Alias: “Xun’su”
Legal Name: Varan Jai Kal
Current Residence: Corellian Sector, Nar Shaddaa
Occupation(s): Bounty Hunter / Engineer / Jedi (Formerly)
Rank: Padawan-Sentinel (Formerly)
Species: Human (Corellian-born)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 175 lbs.; Athletic Build
Eyes: Brown; Bright Yellow (when under Dark-Side influence)
Hair: Long, Jet Black (Topknot)
Skin: Tan, Pale (when under Dark-Side influence)
Cybernetics: None
Force Sensitive: Yes
Police Report:
The bounty hunter, known as “Xun’su”, is a strange one at best. Kid sounds like a sad piece of work if you ask me. All of the perps he brings in are unconscious or ridiculously bruised up. I’ve even seen him bring bounties into the police station with shock collars or shock cuffs on them. He just keeps on shocking them until one of officers brings him the credits. I swear he puts these crooks to near-death without any remorse. But hey, when you want scum taken down - he’s the move. The thing that really stood out though: reports say that he's fast and can move objects with his mind. Matter of fact, he shocks his bounties nonstop when he has no cuffs or collars. He definitely has some Force tricks. I don’t know if this guy rolls Jedi or Sith, but as long as he doesn’t cause trouble with the authorities - it ain’t nothing to worry about. It’s obvious he has no love for them lunatic wizards either (ironically). Nor us but I can’t blame him. We get our crooks, he gets his money.
*Note: Is “Xun’su” his real name? Or he’s the crazy, alter-ego type? Man, the folks back home (whoever they are) have A LOT to answer for.
Bio (W.I.P.):
Varan Jai Kal is a Force-sensitive human from Kor Vella, Corellia. He was only a newborn when his mother and father died in a speeder accident - the son fast asleep at home in a cradle. With no known related family, the infant was sent Kor Vella's orphanage. The orphanage's caretakers raised Varan for three years while witnessing various acts of telekinesis performed by the child. When Varan turned four years old, the administrator contacted the Jedi so that he could be transferred over to Coruscant... that and they were finally relieved of dealing with wizardry and "hokey religions".
When Varan first came to the Jedi, he was distant and anti-social, spending most of his time inside his dorm. It wasn't until he was approached by a Twi'lek Jedi Knight, named Ina Yannek, in the Temple's courtyard - who saw him manipulating water in a fountain. She proceeded to manipulate the water alongside the child. It was in that moment Varan realized that he was surrounded by people he could relate too. He became more excitable and eager to be accepted in his new home. At the age of 9, Varan had proven himself to be strong in the Force, an able combatant, and having a knack for ingenuity. He completed "The Gathering" at Ilum, receiving a bright orange crystal and constructing a curved-hilt lightsaber. The Council soon after assigned Varan to none other than Ina. Ina was in the process of her trials to the rank of Master, and the responsibility of training the newly named Padawan was the final step.
The first few years of their journey, Ina taught Varan everything she knew in hopes that he could rise to Knighthood in the future. She trained him in the ways of the Jedi Sentinel to help hone his creativity. They travelled to many parts of the galaxy taking part in outreach programs while studying each worlds' people, societies, culture, and biodiversity. The lesson she aimed to instill was the symbiotic nature the Force has with everything. Ina also instructed Varan in mechanical and computer engineering This gave them the advantage whenever their ship needed maintenance, their holocommunicators had troubleshooting, or when they had an unresponsive lightsaber.
Intergalactic strife is an inevitable occurrence for the Jedi and the Republic. During wars and battles, the Master and Padawan were specialists in espionage and subterfuge. Ina made sure to train Varan in Force and lightsaber techniques that involved stealth and the efficient dispatching of enemies. They wore many different disguises to impersonate civilians, gypsies, engineers, and enemy soldiers. Ina also instructed Varan to apply his engineering skills to sabotage communications and equipment. Even though they played significant roles in the Republic's military, their actions were questionable to the Jedi. Ina and Varan were often assigned high profile targets - those deemed "too dangerous" to be left alive. In many ways they served as assassins; and after each completed mission, the tension between them and the Jedi grew. When Ina and Varan returned to the temple after a 9-month tour in Hoth, they reported to the Jedi Council regarding their accomplishments: the defeat of a high priority Houk terrorist unit; a sleeper cell of "Republic" agents; and two Sith Lords. Though it was insisted that they were "keeping the peace", the Council rebut by stating that Ina and Varan had left nothing but a trail of corpses. Moreover, killing these high-priority targets will just rally more enemies - peace being further unachievable.
During Varan's later teenage years, he was rarely around any of his fellow Jedi. He recalled the time as a child when Ina opened his eyes to the Jedi, believing he had found his family. Instead, it was just him and his master living among common people, freedom fighters, and soldiers.
