Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Xrgggnka? The sound he most often makes.
Faction: Huh?
Rank: Can I eat it?
Species: Rancor. Half-Bull, Half Regular
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 14 Meters | 45 Foot Tall
Weight: 3,500 kg or 4 Tons.
Eyes: Usually. Big and Brown.
Hair: Nope
Skin: Moss Color, with Dark Brown Patches. Tough Hide, not a full bull hide but tough enough.
Force Sensitive: Yes - Limited, bestial force powers.


  • Rancor
  • Teeth. You don't want to be near that jaw.
  • Stomp Stomp Smash Smash.
  • Weight. If he steps or sits on you, its probably game over.
  • Predatory Instincts. Good sense of smell.

  • Rancor
  • Even a stormtrooper can't miss it.
  • Weight. It'd take the entire cargo hold of some small ships just to move him.
  • Size doesn't help against a lightsaber, the opposite is true.
  • Vulnerable to vehicles, and fighters, nowhere to hide.
  • Feeding him costs a small fortune.

Teeth bigger than a man and a jaw drooling with spittle at the sight of a potential meal. The large, lumbering form of a mossy green rancor can usually be found hunting in the deepest jungles, where the food supply can support his bulk. His clawed feet are particularly long, and its hunching back pronounces its shoulders, especially when it leans in to peer down at what is beneath it.

He's not stereotypically stupid, as a lumbering brute might be. Moving instead with single-minded intent. Food, territory, mating, and sleeping are high on his agenda. He won't be debating philosophy any time soon, but he also won't be poking a lightsaber with his fingernail. In fact, the big brute has a tendency to be quite lazy when he's got no reason to do anything and prefers to sit and sunbathe, or feel a cold, refreshing downpour to wash the mud off. Xrgggnka will often, when not hunting or fighting, be found snoring or carving his claws on a stone to sharpen them. He's got a thing for large, smooth rocks and keeps his own impressive collection next to the bone pile, preferring them to be large but simple, like life.

Early Biography:
Hunting in the jungles of Lehon a certain significant world in galactic history, a young predator managed to both survive his Bull father eating his mother alive after his birth, and the first few years of his life alone. Though, of course, losing his mother was a bad blow. It was just as likely that the baby would die as survive, but survive it did, feasting on the many creatures smaller than it, and proving up to the task of avoiding not only its father but the competitors that sort to kill off any male competition for the area.

Over the years, feasting on Lehon had a strange effect on the creature. There were many odd sites on that planet that lay in the deeper jungles, and something about them changed or triggered him. Eventually, an exploring Dathomir Witch found the young rancor, avoiding not only her but also a much larger competitor. She was impressed, as usually the rancors on Lehon were not as intelligent as those on Dathomir, as a result, her group took it captive and raised it as their own.

Somewhere between his service to the witches, and feeding from around the ancient force sites on Lehon, the beast began to do something very strange. It had exhibited certain traits the witches were aware of, Force Smell for example. What one Witch began to realise is that the beast had either acquired a force connection or had been the rarity born with it. Another might have dismissed any notion of this, as just a particularly sharp animal sense, as might be expected by a predator. In fact, that was the group's downfall, as only one Witch decided to take the beast's connection to the force seriously at all and she was mocked relentlessly by her sisters for it being anything more than chance or her imagination.

So it was one night that witches camp came under attack by nightmarish creatures, visions, illusions and screams so terrible they pierced the mind and shattered it into pieces. The Dathomir natives fought ferociously against this threat, but their animals broke their leashes, wrecked their cages, and tried to get loose. Xrgggnka was no exception, and when he was loose, hearing the force screams, then feeling the piercing sensation inside its huge head, sent it almost into a berserk frenzy.

What happened next only one Witch had considered, and she was the only one who had covered her ears ready for it. The beast Xrgggnka matched the screams and force nightmares falling upon the witches, with a shrieking howl of its own. The mighty scream shattered the eardrums of the nearby attackers and Witches both, it did nothing to stop the beast itself from frenzying. Feeling this connection through the force more fully for the first time sent it mad, and off Xrgggnka bounded into the jungles and swamps, never seen from again.

Until now.



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