Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Xyhn-Drez (Ánmaranth in Nàrran Epicaph)
FACTION: The Mandolorian Empire
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: Human-17, Nárran-56
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'/20'
WEIGHT: 95~/1,875~
EYES: Bright Blue/Azure
HAIR: Sky Blue/Ebony
SKIN: Caucasian/Ebony


  • S1- Drez is much more powerful in the Force then anything else. She excels at manipulating the Force around her to do what ever she needs.
  • S2- Drez has an alarmingly good eye when it comes to shooting. She is a marksman in the truest sense of the word.
  • W1- Drez is frailer then most of her kind, who are already frail to begin with. Where they are a small bundle of sticks, she is just one.
  • W2- Drez is claustrophobic. If she cannot be in her dragon form and spread her wings, the area is to small. If she doesn't have to be there, she won't be.

Just as above.


Ánmaranth was born and raised like most of her kind, quickly. As soon as she was able to fend for herself, her parents left, leaving her alone on Crystalsong. Her life was very uneventful, leaving her to dream of another life. A life free of the planet she called home. For her many years alone she devoted herself to one skill, the Nárran's ability to shape shift. Through sheer determination alone she was able to change physically into one other form, a human female.

Throughout her life she found herself different from the rest of her kind. More compassionate, more wanting to have friends and connections. On Crystalsong she will find no such thing, so now she prepares to leave the planet for her own adventures. Her life has had little to nothing so far excitement-wise, and she is more then ready to go out in the new galaxy with Drez as her name.


Ranking from lowest to highest.
Learning (Can't use it in most situations, specifically combat) -> Apprentice (Can use it in combat or otherwise, but the ability is lacking) -> Knight (Basic understanding and use) -> High Knight (Advanced understanding and use) -> Master (Need I explain?)

Unarmed- Learning
Swordplay- Learning
Ranged- Knight

Juyo/Vapaad- Learning
Ataru- Learning
Shii-Cho- Learning
Niman- Learning
Shien- Learning
Sorsresu- Learning
Makashi- Learning

Force Sense- Apprentice
Force Telekinesis- Apprentice
Force Illusion- Racial limited.

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