Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xyra Rahn

Krenis Skirata

NAME: Xyra Rahn
FACTION: None at the moment
RANK: None at the moment
AGE: 25
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 1.85 meters
WEIGHT: 88.4 kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black, tied back in a ponytail, more easily distinguished by the her two horns above her eyes.
SKIN: light brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Sociopath: She has no empathy, no respect for rules or authority, and is incapable of having a meaningful relationship. Manipulating beings to think they have one with her is easy, though, and she can be very charming and pleasant when she so wishes, but it's all a ploy.
- Egotistical: Related to the first one, she has a very inflated view of herself and her abilities.
-Ruthless: She will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.
+ Confident: She does not suffer from a lack of self-confidence, to put it mildly.
+ Ambitious: She's driven to achieve grand things that probably aren't possible.
+ Protective: When she adopts someone into her group, for lack of a better term, she becomes very defensive of them and will go to great lengths to keep them safe and unharmed. How far that will go depends on the individual.

+Excellent hand to hand fighter from lifetime of training in Iridonian martial arts.
+Decent shot with a pistol

She has a warrior's build, muscular and lean, and often dresses in drab leather armor that offers protection again non-energy melee weapons without sacrificing mobility. Knee high boots, and a blaster slung low. She keeps her hair tied back in a ponytail, and she has two large horns above her eyes, with smaller ones along the back of her head. Her two facial tattoos almost resemble birds of prey along her cheekbones.


Xyra was born and raised on Iridonia by her small time criminal parents. She was trained in hand to hand fighting and shooting as soon as she could stand, and then used by her parents since nobody expected a child to be a dangerous assailant. They kept her isolated and pushed her to achieve beyond what was to be dreamed for Zabraks of her age. Eventually, her parents were eliminated by a members of a larger gang, and she disappeared into the underworld for a time, working as small-time muscle small heists under an assumed and disguised identity. She's recently resurfaced with much grander dreams than making enough to live on and is setting out to accomplish them.





The Madonna-

Krenis Skirata

Thank you all for the welcomes, and a female Zabrak should add some interesting dynamics, since there aren't a whole lot of Zabraks around.

Krenis Skirata

That they are. So many Mauls running around that it can be hard to keep them straight.
I'm considering between Black Sun and Hutt Cartel. Leaning towards Black Sun, I think. Thank you!
@Xyra Rahn

Ya I'm not sure how things are going with the Hutts. It's been a while since I've spoken with [member="Popo"] on the matter. Sill I'd welcome you with open arms if you chose to join the Suns.

Krenis Skirata

I did join the Suns, and posted an OOC intro thread. It looks like it will be exciting.

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