New Member
NAME: Xonocotl
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems
RANK: (yet to be decided)
SPECIES: Makurth subspecies
AGE: 42
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6ft 2in
WEIGHT: 194lb
EYES: Blue
SKIN: Brown and scaly
+ Good, but not perfect, at hand-to-hand combat and has decent aim
+ Formidable strategist
+ Good pilot
- Can be arrogant
- Gets irritated pretty easily
- Has a honor code that might one day cause his fall
- Doesn't have many friends
None as of yet
Xonocotl is a rather well-built Makurth. He has a couple of battle scars on his chest, reminding him his fights during his youth. His blue reptilian eyes inspire fear in his opponents' hearts, and his razor-sharp teeth make Xonocotl look even more intimidating. His scales are pretty durable, making Xonocotl's skin hardly penetrable.
Xonocotl almost always wears a mask and a dark cape.

Xonocotl grew up in the harsh environment of his homeworld, Moltok. Living side by side with dozens of dangerous predators gave the Makurth a lot of maturity. His mother was a farmer, while his father spent most of his time in battle arenas—and earned a good amount of money for the family. In his free time, Xonocotl’s father, Tekranis, would teach the young Makurth how to handle himself in a fight. This saved Xonocotl’s life more than once.
Xonocotl was fascinated by history, especially the Rise of the Empire era. Palpatine was a genius, and an idol to him, alongside the Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Separatist military genius General Grievous. However, his father, being the brute he was, wasn’t so fond of this. He wanted his son to be a feared warrior. Tekranis attempted many times to introduce his son to the world of gladiators, warriors and bounty hunters by making him watch arena battles, in vain. Xonocotl was intrigued, but not as much as he was about history.
Dozens of years passed. The old Tekranis was in deathbed after receiving a fatal wound during a fight. The now twenty years old Xonocotl promised his dying father that he would become a warrior, just like the old man had wished. And he did. He had fought in the arena at least three times before a rather large pack of Gundarks—who, surprisingly, do not live on Moltok—ended up in the Markuth’s village. Both sides fought fiercely, and Xonocotl slaughtered many Gundarks during the fight. Unfortunately, there weren’t enough Koru’cu, “those who serve and protect”, to fend off the attack. Xonocotl was taken to a ship and placed into a bacta tank by one of his comrades after large chunks of his arms and legs have been ripped off by the Gundarks. The Markuth were a tough species, but unlike most other reptilians, they didn’t regrow lost limbs. Xonocotl underwent a long operation, in which his limbs were replaced by cybernetic ones and his heart and vital organs covered by a metallic chestplate for protection—and to keep one of his damaged vital organs functioning by transmitting some signals to it.
Xonocotl lived on as a warrior, leading tribes of Markuth to victory after victory against others. Xonocotl, now one of his tribe’s leaders, had completely changed. He was now a ruthless killing machine.
He went on for years, slaughtering again and again… until a man from the reformed Confederacy of Independent Systems came and offered a deal; a deal that would change Xonocotl’s life.
Apparently, the man was impressed by the Markuth’s skills and wanted to recruit him. His answer was simple when Xonocotl asked what would be his gain from this: “You will have a reason to fight for.”
Xonocotl already hated the Republic for the selfishness and the Force-users for their arrogance. The stranger strengthened this hate by his words. He also told the Makurth that he could become his era’s General Grievous. Grievous. Centuries ago, pronouncing that name was enough to give people nightmares. Now he was just a historical figure.
Xonocotl accepted with little hesitation. He didn’t have any particular feelings for his tribe, after all. His friends and family were all dead, and he was just a tool for his tribe.
Things didn’t go as expected for the Makurth, unfortunately. The Confederacy scientists wiped most of his memory without his consent and mutilated his body as a part of a project… Project Revival, it was called, and was created to bring back the most fearsome Separatist warriors from the past by finding the people that resembled them most.
It worked perfectly. The scientists produced the closest thing to Grievous’s armor. Xonocotl showed great aptitude for strategizing, and soon enough he became a respected Separatist Admiral. Respected, and feared…
SHIP: A Tambor-class carrier, the "Iron Fist".
KILLS: None as yet
(Wrote this in a hurry so there may be a few grammar/spelling errors