Xion Vala
Space Hippie
NAME:Xion Vala
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
EYES: None
SKIN: Brown
+ Force Sight: Like all other Miraluka, Xion knows Force Sight and uses it to see.
+ Reflexes: Due to the constant use of Force Sight like all other Miraluka, Xion had gained their extreme reflexes.
+Force Sense: like other miraluka Xion can naturally use force sense.
- Vong: Due to having to see the force to see Xion can’t see the Vong, or locate them as they are force dead.
- Sever Force: If severed from the force Xion will no longer be able to see .
- Radical: If he sees something he does not agree with he usually will protest it, but sometimes takes things to far.
- Ambition: His ambition so strong that he will willingly toss others aside or throw away relationships to reach his true goal.
Xion like all other full blooded Miraluka lacks eyes so is effectively physically blind. Xion has long red hair that is naturally straight most of the way till it reaches the ends where the hair curls. Xion is on the thinner side of things but has quite a bit of lean muscle even though it’s nothing to be impressed by. Across his brown skin are tattoos that reach from his shoulders down to his waist. With a complete lack of facial hair his prominent chin stands out as well.
Xion was a Miraluka born to a family just like any other. His species has a complete lack of ambition for themselves or any true wants to gain anything in life. This was a confusing life to Xion, he was one of the Miraluka’s that wanted to be free of the planet. The confines of such a wretched life taunted the boy and drove him insane. Unlike other Miraluka he didn’t hide his lack of eyes and willingly walked about without a bandana or covering letting the eyeless sockets stare at others.
Xion’s family saw this as a insult to their whole race and more specifically their ancestor. One who had played a detrimental part in the death of an ancient Sith Lord that was known to have destroyed a Miraluka planet. Xion didn’t see it this way though, he wanted his people to be happy, he wanted them to take what he knew they could. Together they would have the power to do what they wanted. Such thoughts were not befitting of a young boy, so granting him his wish Xion’s parents sent him off to Coruscant where he would be schooled. They hoped this would calm what they perceived as the boys rebellious phase, but it only seemed to make it worse. His hunger for freedom and knowledge only grew more as he studied on Coruscant.
When he came of age and graduated and left Coruscant to see his family what Xion had found out is that his family had disowned him. He had loss the privaledge of being called brother by other Miraluka and they looked upon him like a curse, a plague. He no longer belonged to his own community and thus exiled himself from Alpheridies not willing to return to the planet till he showed just how far one could really go if they showed some ambition.
Force Abilities: (Adept, Proficient, Expert, Master)
Force Sight: Master
Animal Friendship/Beast Trick: Adept
Force Sense: Proficient
Saber Forms: (Adept, Proficient, Expert, Master)
Niman: Adept
Jar'Kai: Adept
Ship: BlackFire Class Light Starfighter
Hunters First Steps: Xion goes off to hunt a Strilla for the Beast Hunters Guild and acquires five baby Strills. Completed
The Force Lives: Xion comes in touch with the living force and gains a knew understanding on life as well as just coming in contact with the animal friendship ability of the force. Completed
A part of you: Xion builds his first lightsabers. Completed
Heigh Ho: Xion goes Phrik Mining and meets some random people. In Progress
The Mines of Wayland: Xion goes mining on the planet Wayland and furthers his skills in animal friendship. Completed
Who Doesn't love oceans: Xion participates in the dominion of Manann as a pilot. Complete
Welcome to the Jungle: Xion tries to protect the planet from the Mandalorians. In Progress
Dual Blade Fencing: Xion challenges Seraphina Shel'tah to a duel to learn and further his knowledge on Jar'Kai In Progress
Kaleesh Warrior Vs Space Hippie: Xion challenges Rael sul B'an to a duel to further his knowledge in lightsaber dueling. In Progress
Set Controls: Xion participates in the dominion of Shri Tal with the Silver Jedi. In Progress