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Approved NPC Yasmin "Railcar" Rainni

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Warden of Black Sun

Yasmin “Railcar” Rainii
  • Intent: The intent of this character is to make a slicer companion for a PC character that completes a contract for Black Sun
  • ​Image Credit: Mithias created this from this base:
  • Role: This character is a contract slicer that is loyal to those that are loyal to them.
  • Links: Black Sun Contract Board

  • Age: 33
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: See Image

  • Name: Yasmin “Railcar” Rainii
  • Loyalties: Independent, however, Yasmin will be loyal to the one who does the bank job with her
  • Wealth: Yasmin has a sizeable stash of credits from the bank job; her slicing allows her access to credits at nearly any moment.
  • Notable Possessions: Though uncaring about most possessions, she rabidly protects her high-quality slicing gear
  • Skills: The “Railcar” is a proficient slicer and has experience in nearly all types of capers involving slicing.
  • Personality: Yasmin is extremely impatient, but other than this, ironically, she is very easy-going. She takes life as it comes at her, but when she puts her mind to getting something or accomplishing something, she can be quite impatient indeed. She is very loyal to those who have earned her loyalty and loves to spend her credits on being pampered, but at the same time does not need any of the finer things in life.

  • Weapon of Choice: Fast-talk, slicing and her holdout blaster pistol
  • Combat Function: She is only a fair shot with a blaster pistol. Her best weapon is being in a position where she can utilize her slicing skills to fabricate her defense.

  • Slicing God – Yasmin has been slicing since she was a little girl. When she discovered what slicing could do for her, she dove into the seedy parts of the galaxy and became very good at slicing.
  • Natural Liar – while she would rarely lie to someone she is loyal to, she is a proficient and quick-witted liar.

  • Combat Inept – although she carries a blaster, that does not mean she is great at it. She is not a very good combatant…at all.
  • Patience Please - Yasmin is not a patient person. If she sees something that needs to be done, she will try to fix it immediately. This has and will get her into trouble.

Yasmin was born on Nar Shaddaa to a mother and a father who were worked in a droid factory owned by the Hutt Cartels. She was a bit of a street rat and learned how to survive on the streets at an early age. Her affinity with slicing came at an early age and the power it gave her made her feel invincible, so she followed the profession as far as she could. As a teenager, she became a freelance contractor as a slicer and later fell into debt with Black Sun. She was promised her freedom if she completed a job for them and worked for the person she worked with. She jumped at the opportunity to be free of Black Sun…

Warden of Black Sun

Hi [member="Scherezade deWinter"] and thanks for the review!

I do 3D modeling. All the changes made to that character are my own work. The base model is indeed the one I used in that link. :)
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