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Approved NPC Xolag the Witch King of Endor

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Intent: To create another Mercenary Commander for Battlewell Security and arms, while also providing Ke'Cholo with a force sensitive NPC.

Image Credit: Ready Player One Wiki - Fandom

Role: Xolag is a Witch King Ke'Cholo hired for the purpose of acting as a force sensitive companion and part-time Mercenary Commander.

Links: Battlewell Security and Arms


Age: 66

Force Sensitivity: Master

Species: Human


Xolag stands at a mediocre 1.77 meters, and has a very unassuming demeanor. The Witch King wears a set of alchemized robes, that makes it resistant to energy weapons like lightsabers and blasters. He always be seen clutching onto a hand carved wooden cane, that appears to be a dismembered claw holding onto some sort of orb. Xolag is of average weight, but most of his body is covered by the loose robes, hiding most of his features. Xolag is bald and blind due to an alchemy experiment that backfired. The resulting explosions seared off all of his hair, making it impossible for it to grow back and also blinded him. His eyes always appear open and a bright, glowing orange.


Name: Xolag, Witch King of Endor

Loyalties: His Witch Coven, Ke'Cholo, Battlewell Security and Arms

Wealth: Poor, less than 50,000 credits

Notable Possessions:

Alchemy Ingredients: Xolag has a vast array of various alchemical ingredients from several worlds that he has acquired from ignorant spacers through bartering.

Witch King Cloak: A unique cloak passed down for generations.



Force sight
Force sense
Protection bubble
Sith alchemy
Force speed


Force lightning
Force fear
Force weapon


Xolag is a proud and powerful witch. He often appears arrogant and overconfident of his abilities, even if they are quite honed. This arrogance bleeds over into the battlefield where he will often over-extend himself and fight too aggressively. Outside combat, he can appear pompous and will look down his nose at certain people. He has respect for few, and those who have it have earned it.


Weapon of Choice: His staff and force abilities

Combat Function: In combat, Xolag would opt to remain near the back. He would first place a force bubble on himself to protect his body while using Force Lightning or one of the various other abilities he has. If it came to close quarters combat, Xolag would be in trouble. He has Novice training at Melee/Close combat at best. In such a situation, he would attempt to use Force Speed to escape. Should be be trapped, he would use Force Weapon on a nearby object.


Master of Several Force Abilities

Master of Sith Alchemy

Sage/Gives Helpful Advice

More resistant to mental intrusion than most humans


Much more Physically Weak than most Humans

Inept with Melee/blaster combat


Blind/Relies on Force Sight

Totally Reliant on Force Powers for Combat



Xolag was born two parents he never met. At infancy, he was placed in an orphanage on the planet of Endor. The orphanage raised him well, making sure he was never naked nor hungry. However, at the age of 16, the monotony and boringness of the orphanage led him to run away, taking the few possessions he owned. After wandering the wilderness for several days, near the point of death due to dehydration, he was saved by a coven of female witches. These women were of all ages and species.

The witches raised him until he was 18, where he was given the opportunity to leave. He declined, as the witches had grown close to him in the relatively small amount of time he was there. He continued to study The Force and Sith Alchemy. At the age of 25, still a novice in Sith Alchemy, Xolag made a critical mistake, causing him blindness the hair on top of his head to never grow back. When the explosion occurred, he was leaning down to reach another ingredient, so his lower facial hair and other senses were protected from the blast.

Xolag then began to master to art of seeing with the force, with the help of all the other witches. This process was a grueling one, but over relatively soon. After the death of the clan leader, Mother Re'Sha, the witches elected Xolag as their new leader, their Witch King.

Now a Witch King in his prime, Xolag has mastered several force abilities. He was recently hired by a long time contact, the mercenary Ke'Cholo.

Hey there, looking through your submission I noticed you are missing a few fields. Please look over the template and add them, if you aren't using them simply add N/A behind them.

I am still going through the rest of the submission, but one thing immediately comes to mind. You are using your Urko species for this NPC, which is completely fine, but there is an issue here.

One of the main weaknesses the Urko possess to balance them is their inherent weakness to mentalism.

"Mentally Vulnerable- A padawan or acolyte wouldn't have much trouble mind tricking one of these."

I understand you have "Mentally Strong" as a somewhat balancing act, because this Urko is weak compared to the other Urkos, but that is what I'd like you to change about this strength to fit with the species itself. Instead of a blanket 'Mentally strong', put in Mentally stronger than most Urko.

