Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yag'Dhul Agronomy Summit

In the grand boardroom of the Trans-Galactic Agricultural Cooperatives Union was a large table filled with delegate name-papers and finely draped in linen. As the delegates would enter, the Chief Director of TGACU, Na-Doth Emerlar sat at the top of the table, flanked by his chief analyst Talia Damask. Bodyguards would flank all exits. It was expected that the guests would arrive within the hour.
Graves had been invited to a rather interesting event. It appeared it was some form of conference that was being hosted by another company, TGACU. He was rather excited to meet and discuss possible trade with another company, even if it was just a bit younger than Clank and Klunk Industries. His shuttle was prepared the moment he received the invitation, and had made their way other to the planet about 3 hours back.

By now, HK-57 was over the planet, as his escort personnel requested permission to land at the summit where the conference was being held, along with all the necessary steps needed to participate there properly.

[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

;; CKI Executive Jet, this is Yag'Dhul control. You have permission to land on the private landing ground outside TGACU HQ. Proceed with caution and have a nice day! ;;
And with that, the CKI Executive craft made its way to the landing ground specified by Yag'Dhul control. HK-57 rose from his seat once the craft landed, and was immediately accompanied by security forces of...4 people. Just 4, run of the mill body guards with a280 blaster rifles and armour you'd find on a hired thug.

Graves and his small squad of hired help made their way to the facility, where they soon entered the building, and found themselves in a prestigious and elegant ballroom, where the conference was set up. The rest of his team went off to get wasted when the other security teams were noticed, as Graves went over to a near by employee of the area.

"Query: Excuse me, Sir, but would you know where Company Representatives go to?"

"Greeting Explanation: I am Hk-57, Head of Clank and Klunk Industries, in case you're about to ask of which company I represent."

[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

A Givin attendant would approach the droid with a smile. He'd welcome him and point him to his seat. He'd also politely request he talk to the Chief Director, Na-Doth Emerlar, in order to explain what company he represents and what he wishes to discuss. The agenda is completely open.
HK-57 was told to speak to [member="Na-Doth Emerlar"], the Chief Director of the hosting company, as to explain who he represents and what he wishes to discuss. It didn't exactly take long, although the people to the man's immediate left and right didn't like the fact an HK unit was walking up to him.

"Introduction: Greetings, Na-Doth Emerlar. I am HK-57, Founder and Head of Clank and Klunk Industries."

"Explanation: I would like to discuss a possible partner ship between our two companies, depending on what your company's main purpose through production is."

"Ah yes, welcome, the air traffic control staff have informed me of your arrival. My company, or rather, the agricultural guild I direct is interested in many things. What is your company's sector exactly?"
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

The doors opened and the arrival of Daxton Bane was announced. Dressed in an expensively tailored suit made from Denebrillian Star silk that could easily have cost a small fortune, the Zabrak was the very image of confidence and class. A small circular badge made from a red ferrous material shaped like a raven taking flight was pinned on his left breast pocket.

“Hello, my name is Daxton Bane, I represent the interests of the Red Ravens in this meeting. How do you do?”
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

“Why thank you very much. I am sorry I didn’t catch your name?” Daxton offered his hand as a friendly gesture to shake. “The pleasure of your acquaintance. The Red Ravens represent a group involved in import and export of raw and fmshed materials to and from the Core to the Outer rim. We deal in everything from fresh produce, raw ores, plasma, up to and not limited to high end top of the line gear.”
[member="Daxton Bane"]

"I am Na-Doth Emerlar, Chief Director of the Trans-Galactic Agricultural Cooperatives Union."

He'd return Daxton's shake, then continue talking.

"We are a guild comprising more than a hundred independent, worker-owned agribusinesses. You are very much in the right place. We've been looking to expand our distribution operations into the Outer Rim and have been looking for people to do it with. Our distribution network is concentrated in the Core and Inner Rim, and we don't want to spend money to expand it any further as of yet."

