Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Enigma Prime
Three hades class cruisers boomed out of hyper space around the planet of enigma prime, at the helm was no one else than the woman in red herself. Ever since leaving the ravens Patricia had been working for Arakyd industries, a company ran by the notorious Isley Verd. But she had to admit this job was a lot better than the last one she had, she didn't have to fight the sith or worry about being stabbed in the back by crappy co workers.
"Bring us into the atmosphere, I want us set up by the end of the day." Patricia said in a stern voice to her crew.
The ships dropped down and began to push through the atmosphere of the planet, the last time they were here it was to rob a giant walking city of their stygium. This time around It was more to set up a mining facility that would serve as base of operations for Arakyd industries. Patricia like this, no shooting or killing droids. Just a good old fashion build. So Patricia sat back in her captains seat as the ship descended down into the atmosphere the red streaks of friction and flames rubbing against the hull of the ship.
"be sure the base is ready to deploy" she said really only thinking about her kids
Three hades class cruisers boomed out of hyper space around the planet of enigma prime, at the helm was no one else than the woman in red herself. Ever since leaving the ravens Patricia had been working for Arakyd industries, a company ran by the notorious Isley Verd. But she had to admit this job was a lot better than the last one she had, she didn't have to fight the sith or worry about being stabbed in the back by crappy co workers.
"Bring us into the atmosphere, I want us set up by the end of the day." Patricia said in a stern voice to her crew.
The ships dropped down and began to push through the atmosphere of the planet, the last time they were here it was to rob a giant walking city of their stygium. This time around It was more to set up a mining facility that would serve as base of operations for Arakyd industries. Patricia like this, no shooting or killing droids. Just a good old fashion build. So Patricia sat back in her captains seat as the ship descended down into the atmosphere the red streaks of friction and flames rubbing against the hull of the ship.
"be sure the base is ready to deploy" she said really only thinking about her kids