Other than that, you will need to look into your force powers. You currently have Tutaminis, Sith Alchemy, Force Destruction, Force Cloak and Battle Meditation, each one of them is rare, powerful and highly taxing. The basic force powers are fine, but I am uncomfortable approving a NPC with that many rare abilities mastered/experted, please cut that down to a more reasonable number.

My advice is to really lock in what Xolag is good at and specializes in and pick the powers that make sense with that.
[member="Carach"] I wasn't really satisfied with where this guy was at, so I edited his species/personality/history and a few small things. Edits are in purple for your convenience.

Carach said:
Hey there, looking through your submission I noticed you are missing a few fields. Please look over the template and add them, if you aren't using them simply add N/A behind them.
Added in.

Carach said:
I understand you have "Mentally Strong" as a somewhat balancing act, because this Urko is weak compared to the other Urkos, but that is what I'd like you to change about this strength to fit with the species itself. Instead of a blanket 'Mentally strong', put in Mentally stronger than most Urko.

Changed to ''Much more mentally strong than most humans'' but I also changed his weakness to ''Much more physically weak than most humans.'' I also added arrogance as a weakness.

Carach said:
Other than that, you will need to look into your force powers. You currently have Tutaminis, Sith Alchemy, Force Destruction, Force Cloak and Battle Meditation, each one of them is rare, powerful and highly taxing. The basic force powers are fine, but I am uncomfortable approving a NPC with that many rare abilities mastered/experted, please cut that down to a more reasonable number.

Removed Force Destruction.

Alright, this is a lengthy sub, lots of complexity, so let's take this one step at a time.

KeCholo said:
Notable Possessions:

Force Conduit Staff: This staff was crafted and alchemized by Xolag, which made it a conduit to channel his force abilities through.

Alchemized Cloth Armor: Xolag wears a set of cloth armor that is resistant to lightsabers (class 8) and blasters (class 8). The drawbacks of the armor is it's weakness to blunt force trauma and non-energy weapons due to it being made out of cloth.

It's quite acceptable to mention some standard unsubbed possessions a NPC might possess. But I don't find it reasonable to approve a NPC with alchemical equipment like that, they will need to go through the factory separately. Please remove them now, once they are approved you can add them to the NPC through modifications.

The ingredients are fine though, that's super flavorable and I love it.

KeCholo said:
This would have been fine for a PC master, but here's the issue: this is a NPC. Even a NPC master will never be as competent, knowledgeable and powerful as a PC can be.

I discussed this with my fellow judges and I am comfortable with this NPC having a single rare power. That means you will need to pick one out of these: Force Defend, Force Bellow, Sith Alchemy, Spears of Midnight Black, Force Cloak, Battle Meditation. After picking a single one, please remove all mention of the others from your submission.

This is sadly non-negotiable and cannot be discussed further.

KeCholo said:

Much more Mentally Strong than most Humans


Much more Physically Weak than most Humans
The weakness is fine, but please change the strength to read 'More resistant to mental intrusion that most humans'. It is more vague this way and less of a blanket statement.

Similarly to the force power comment I had: keep in mind that this is a NPC. It won't ever be as resistant to things as a PC could be.


Well, that was a lot of things, but if you make all these edits? I will be able to stamp it afterwards. If you have any thoughts or concerns, please let me know.
Carach said:
It's quite acceptable to mention some standard unsubbed possessions a NPC might possess. But I don't find it reasonable to approve a NPC with alchemical equipment like that, they will need to go through the factory separately. Please remove them now, once they are approved you can add them to the NPC through modifications.
Removed both, but added back in a unique Witch King Cloak, doesn't do anything, just his normal cool looking cloak.

Carach said:
The ingredients are fine though, that's super flavorable and I love it.
Thank you :)

Carach said:
I discussed this with my fellow judges and I am comfortable with this NPC having a single rare power. That means you will need to pick one out of these: Force Defend, Force Bellow, Sith Alchemy, Spears of Midnight Black, Force Cloak, Battle Meditation. After picking a single one, please remove all mention of the others from your submission.
I was hoping to keep Sith Alchemy (sense it isn't a combat ability) and another Force Ability, but rules are rules. Removed all the above except for Sith Alchemy. I also added in Telekinesis to compensate for the loss, it didn't seem like a rare power to me (since like every youngling uses it), but if I need to edit that out let me know.

Carach said:
The weakness is fine, but please change the strength to read 'More resistant to mental intrusion that most humans'. It is more vague this way and less of a blanket statement.

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