He'd then whip out a specialized hand-held holographic display. Flipping it on, various commodities produced by the different member cooperatives with financial information next to them.

"Our members produce everything from foodstuffs to plant extracts to recreational drugs. Would you be interested in shipping any?"
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

“Most definitely, here is a list of products we have available for our clients.” Taking out his own data pad, he showed a wide array of commodies ranging from raw minerals and ores to top of the line industrial gear. “As you can see we have access to wide product list of goods commercially available froma list of aligned companies as well. We can even provide items for security purposes if that interests you.”

“In light of this, we would like to know how many space ports do you have, how many docking bays you can allot to us and what is the maximum tonnage each bay can hold. The Red Ravens nearly have a thousand ships in our merchantile fleet, of various sizes and tonnages so we would need this information so we can calculate how to maximize each load.”
[member="Daxton Bane"]

"We've recently acquired a Jast Trade Station that is in geosynchronous orbit around Yag'Dhul. We have designated it to be the staple port for all of our distribution, as it allows every single commodity to flow through our futures trading network and be accounted for. We'd be willing to dedicate one or two divisions of the port, capable of holding a good number of ships. We're interested in knowing what you will be transporting and how often before we specify anything."


"Moreover, given you'll likely be a mainstay of our trade station for quite a long time, we'd likely be interested in including you in the defense force of the station. It has little defenses, and we will be purchasing a fleet of ships and a squadron of starfighters to defend it. In order to save some capital, we could include your organization in the defense for anywhere from the following year to longer."
[member="Na-Doth Emerlar"]

“Based on the current deployment of the fleet it would take fourteen days, to add your planet as a berthing location. After that you can expect heavy freighters outbound from the core carrying luxury goods, jewelry, prefab building materials, droids every five to seven days. They would replenish whatever items you purchase with fresh produce for the Outer Rim. On the inbound retirm trip, their cargo is usually lumber, ore, raw gems, crystals, and exotic animals. We would like to purchase raw medicinal materials from you as well as recreational pharma. Light freighters and passenger vessels can visit once every four to six days.”

“Should you have an specific items you wish to order, you will need to inform the inbound vessels so that your order can be loaded for the next outbound trip. All transactions to and from your government will be in Universal Credit to the account that will specified once we reach an agreement.”

“To ensure the freshness of the product we will be getting from you, we intended to construct a flash freezing facility with your permission. We will handle the cost of construction, labor and training of staff you will nominate, in return, you will provide us with an licenses necessary and assign the project priority. After a period of three years, we will turn over the facility to you to continue running operations.”

“I am glad you raised the topic of security. We can provide two squadrons of Raven Interceptors for the facility defense, in return we would require hangar space, living quarters for the pilots and an armory for munitions. Should they perform to your standard, we can discuss providing you with more of this craft, its muntions and training for any pilots you may wish to acquire.”

“As for base security I can assign, with your permission, up to 80 Red Ravens for your security forces. This is a mixed force of droid and organics units, who are trained in security, investigation, base defense and combat trauma relief. While they could stay for a year with a renewable contract on a per yearly basis.I would suggest we agree to a flat four year contract, renewable for four years. This should allow us to train any troops you may desire to serve the same function. Furthermore we can construct a detention center and facility wide surveillance monitoring at no additional cost to you. All we ask in return is space for these facilities, and the right to build a Raven Recreational Facility on the station. This recreational facility may include standard games of chance and holo entertainment. Also we request the right to police our own, meaning any Raven convicted of a crime will be judged in a Raven Court of Law, you may send observers if you wish. Nor will our Forces involve themselves in matters deemed to internal to your peoples.”
"That is all very interesting, Mr Bane. I'd appreciate if we could discuss the details in a private meeting room if possible. I don't want private financial information being discussed in a large open hall full of people that don't need to know."

(OOC: I'm going to be starting a new thread just for you.)

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