Desmond C'artyom
Space Jockey
Desmond C’artyom wandered through the back alleys of Nar Shaddaa. A glamorous world known for its vices. Desmond was to meet his crew at one of the many seedy bar’s here. As he made his way through the dimly lit trash strewn alley he approached a durasteel door. He knocked three times and beady eyes peered out at him through a peep hole. The sentient studied him for a moment then the Gamorrean opened the door for him.
It took a moment for Des’s eyes to adjust as the light within the bar contrasted with the dimly lit alley. He walked into the tavern and observed the bar that was the Twisted Rancor. tables lay astrewn, men were passed out on the floor, nut shells covered everything, sticky liquids stuck to his boots and the tables looked as though they hadn’t been cleaned in a century. The place was a Dive with a capitol D. Des picked a rather secluded booth in the corner.
As he began to sit a Trandoshan approached the booth. He thrust a gun against Des's side and they both sat in the booth.
“Lookie lookie a little Chiss far from home,” The lizard hissed. Desmond eyed the Trandoshan carefully. Crossk was his name and he worked for Causstik Rahn. A slaver whom Desmond owed a great deal of money.
“Now, now Crossk. I’ll have the money soon! All right! Trust me pateesa, here comes my crew now!”
Desmond cried as his heist team began to trickle in.
"I got big money coming in! Trust je!" Des spoke in his bastardized Huttese.
[member="Lark"], [member="Jen"], [member="Thraxis"], [member="Autumn A. Sovereign"], [member="Kat'Lariah Syphex"]