Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Yaadri Osi-Yyn


Force SensitiveYes


A tall muscular near-human male, the only distinguishable feature that may set him different from your typical human would be his almost perfectly symmetrical scarring on his cheeks. His body would be muscular yet athletically toned, through years of training on his somewhat tribal planet of Vunakia. He would usually wear loose fitting clothes, often black.




Yaadri is a perfectionist, he strives for only the best, not only in his ability and power but in his physical form. Most of his beliefs revolve around purging un-perfect beings and recreating the galaxy in his own perfect image. While it is but a tunnel dream, it is the core of his beliefs.

However, his personality is far from what you would expect, he's known to often be very laid back and sociable, easily leading people to misjudge his ability. Though, he finds it easy to flick the switch to a more serious tone, as little as he shows it.


- Strength. The young acolyte sports a strong body and a similar mind.

- Driven. He easily sets his mind to his goals, and often accomplishes them no matter the cost.


- Careless. He isn't one for plans.

- Hatred. He has a pure hatred for species and beings he considers lower than himself.


The Beginning.

Born to his planet's homeworld, Yaadri Osi-Yyn, was quickly introduced to his species way of life. A nomadic hunting species who would live life on their land, a peaceful way of life, staying away from the galactic politics and confusing world of technology. He would train and hone his body, as soon as he reached maturity. His life was simple, he had a family, friends and enjoyed his life. He completed his scarification ceremony two years younger than anyone from his tribe as he was deemed ready. He would inflict the scars upon his cheeks, to honour his people and their sacrifices in the past. Whilst Yaadri understood its purpose, he came to hate his scars, being an imperfection upon his body.

At the age of thirteen, he would be deep within the forests of his planet, hunting with his tribe. It was a typical hunt, nothing out of the ordinary as things were going as intended. A flash of light and the sound of a transport ship would fly over their heads, odd for his planet as starships were not frequent. Though the hunting party continued as they assumed it was sanctioned by the tribe leader. They were beginning to load up their haul from the hunt, when blaster bolts rang around the forest, shreds of bark would fly as people called out in pain as they were gunned down on all sides, the hunting party including Yaadri would fight back, taking down as many of them as they could. Sadly, Yaadri was the last Vunakian standing as he found himself stood around three Gamorreans. They were pirates desperate, and had resulted in raiding the near by surface of Vunak. They found humour in the thirteen year old standing his ground as the three approached, even dropping their blasters to pity the child.

Yaadri in a fit of rage, reached out with both arms and released a blast of telekinetic energy knocking the Gamorreans over. In shock, yet his body acting on it's own, he charged them slashing at their throats while they struggled to their feet. He stabbed and slashed them, until the sunset. He ran back for his tribe's camp, yet as he grew closer and closer, the smoke and ash would slowly become more visible to him. He would find the remains of his tribe, their food and treasures taken, their homes burned to the ground and their lives taken from them. The singular most important event in Yaadri's life, one which would set him on a long path to darkness and hatred.

Yaadri waited years in solidarity, a young man raising himself as he survived alone. Waiting for a starship, something to get him off of his sparse planet. It would come four years later, when he was seventeen. A starfighter would land upon a mountain top not too far from where the Vunakian was laying camp. He ran, despite his natural athleticism and constant training, unnaturally quick. As he made his way through the trees, hatred would swirl and pulsate within his mind not only for those specifically that killed his family but distinctively identifying all those who cannot survive themselves and rely on taking from others as below him. He would eventually burst from the mountainside to reach the top and come face to face with a man who was exiting his ship's ramp. With little thought behind it, he charged forwards and leaped at him with two daggers drawn. After all, he only wanted his ship.

To his surprise, the man easily snapped the daggers from his hands and brought him to his knees with a few swift motions, as the Vunakian looked up he noticed a cylindrical metal hilt dangling from his belt. Yaadri was unaware, of the fact he was a much smaller fish in the large pond of the galaxy. He was first introduced to the Sith.


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