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Private Yaim'ol (Clan Galaar, Clan Kvall, House Solus)


Y A I M ' O L
Krownest, 901 ABY
Clan Galaar, like their namesake, have flown far and hunted for years, and even after years in their new nest on Kestri they've never forgotten their original perch. Decades ago the Sith invaded Mandalore, conquering it, and Krownest shortly followed thereafter. In those times the hawks became wolves, Clan Galaar prowling the wilds and covertly striking at the Sith alongside Jor Kvall as the Forest Sons. But with every strike the Sith grew more wary, at one point destroying Clan Wren's old compound, and eventually Clan Galaar was forced to abandon Krownest, leaving for Roon, then Kestri, following the Enclave. But now, the Sith held no more dominion over the world. It was free.

The ride down to the planet's surface had been excruciating, the seconds not passing nearly fast enough for the impatient Valkyri. Jiriad was nearly quaking with anticipation, and when the transport touched down he was almost ready to break the door down and leap out. Almost. He kept himself composed, and when the doors opened he led his clan onto the snow. Jiriad wasted no time in doffing his helmet and clipping it onto his belt, to take in the sights, the sounds, the everything of Krownest with his own senses.

The scent of the trees, the crunch of the snow beneath his feet, the biting winds on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders at long last. Four decades. Forty-one years. Had it truly been that long, half of his life? Motioning for his kin to follow, Jiriad began the trek up the mountain to Fort Cinciri'galaar, their old home. As they walked, the Jarl's mind drifted, and his heart grew heavy. He had made a promise to Jor, and he had broken it to ensure the survival of his clan. Forty-one fething years. Would Jor still be alive? There was not a day that passed that Jiriad had not thought of Jor. Had he made the right choice?

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he nearly didn't realize when they had made their way to the Fort's gates. The entrance had been broken down, likely either by the Force or explosives, and there looked to be similar damage within, but it was still standing. Jiriad put a hand on the stone edifice, and tears of joy began to streak down his face. No matter what had been done, or how much time had passed, there was one thing that could not be denied, not any longer.

They were home.
Runekeeper of Clan Galaar

Following closely behind Jiriad was Svidur, chest bared to the winds and staff in hand. Though five years the Jarl's elder, Svidur has always loyally advised the Clan's Alor, ensuring he always kept the Valkyri spirit in his heart. He too, was happy to set foot on Krownest after so long. After all, it was only after joining the Mandalorians and settling down on this world that his Force Sensitivity was identified as what it is, and afterwards he spent years honing his potential into strength that was difficult to refute.

However, his happiness was tinged by a quite sour note. Though he doubted Jiriad could feel it, Svidur could sense the effect the Sith left on Krownest. He felt it in the wind, in the subtle song of nature around them. It was hurting, but it could be healed. Of this he was certain.

Svidur's uneti-wood staff left small imprints in the snow as he walked, using his staff to aid in climbing the large mountain they once called home, and would soon once again. The runes along the staff glowed a soft blue, the same hue as the myriad of tattoos covering his body. As he continued, one of his Force familiars came to him and perched atop his staff, the raven Tome'tayl, while its twin Mirdir flew above the parade of Mandalorians making their way up the mountain.

"Ah, do you feel it too, Tome'tayl? Someone unknown draws nearer. But I do not feel they wish to harm us," he assured the raven in his native language, and giving it a scritch.

As they approached the ruined gates, Svidur closed his eyes, lifting rubble from their path. He felt Jiriad's complicated emotions and empathized, putting a hand on the Jarl's shoulder. "It was a difficult decision, but look around you. If we had remained, it's likely neither the fortress nor our clan would have survived. We will find Alor Kvall one day, I know it," he said, taking his hand off of Jiriad's shoulder. "But for now, I feel we will be having guests, but I do not foresee hostility."


damaged Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

High above the snow were several figures flying on their jetpacks at high speed. Anashja had been out in this system on a medical mission, a joint exercise with other clans from house Solus. While scanning, she had detected some unusual activity near this old mandalorian ruin. She knew nothing about it, but the pure fact it was mandalorian in its history meant it fell to them to check it hadn't been inhabited by any of their foes. Accompanying her was the small armoured form of her eldest, the eight year old Ti'zan Tal, and a vod who had accompanied her as part of her own field medic training. Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus .

<<You kid flies really well for his age>> her comm crackled hearing the voice of ice witch behind her. <<Thanks, he's strong, going, hes going to make an excellent warrior one day as long as he keeps up his practice>> she replied proudly as the three of them banked in towards their target. <<I can hear you talking about me buir>> a male child's voice chimed.

<<That's the intention, I wouldn't say anything about you I didnt want you to hear.