Varan is 6ft tall with tan skin. He has thick eyebrows, brown eyes, and ties his hair back into a topknot.
When under the Dark Side influence, his eyes turn yellow and his skin turns pale - though it usually isn't seen since he wears a tactical suit that covers his body.
- Civillian: Varan can mostly be seen wearing a rain jacket, button-up, cargo pants, and shoes.
- Engineer: Varan wears a gray coverall, a face shield, and work boots
- "Xun'su": The bounty hunter alter-ego dons a set of black, tactical gear and a gas mask installed with a scanner. He also carries a backpack and wears a bandolier storing his weapon augments and other gear.
Relby K-25 Blaster:
Echani Vibroblades: Strong enough to block lightsabers and cold to the touch! Varan still holds to his Jedi training and will resort to these shortswords when he's at close range
Off-Hand Energy Shield: Since he doesn’t have a lightsaber, Varan installed an energy shield on his left wristguard to ward off blaster fire.
(+)Deception: Varan’s civilian life shows that he is a part of the common people, making end’s meet. He also will use that to his advantage to further his objectives. He uses his occupations to play the role of a Saboteur and a Demolitionist.
Legal Name: Varan Jai Kal
Current Residence: Corellian Sector, Nar Shaddaa
Occupation(s): Bounty Hunter / Engineer / Jedi (Formerly)
Rank: Padawan-Sentinel (Formerly)
Species: Human (Corellian-born)
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 175 lbs.; Athletic Build
Eyes: Brown; Bright Yellow (when under Dark-Side influence)
Hair: Long, Jet Black (Topknot)
Skin: Tan, Pale (when under Dark-Side influence)
Cybernetics: None
Force Sensitive: Yes
Police Report:
The bounty hunter, known as “Xun’su”, is a strange one at best. Kid sounds like a sad piece of work if you ask me. All of the perps he brings in are unconscious or ridiculously bruised up. I’ve even seen him bring bounties into the police station with shock collars or shock cuffs on them. He just keeps on shocking them until one of officers brings him the credits. I swear he puts these crooks to near-death without any remorse. But hey, when you want scum taken down - he’s the move. The thing that really stood out though: reports say that he's fast and can move objects with his mind. Matter of fact, he shocks his bounties nonstop when he has no cuffs or collars. He definitely has some Force tricks. I don’t know if this guy rolls Jedi or Sith, but as long as he doesn’t cause trouble with the authorities - it ain’t nothing to worry about. It’s obvious he has no love for them lunatic wizards either (ironically). Nor us but I can’t blame him. We get our crooks, he gets his money.
*Note: Is “Xun’su” his real name? Or he’s the crazy, alter-ego type? Man, the folks back home (whoever they are) have A LOT to answer for.
Bio (W.I.P.):
Varan Jai Kal is a Force-sensitive human from Kor Vella, Corellia. He was only a newborn when his mother and father died in a speeder accident - the son fast asleep at home in a cradle. With no known related family, the infant was sent Kor Vella's orphanage. The orphanage's caretakers raised Varan for three years while witnessing various acts of telekinesis performed by the child. When Varan turned four years old, the administrator contacted the Jedi so that he could be transferred over to Coruscant... that and they were finally relieved of dealing with wizardry and "hokey religions".
When Varan first came to the Jedi, he was distant and anti-social, spending most of his time inside his dorm. It wasn't until he was approached by a Twi'lek Jedi Knight, named Ina Yannek, in the Temple's courtyard - who saw him manipulating water in a fountain. She proceeded to manipulate the water alongside the child. It was in that moment Varan realized that he was surrounded by people he could relate too. He became more excitable and eager to be accepted in his new home. At the age of 9, Varan had proven himself to be strong in the Force, an able combatant, and having a knack for ingenuity. He completed "The Gathering" at Ilum, receiving a bright orange crystal and constructing a curved-hilt lightsaber. The Council soon after assigned Varan to none other than Ina. Ina was in the process of her trials to the rank of Master, and the responsibility of training the newly named Padawan was the final step.
The first few years of their journey, Ina taught Varan everything she knew in hopes that he could rise to Knighthood in the future. She trained him in the ways of the Jedi Sentinel to help hone his creativity. They travelled to many parts of the galaxy taking part in outreach programs while studying each worlds' people, societies, culture, and biodiversity. The lesson she aimed to instill was the symbiotic nature the Force has with everything. Ina also instructed Varan in mechanical and computer engineering This gave them the advantage whenever their ship needed maintenance, their holocommunicators had troubleshooting, or when they had an unresponsive lightsaber.
