, the heavy presence of the light is what made Xiarr a servant of it. After proving himself to a young Jedi Knight, he was selected to be his Padawan. One of their first missions was to the world of Taris, the duo was assigned by the council to take down a dominate Crime Syndicate that pretty much ruled the underworld. But by the time they got there the Syndicate was destroyed by an "Alliance" made up of other smaller gangs. After that, their new mission on the planet was to see the effects of the aftermath of the event, and it wasn't pretty. Life began to break down in the underworld, countless amounts of people were driven out of their homes and forced to live on the dangerous streets. Xiarr and his master tried to help as much as they could, but they began to realize that they really couldn't do much to help the population, and so they left the planet. After that, they had many unnotable adventures together, the two were mostly overlooked by the Council ever since the events that unfolded on Taris. A couple years passed and a new faction known as the One Sith were gaining power in the core worlds, bringing the Republic to its knees.
One day, the Jedi's greatest fear came to life, the Invasion of Tython and Coruscant. The Jedi Temple on Tython was quiet and peaceful as always until one single shot of blaster fire was heard and was followed by the sound of Lightsabers turning on and even more blaster fire, was the distant sound of artillery growing ever so closer. That day, everything Xiarr knew was destroyed, and his life would be changed forever. Xiarr and his master held off hoards of Sith Acolytes as they stormed the temple, but eventually, they were overwhelmed, Xiarr watched as his master was butchered by the Sith, and like a coward, he ran. Eventually, he bumped into the Jedi Battle Master who was trying to get Padawans and Younglings to safety, Xiarr followed the Battle Master but a piece of falling rubble separated Xiarr and the Battle Master. In what can only be described as a miracle, he got out of the Temple alive and found a seemingly abandoned dropship. But when he entered the ship he was ambushed by a single Sith Acolyte, in a quick duel Xiarr defeated the Acolyte and escaped the planet.
After six years of wandering the Unknown, he found a man that would change his life forever, but that my friend is something you can read about on your own (Check out my early roleplays for the continued story!)
The Ancient Outsider
Saotome Tomie
Desperado Class Beskar Armor
ACS-204 Vulcan Blaster Rifle
Phantasm Class Stealth Cloak
Drifter Class Shotgun
Phrik Bracers
Jedi Lord Armor