Anyway vod, we are arriving, I can see the Castle ahead on this ridge, no hostile activity aimed at us, and I'm not seeing any scans either, if they aren't friendly, we will at least have the jump on them.>>
she laughed and with a mental implulse activated her and her son's weapon systems. They were both lightly armed, but Tal were medics by trade, their suits were to keep them alive while they saved others, not while they murdered them. The red and gold suit worn by Mairéad was more heavily armed, but the real strength here was the two women inside the armours.

<<Mairéad, keep high for a moment once i land and prepare to counter engage if there is an ambush.>>

<<Will do Ana, good luck>>

Anashja landed in the snow and looked around her. There was no activity but her HUD highlighted sets of heavy footprints a little way ahead of her, so her and Ti'zan moved in that direction. She could feel another presence in the force and it appeared to bear no hostility, so when she finally spotted Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar and Svidur Galaar Svidur Galaar she approached with cautious friendship. She called out a greeting in mando'a before repeating herself in galactic basic just in case. "Hi friends! We are of Tal and Solus, can we offer you any aid?"

Location: The Castle
Objective: Joint operation
Tags: Svidur Galaar Svidur Galaar Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar

The joint operation between the Solus clans had been fun, it was nice to interact with her extended family, including the Togruta she was accompanying right now. Ana was a very kind hearted person and the way she was with her ever growing horde of children was astounding. Truth be told, Mairéad herself had considered the idea of children herself, but where was the time to both find a willing donor and then also go through the rigours of pregnancy? Maybe it wasn't for her. She weaved across the jetwash from the child's repulsors before taking her position as instructed by the more experienced mandalorian. Mairéad had been a mandalorian since she was 24, Anashja had been doing it since she was one.

Mairéad watched as Anashja and Ti'zan landed and she scanned the terrain around them for any additional signs of movement or possible attack. <<Looks like we are all clear to move in.>> Mairéad kept a short distance away and behind Anashja to provide cover if needed until she too saw the pair of mandalorian men ahead of them investigating the castle. She looked at the one with the staff and could quickly feel his force presence, her own shone like a beacon that she had never learned to hide and in this snowy environment she felt wonderful.



Jiriad nodded to his trusted advisor, listening to his wisdom. He was right, as usual, about his feelings. And about the clan. His attention was immediately pulled, however, when Svidur mentioned sensing guests. Drying his eyes and looking to the sky, shortly thereafter he saw the armored forms of Anashja Tal Anashja Tal , Ti'zan, and Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus , and before long the former two were approaching the group of Galaar Mandos on foot.

Jiriad stepped forward, with Svidur likely close behind him, and gave a reply in Mando'a. "Ah, hello friends!" Jiriad glanced at Svidur to see if the Runekeeper had any recognition of the names, before turning back and continuing in Basic. "I am Jiriad Galaar, Alor of Clan Galaar, and this is my trusted advisor Svidur. My clan once called Krownest home, until the Sith invaded. We fought them for some time, but eventually I made the decision to leave our home for the Enclave. It was not a decision I made lightly." As he spoke, he motioned to the fortifications around them. "This is what is left of our home here. This is our first time setting foot on this world in four decades."

The Valkyri Mandalorian was easily a foot taller than Ana, towering over mother and daughter alike, but the way spoke, how he carried himself, gave the impression that he was not the brute his appearance might suggest at first glance. An observant eye may also notice the mythosaur bones on the helmet currently clipped to his belt. "Had I known we were going to have guests, I would've prepared a better welcome for you. It's not in my nature to usually let guests leave with empty hands and empty stomachs!" He gave a hearty chuckle. "Do Tal and Solus call this world home as well? I'm afraid we're not terribly up to date with local happenings."

Objective: Investigate contact at old mando ruins
Location: Krownest
Tags: Svidur Galaar Svidur Galaar Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar

damaged Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Anashja gave a respectful salute to the Alor in front of him, it was a position worthy of respect regardless of whether he was her alor.

She gave a little laugh as the big man joked about preparing better and she looked past him at the ruin. "A few table runners and a nice centrepeice and this place will be ready for guests. I'm Anashja, we dont call this place home no, but we spotted movement on a patrol and thought we would check it out, your heritage is my heritage to." The smaller white and red armoured form of her son stood by and waited for a polite moment to interject. "I'm Ti'zan Tal, it is an honour to meet another alor" the tone in his voice was that of an excited child that associated the term alor with someone close to a superhero, but his words were that of the good mandalorian apprentice that he was becoming. Anashja gave a little chuckle, feeling the energy from her offspring.

"Are you planning on retaking this land in the name of your clan? We will help if you like, have you scouted out what might be in here yet?" she stepped slightly to his side and started doing multi-spectrum scans using her dreamsight. She could detect something, she wasn't sure what, it might be wild animals, it might be sentient, either way it would need to be addressed before the clan could call this place home. The name Galaar flagged up a few hits on her database, several with links to the enclave, she did not remember her time there fondly, but she knew many mandalorians were just as outraged by the civilians bombardments as she was, so she would hold her judgement.

"Lead the way Alor."

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