Xieza Blade
Xieza Blade

Name: Xieza Blade
Faction: The Order of the Silver Jedi, The Vinden Kingdom
Rank: Padawan(For Silver), King of the Vinden Kingdom
Species: Human
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 182 pounds
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Light
Force Sensitive: Yes
- Good with a blade: Xieza's early life was spent in a time of war. Because of this, he was able to learn how to fight with a blade at a young age. His ability with a blade is quite good, now.
- Great athletic ability: Since Xieza grew up in a time of war, he had to be on the run a lot. This allowed him to develop an incredible athletic ability of running, jumping, climbing, etc.
- He is quite fast: Xieza's early life has also allowed him to develop a high speed. He is able to run quite fast. During his childhood, he had to be on the run just to survive.
- Has basic force powers and techniques: Xieza learned he was force sensitive when he was thirteen, which was after the war. He has been training his force powers and techniques ever since then and is now pretty good at them.
- Can't focus when he thinks about the war in his past: The war in Xieza's childhood scarred him. He lost his family and many of his friends in that war. If he is reminded or if he thinks about this during battle(etc.), he won't be able to think properly and won't be able to focus on the current situation.
- Holds back against female characters: If Xieza has to fight a female character, he will hold back and make an awkward situation out of it. Since he will hold back, this will leave him vulnerable.
- Can be persuaded into doing something: Xieza can be persuaded if someone offers him something of interest. He may not be persuaded to do too extreme of things, but he can still be persuaded.
His hair is blonde and spiky. The color of his eyes look like a deep blue ocean. He stands at 6'1" and weighs 182 pounds. He has a semi-muscular body. He prefers to wear light clothing so that he can keep his speed high. His usual outfit is a dark, sleeveless coat, with a thin, sleeveless undershirt and long, dark, lightly armored pants. He also wears a single shoulder guard.
Sunlight shined into Xieza's face. It was morning. Xieza rose from the bed and looked around. Just another morning... He thought to himself. He stands up and stretches. "Oh man..." he says aloud. "I didn't get enough sleep last night." Xieza walks up to the window and looks out. The view is quite nice. The sun is rising and the streets are full of people who have begun their morning chores. "Yep... Just another morning..." he says to himself. He grabs a book off of the bookshelf in his room. He opens the book and suddenly a cluster of pictures falls out onto the floor. He goes to pick them up. Gah! The pictures are pictures of his family and friends. Xieza collapses onto the floor as he begins to remember.
It was a cold and wet morning in the streets of Hundar, a decently sized city. Everything was calm, besides the rain pouring onto the city. Xieza, a twelve year old boy, is with his friends walking through the streets. Suddenly, the calmness is broken. Missiles crash into buildings, some buildings being completely destroyed as others are still standing but burning. Xieza and his friends take off running. They didn't know where exactly they would go, but they ran anyways. Missiles kept pounding the city for about fifteen minutes. Once they stopped, drop ships could be seen landing troops. The troops didn't look like anything Xieza has ever seen before. When one of them ignited a red saber, Xieza knew. The city's military force tried to retaliate the attack, but were over powered easily. Xieza got split off from his friends. He decided to run back to his house. Once he got there he found that it had been raided and burned. Burning corpses could be seen through the busted doorway. Xieza's heart stopped.
Xieza's blurred vision becomes clear again. His heart pounding against his chest. He slides the pictures back into the book and puts it back on the shelf. As he does this, a lightsaber falls from his dresser. Xieza falls onto his bed as he begins to remember more.
It had been three weeks since the planet was first attacked. The invading Sith forces have taken most of the planet. The planet's military has already been crushed. The only thing stopping the Sith from having total control of the planet is a group of resistance fighters. Xieza is located in the same city he was in when the invasion had begun. The city is now in ruins. He has been scavenging for supplies and whatever else he needs to survive. The resistance fighters are strong in this region, but the Sith are closing in. Xieza is stealthily walking through the streets when suddenly a battle erupts between resistance fighter forces and Sith forces. Xieza jumps into cover. Among the resistance fighters is a Jedi Knight. He cuts through many of the Sith troops before finally being cut up by a Sith Warrior. After about ten minutes of fighting, the skirmish is over. Xieza looks up to see that the Sith have won. The Sith troops move up to continue liberating the ruins of this city. Xieza hops up and runs over to the bodies. All of them are dead. He goes over to the corpse of the Jedi and stands there studying it for a moment. He spots a shiny object in the Jedi's hand and picks it up. He immediately recognizes what it is. A lightsaber. He tucks it into his coat and runs off.
"I think I'm going to go out for a while..." Xieza says out loud. He grabs all things of value to him and packs them in his backpack. He then leaves the home and heads to the dock for his ship. This ship takes him to the Order of the Silver Jedi where he seeks training, guidance, and a better understanding of the force.
Xieza's ship is small, but comfortable. It can hold four people in the cockpit, and possibly more in the cargo area. That is, if anyone would want to ride in the cargo area. The ship is decently fast and is able to travel in hyperspace. The ships has a decent shield system, but not many weapons. The weapons on the ship includes: two laser guns and a missile launcher.
Equipment: A yellow single bladed lightsaber, a backpack full of survival supplies and his valuables
Kills: None yet
Bounties Collected: None yet
Roleplay List:
Training Received
Training Given
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