Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Yané Unassi


ThemeMoney on the Dash
Legal NameYané Vela Unassi
Species½ Echani
½ Lossara
HairSparkly Silver
SkinSparkly Soapstone
187 lbs
Force SensitiveYes
MotherSyphomilla Illythmiel
FatherVerynth Unassi
SkillsEchani M.A. - Middling
Hand to Hand Combat - Middling
Force Flight - Excellent/Racial
Telekenisis - Excellent
Telepathy - Excellent
Marksmanship - Middling
Repair - Middling
Slicing - Middling
Piloting - Poor
Gambling - Poor
Pickpocket - Alarmingly Good


Striking white hair with pale, chalky skin that glimmers in strong light and equally pale eyes mark Yané out as a member of the Echani.

Lean and lithe with a confident strut in her step as her long legs speed her along quickly. Her limbs and digits are equally thin with most agreeing she seems dainty compared to most beings that call the Outer Rim home. Her hair is always well kept, and great pains are taken to ensure that each time the braid is made, that it is uniform in every way throughout the entire length.

While the majority of her showcases her father's bloodline of the Echani warriors, her skin has the dabbling of her mothers blood in it. A shimmering quality to it in certain light, and being highly fluorescent under ultraviolet light. Though it is best described as seeing a blanket of stars across her skin while her eyes shine like two neon moons.

One of the most common descriptors for the woman in her travels is mischievous eyes. Her favored attire being an altered ENVC bodyglove, form-fitting pants with her Exchange Belt and finished off with shock boots.

Always seen sporting the protective eyewear paired with her white parka, complaining of the overbearing light and the seemingly ever-present chill around her.


Rose Sunglasses
Cloaking Coat
ENVC-370 Partial Bodyglove
Daily Wear
G1 Omnilink - Left Wrist
White Parka
Shock Boots
Exchange Utility Belt
Viper Cigarettes
FAE/A-07 Energized Neck Piece
Scherezade Vibroblade
Modular Pistol
Niki Special


Yané's on a good day can be described as mildly irritating. Yané on a bad day can be described as uncooperative and contentious worthy of a day in the drunk tank.

She carries herself with confidence most of the time, fully aware of her surroundings and even daring others to approach her. Eyes half open and glaring with contempt for the world and those in it when traveling. Her hands are always clutching a device of some sort for work or pleasure. Whether searching for leads, Slicing, or simply enjoying Holonet Gambling, she always has something on her mind.

The mention of love, or the feeling of such is an immediate call to anger for her. Having been the subject of her father's mental decline after her mother took off in spite of the supposed love between her parents. She'd rather be subject to arrest and torture than ever succumb to that feeling.

Being severely jaded to the concept does not remove her from enjoying the physical aspect of it however. But the only time she ever utters the word is to describe her feelings for an object or a desire. Never in the context of another being.

Another facet of her parents' influence is the strongly rooted belief in everyone's selfishness.

Assuming that anyone and everyone is out for number one, she acts accordingly, making sure she has leverage of some kind over those she is working with. Vain, and incredibly cynical, credits or some new gadget are the only true way to hold her fleeting allegiance.

Credits make the galaxy work, and feelings just muck things up in her opinion.


Star Walker ○ Yané doesn't blend in physically, but she makes friends alarmingly easy. Far more at ease among the stars, stations and different planets than settled in one system, she has a strong desire to be off planet and see the galaxy.

Tech SavvyPettiness Necessity has made Yané generally able to operate and maintain a number of things. As well as simply being curious and attentive to new things. Trial and error has been the greatest teacher for the young woman while abroad.

Sticky Fingers ○ A trait that stems from her mother. If Yané sees something she likes, Yané will find a way to obtain the thing she likes. Handy for acquiring the odd keycard or needed thing to finish a job.


Spiteful and Contentious ○ It is alarmingly easy to earn Yané's ire. Even easier to earn a long standing grudge that will make her go out of her way to sabotage or outright destroy something another person owns to scorn the subject of her wrath despite the possible repercussions.

Cynical ○ While Yané gets along with most everyone, at least until the veneer wears off, she simply does not trust a soul. Always of the belief that someone's trust or words are subject to change at the drop of a few credits.

Gambling ○ Whether betting on races, cards, or dice, gambling is a vice that Yané has never been able to quit or ignore for any great length of time.

Sticky Fingers ○ Equally a boon as it is a bane, Yané has a long list of charges for petty theft.


Verynth Unassi had found himself caught in the gaze of a curious Lossara by the name of Syphomilla. Drawn by the strange blend of martial arts skills, and his hobby of painting in different locales with beautiful vistas.

It wasn't long before Syphomilla was with child, as both never shied away from their intense chemistry. Eventually bringing into the galaxy a child born from Lossara and Echani blood. Intensely curious, and always exploring, Yané was a handful for either parent by themselves. Syphomilla entertained her daughter with her innate force abilities and collection of strange star maps, while Verynth entertained her with arts and crafts. While they made a loving family, trouble began to brew when Syphomilla wished to return to her wandering.

Causing a rift between Yané's parents that seeped into the time they both spent with their daughter as she began to form her world views. Strained tension beneath the surface of their untroubled family life made itself apparent after the family had begun moving to keep Syphomilla's wanderlust satisfied.

Always just a little too long, and leaving a little too slowly for her liking. Fights became commonplace within the household, and Yané couldn't understand what had changed before a terrible spat between Syphomilla and Verynth set their lives on different paths.

As with all Lossara, the strange and unknown soon became the known and commonplace. A final goodbye to her daughter and Syphomilla took to the stars once more.

Leaving Yané with a heartbroken father that could not overcome his turmoil.

Well away from her paternal family and the Echani homeworld, Yané had to adapt as an early adolescent for the change. Her school life suffered as she took on more chores to cover for her fathers grieved state. Before long, having to find ways of securing credits in order to cover bills and food. Becoming a common face among those trouble making youths in the Outer Rim. Yané gathered a myriad of different skills while running rampant as a youth when time allowed.

Learning to pick simple locks, slice mundane security systems, and even the art of deception when stealing in broad daylight. Her innate telekinetic abilities proved far more useful than using decoys to distract her targets. Competing with the already established hierarchy of thieves and beggars for limited resources for both herself and her beleaguered father.

Verynth slowly spiraled further as he failed to pull himself from the self-blame and guilt over the departure of his beloved partner. Never once questioning how ends were being met or what his daughter was up to.

The perception of silent permission on Yané's end as she continued to develop her less than savory skill set.

Both were unaware of the mentalism that had taken place to endear Syphomilla to Verynth so quickly as the withdrawal of her affections became more intense with each passing year.

In this time of caring for her father, resentment and cynicism grew within Yané at the continued withering of her father's mental state. Her general demeanor grew terse and quick to anger at his helplessness over the loss of love. Affirming in her mind how selfish and one sided the feeling could be with how her mother had chosen her own pursuits over the happiness of their family.

In her late teens, she returned home late in the night to find her father passed away in his bed. Bottles scattered around his room, plainly drowned in liquor and other substances as she checked his pulse before sneering at his body.

Far more happy that he had passed than upset about the matter, she had him cremated and returned to his family before striking out on her own.

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