Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yeah.... its kinda like that..... (no goody-goodies allowed)

Inside an alleyway in the undercity of Courascant, a male Duros wakes up with a start. He smiles widely and looks up at the city above. "That was nice, Deborah... that was really...." the Duros looks down brow furrowed then his eyes changed to slightly surprised. "Jumping Jawas!!! What the kriff happened last night?!" He was standing in a pool of what appeared to be blue blood. Now this wasn't too abnormal for Izzed, especially on the morning after a binge. Izzed had a problem with his temper and when he didn't get his turn fast enough he went off.

He picked up the body and began doing a marionette show. "Well hell, baby... I'm sorry." He said in his gruff voice to the marionette without a face. In a high pitched voice he talked out the side of his mouth. "It's ok honey. Kiss me!" And of course he did... He was a very sick duros.

He dropped the marionette saying, "Oh well... can't live in the past!" He pulled out a deathstick and lit it. Puffing away he exited the alleyway.

"Now then... where in the blue milk am I?" He said looking up and down, and left and right. "Could it be?! Catan! I'm finally here!" he shouted dropping to his knees and throwing his hands to the sky.
But Catan as it were of course did not exist. The Duros scowled as people looks at him strangely. "Not Catan...." With so many eyes upon him he started to feel paranoid. "WHAT?!" He said sprinting up to an onlooker, getting in his face. "WHAT DO YOU WANT, KRIFFER?" He shouted.

He made obscene gestures. "Is this what you want, kriffer?" He said as onlooker too afraid to say anything just kept walking. "Don't you walk away from me, you sloppy crab!!!" He said but let the being go as he didn't feel like running to catch the guy as the guy was sprinting away from the scene.

"Eh you ain't worth my time..." He said pulling up his drooping pants.
Izzed rubbed his rather bald head and decided it was that time of the day to get a drink, though really he believed any time of the day was good for a drink. He walked a short distance until he happened upon a cantina. When he entered he strode up to the bar. The bartender did not look pleased to see him, but Izzed wasn't sure why.

The bartender pulled a blaster rifle out and pointed it at Izzed. Shocked, Izzed threw up his hands and said. "I'd like a Starshine Surprise, please." He said as if dismissing the blaster pointed at his rather bald head.

The gruff looking human bartender shook his head. "Kriff no. I don't want a repeat of the other night."

This too happened to Izzed from time to time. They either loved him or hated him.... they mostly hated him. The Duros scratched his head. "I think you have me mistaken for another Duros, good sir. That's ok all you humans look the same to me as well." He said almost sounding innocent. If it wasn't for the putrid smell of his clothes that he hadn't changed in a week the bartender just may have believed him.

The bartender simply began charging the blaster. Izzed backed away slowly, "Ok, ok... but would you really turn aaway a patron as crazy as you believe me to be." This should've been a valid concern. The place was very likely to go up in flames if the barkeep wasn't careful.

The bartender considered the words reached down and threw a bottle of something to Izzed. "Now leave."

Izzed grabbed the bottle and smiled widely as if it was the nectar of the gods. He backed away slowly and left the cantina.
Practically hugging the bottle Izzed walked around the undercity looking for clues as to where he was. He walked about occasionally taking drinks from his bottle and each time he did he made a face and proclaimed how awful the drink was. He was certainly a sight to see.

In Izzed's own mind he believed himself successful. He wasn't a part of a society he didn't want to be a part of. He felt euphoria and the difference between a man finding pleasure in a woman was no different than that of what he felt on spice, was of no consequence to him.

He was once a relatively successful farmer on the Duros home world. But he wasn't content living day in day out on crops. So he got up and left and never looked back. For one thing, some admired his true sense of freedom... others saw him as a tweaker bum with no grasp of reality. Who's to say either were wrong? They were both varying degrees of the truth.

"Oh ho ho, surely you do not think to steal from the great Hutt Cartel!"

Rumbled Sempra/Tuesday at an extremely harried looking small time drug dealer.

"You sell without giving me my rightful cut. Perhaps now I take cut from you. Cut off wa koushonbe detpieh, wa wuaha cah, wa wuoie yinba."

It wasn't that Tuesday couldn't actually speak Huttese, she could. She just didn't care and doubted that this rube could.

"I- I- I, n-no! I'll give you all the creds I got man! I won't never sell on your turf again without permission! I thought only the CRC operated here, I didn't, I didn't-"

"Banya kee wa bonbieoo, nobata kitkohu bee cuovat bai na, credits and your stock, and you leave with your life and koushonbe depieh."

"y-y-yes of course, of course!"

The man practically threw the cred sticks, few as they were and drugs at her, before turning tail and literally sprinting away. The massive form of the Hutt melted and shifted in a humanoid female who snickered and collected her ill-gotten goods, immediately putting one deathstick between her lips and lighting it. A little hallucination made the day more interesting. She didn't much care who saw, it wasn't like she couldn't disappear if she needed to, or be someone entirely different and untraceable tomorrow.

Tuesday Blues after all, did precisely as Tuesday Blues pleased.

[member="Izzed Gigrig"]
Izzed witnessed the whole ordeal unfold in front of him, including the part where the hutt turned into a woman. He looked at the bottle wondering what the Bartender gave him.... obviously the good stuff. Izzed took another big swig and wandered up to the hutt turned woman.

"Look Sempra, I'm gonna be straight with you... I'm probably drunk and still a little high from last night but.... do you wanna go behind the dumpster over there and rub our naked bodies all over each other?" He pointed down the alleyway.

Gigrig stared at the drugs in the former hutt's hands and licked the edges of his mouth.

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