
(An Armor from Dragon's Prophet)
Intent: Xyhn-Tuhros' species is naturally fragile-bodied and her human morph is even more so, so a Beskar robe is more of a necessity than an an addition.
Development Thread: None
- Akiit Xyhn NPCs
- The Crystal Heart Workshop
Affiliation: @Xyhn-Tuhros
Modularity: Slightly adjustable to fit different sizes/bodies, female only.
Production: Unique (2)
Material: Carbonized Beskar, Carbonized Beskar Mesh, Trace Cryastium/Cobalt Alloys
Description: Xyhn-Tuhros needed armor in his/her fragile human form, thus s/he looked to his/her new brethren for assistance. With the help of akiit smiths, a light mesh was able to be made for a pair of robes (one as a backup) to be tailored. The material is a basic intermediate carbonized beskar alloy designed for maximum flexibility and ease of burden without sacrificing strength, while the trace metal blends give it its two-toned blue color and shimmer. Back on Crystalsong, the item was given a light alchemic treatment and finished at the Crystal Heart by its fellow anti-colonist proprietor. The process involved continuous imbuement of the material over an alchemic forge, meditation by the Crystal Heart altar and final fitment preparations to seal its power, however mild.
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8.5 kg.
(Coverage not reflected in Quality)
- Class 5 (Five) [robe, underwear, stockings]
- Class 7 (Seven) [right hip, breasts, feet, heels, fingers]
- Highly lightsaber and blaster resistant
- Extremely durable, yet flexible
- Reactive Cloth Crushgaunts w/ Solid Claws
- Alchemized for slight Force focus, but induces stress whenever damaged
This con Does stack - Stress effects fade after two hours from last hit