Darth Seraphic
Yalkoma - Adult
Images: http://eeveetachi.deviantart.com/art/Absol-Family-504172577/ http://www.deviantart.com/art/Shiny-Absol-78327701
Name: Yalkoma the Red Bladed Tiger
Designation: Semi-Sentient/Rumored to be fully sentient
Homeworld: Eclipstica
Language: Basic and other languages (commands)
Average Lifespan: Unkown
Estimated Population: One of a kind
Average height of adults: 1.2 meters
Average length of adults: N/A
Skin color: Red
Hair color: White
Distinctions: Appearing much like the already rare bladed tigers, Yalkoma has a skin pigment mutation that has made her skin red, but it goes a step further, the blade upon it's head gives a bright red glow as well.
Breathes: Type 1
Much like the other Bladed Tigers, Yalkoma's bone protruding from it's head has a small resistances to lightsabers, it conserves her body heat with her thick fur and her body's ability to transfer the energy from a lightsaber strike as heat throughout the body. Her bone blade protrusion also glows red, and brightly. This scares away most predators as it can be quite scary to see such a bright light in the White Gate's ashed snow lands. The reason for the glow is because of a nuclear reaction between water, and the chemicals in the water.
Believe it or not, Yalkoma is one of kind. Compared to other Bladed Tigers, she is very docile. Should anyone find this animal, and kill her for her bones, and fur, Eclipstica will lose one its most beautiful creatures, and scared animals.
Races: N/A
Diet: Omnivore
Communication: Mews, Roars, Purring
Culture: Yalkoma is celebrated every Life Day as the one who saved their king, and is a tradition kept going when Romeo Sin took over the throne, this tradition can only be found in the Shadow Keep of Eclipstica as it is a well kept secret to protect the animal. Each life day, The Shadow King, and those with the highest rank go into the White Gates, give thanks to Yalkoma, and produce bright red lights, and leave a large Whisker Fish and a bowl of milk out for Yalkoma. This lasts for four hours, and the Shadow King returns home to eat a feast, and tell what they are thankful for in their lives.
Technology level: N/A
General behavior: Rumor has it that Yalkoma appears to those near death in the White Gates. At first causing great fear within the those who see the glowing red, but if they can stand their ground, they will find that Yalkoma comes to help, offer warmth, food, and guidance back out of the White Gate. Yalkoma is mysterious, and even considered to be fully sentient sometimes.
History: When the Shadow King, Gaiden, took Eclipstica has his, one of the first things he had built was a nuclear reaction factory to produce more power for the planet, and his people. A heat overload caused this factory to explode, leaving ash and death in it's wake. This produced what is now called the White Gates. A single water hole was effected by this explosion, causing massive radioactivity in it. In an attempt to find a friend that's body had not been found within the explosion, Gaiden became lost in the ash and snow. Coming to near freezing to death and hunger, the true story of the discovering of the Bladed Tigers is this: Gaiden taking what he thought was the last of his breaths saw a bright red light off in the distance.
Believing this to be the Force calling for him, he continue to watch it, accepting death, and reaching out when it came into reach. You can imagine his surprise when his hand touched something warm, and fuzzy. A Bladed Tiger with a glowing bone coming from it's head had found Gaiden with meat in it's mouth for him to eat. Not sure what to think about this, Gaiden simply took the meat with a thanks, and ate it while the tiger wrapped around him for warmth. When his strength returned to him, the tiger, Yalkoma as Gaiden had named it, after his friend who he now believed to be dead, guided the king back out of the White Gates and to his people.
Later on, a scan of the area showed hyper activity within a watering hole, radiation. After many times searching for the creature, only normal Bladed Tigers were found. Gaiden had determined that the Bladed Tiger's parents had drank from this hole unknowing of the radiation at the time, the mutation came from the reaction of the chemicals in the body that converted energy to heat with the nuclear radiation, and was passed onto the offspring, Yalkoma. Since then Yalkoma has been a symbol during Life Day on Eclipstica in the palace to honor Gaiden's fallen friend, and the animal that had saved his life.
Notable Player-Characters: N/A
Intent: To produce a submission for the Life Day Challenge and to give light to the first Shadow King's happening upon this amazing creature. To give some background to the White Gates in the Eclipstica submission.