Intergalactic strife is an inevitable occurrence for the Jedi and the Republic. During wars and battles, the Master and Padawan were specialists in espionage and subterfuge. Ina made sure to train Varan in Force and lightsaber techniques that involved stealth and the efficient dispatching of enemies. They wore many different disguises to impersonate civilians, gypsies, engineers, and enemy soldiers. Ina also instructed Varan to apply his engineering skills to sabotage communications and equipment. Even though they played significant roles in the Republic's military, their actions were questionable to the Jedi. Ina and Varan were often assigned high profile targets - those deemed "too dangerous" to be left alive. In many ways they served as assassins; and after each completed mission, the tension between them and the Jedi grew. When Ina and Varan returned to the temple after a 9-month tour in Hoth, they reported to the Jedi Council regarding their accomplishments: the defeat of a high priority Houk terrorist unit; a sleeper cell of "Republic" agents; and two Sith Lords. Though it was insisted that they were "keeping the peace", the Council rebut by stating that Ina and Varan had left nothing but a trail of corpses. Moreover, killing these high-priority targets will just rally more enemies - peace being further unachievable.
During Varan's later teenage years, he was rarely around any of his fellow Jedi. He recalled the time as a child when Ina opened his eyes to the Jedi, believing he had found his family. Instead, it was just him and his master living among common people, freedom fighters, and soldiers.
Varan is 6ft tall with tan skin. He has thick eyebrows, brown eyes, and ties his hair back into a topknot.
When under the Dark Side influence, his eyes turn yellow and his skin turns pale - though it usually isn't seen since he wears a tactical suit that covers his body.
- Civillian: Varan can mostly be seen wearing a rain jacket, button-up, cargo pants, and shoes.
- Engineer: Varan wears a gray coverall, a face shield, and work boots
- "Xun'su": The bounty hunter alter-ego dons a set of black, tactical gear and a gas mask installed with a scanner. He also carries a backpack and wears a bandolier storing his weapon augments and other gear.
Relby K-25 Blaster:
- It starts as a simple pistol, in which Varan carries a set of interchangeable parts that make this weapon reconfigurable for situations ranging from:
- pistol to rifle
- stealthy to loud
- semi-auto to automatic
- close to long range
- stun to lethal
Echani Vibroblades: Strong enough to block lightsabers and cold to the touch! Varan still holds to his Jedi training and will resort to these shortswords when he's at close range
Off-Hand Energy Shield: Since he doesn’t have a lightsaber, Varan installed an energy shield on his left wristguard to ward off blaster fire.
- Concussion Grenades
- Ion Grenades
- Smoke Grenades
- Thermal Detonators
- Backpack
- Bandolier
- Computer/Security Spikes
- Slicing gear
(+)Deception: Varan’s civilian life shows that he is a part of the common people, making end’s meet. He also will use that to his advantage to further his objectives. He uses his occupations to play the role of a Saboteur and a Demolitionist.
- As a Repairman and an Engineer, he fixes and slices all kinds of mechanical and electrical devices while observing the scene - keeping an eye on enemy whereabouts and shady dealings. While on the job, he can perform acts of sabotage - setting up traps in preparation for th upcoming fight.
- When the time comes to strike, Varan is a force within the shadows that can infiltrate enemy lines peacefully… or with deadly intention - a blur that takes on his enemies with great swiftness.
- From a child to teenager, Varan had lived among the Jedi as a lowly Padawan while training under a Master. Even after his expulsion, Varan still puts in the effort to maintain his combat studies.
- He was a practitioner in forms II (Makashi), IV (Ataru), V (Shien/Djem So) and VI (Niman). After becoming a bounty hunter, Varan took up Stava, a more brutal form of martial arts and later incorporated this into his Jedi training. This eventually led to him creating a more improvised style of fighting that was more unpredictable. Varan relies primarily on his speed and perception, for combat efficiency.
- Much of his practices focus on strengthening the body, mind, and senses.
- Combat-wise, he uses abilities such as Force Flash and Force Push that allow him to stun his opponents. He can also command the Force to make him Invisible or gift him with Blinding Speed.
- Varan has also tapped into aspects of the Dark Side and frequently uses Lightning and Slow.
- Whenever, he goes out to hunt his target(s). He has to be as efficient as possible and take them down quickly. Prolonged battle will tire him out and he also needs energy to still have a chance to escape if he is potentially overwhelmed.
- Varan has become a victim of the Dark Side of the Force after his Force Rage incident. The Force is now more like an infection that is spreading through his body. He feels chronic pain in his right arm, surging headaches, and entire body numbness; but he tries not to show it during his daily life. It doesn't help that his carries an alter ego bounty hunter mantle, thus he his beginning to develop a bipolar disorder. Through the act of being "Xun'su", Varan has a higher chance of falling to the influence of the Dark Side as he channels the power he so desires. The more he acts upon this, there will a chance that he may lose himself in the process - either that or the darkness will take him...
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