Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Xun of Throne



  • Intent: CEO of Azimuth Industries
  • Image Credit: Dragonman by Olivi - X
  • Role: Corporate Officer
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 32
  • Force Sensitivity: No
  • Species: Falleen
  • Appearance: Approximately 1.8 meters tall, with green, scaled skin, dark hair, and yellow-green eyes
  • Name: Xun of Throne
  • Loyalties: Azimuth Industries
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Xun is adept in the art of social graces, political influence, and corporate espionage
  • Languages: Falleen, Basic, Huttese, Binary, Bocce, High Galactic, Mandoa'a, Shryiiwook, Ryl, Sullustese, Durese, and Rodese
  • Personality: Soft-spoken, calm, and possessing perfect manners, Xun can appear to some to be too polite. And they may be right as beneath his veneer of poise and cold logic runs the frozen blood of a being who believes in his own superiority and perceives himself as deeply wronged by his homeworld and the Galaxy writ large.
  • Weapons of Choice: Devaronian Blood-Poison Ring, Stingbeam
  • Combat Function: Xun prefers to avoid outright combat when possible through use of pheromones and calming words, but if it is unavoidable he is trained in Falleen martial arts and relies on incapacitating an enemy through pain, or a quick removal by poison or monofilament garrote.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): N/A
  • Beguiling: By secreting pheromones, Xun can influence others.
  • Nobody's Fool: As a Falleen, Xun is resistant to mind tricks.
  • Going Red: If Xun is truly angered, his skin may change color despite his efforts to control it.
  • Overconfident: Despite being sold as a slave by his own people, Xun still believes himself to be superior to most everyone else in the galaxy. Often to his detriment.

The Falleen Kings of Throne sold Xun as a slave in the markets of the Outer Rim. After traveling through several masters, he was eventually acquired by Marcus Tritum, who freed him from servitude. Despite being given his freedom, Xun still resents Marcus for this on some level. He continues to work for Marcus as one of the corporate officers at Azimuth Industries, where his skills crafted on Throne and in the Outer Rim find much need


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