Selena Halcyon
Jedi Master
First post is Here. It unlocks at 12:00 AM EST
Alright, so nothing is cooler than a massive RP that everyone can look back on and say that they were a part of it. The events here at SWRP certainly have held true in that regard. I almost decided not to even broach this idea because the events here offer something that so few boards seem to. However, this kind of thread is also different in that it literally lasts a year, will see numbers of RPers in it like no other thread, more storylines, and can be a centerpiece of the year. Plus... it'll be huge.
So now onto the basic questions you might be thinking.
What is a Year Long RP?
It is exactly what it sounds like it would be. It is a thread that will literally last an entire year. It will start January first at midnight and end December 31st at midnight. The first post will go up sometime around midday tomorrow just to give you all a taste, but it will be locked until midnight. Obviously, a thread this big has some natural reservations. A month in getting people to join will be hard, but I have plans to make that easier. So worry not!
Why do a Year Long RP?
Well, to put it bluntly, to be a part of something special. Something that likely will not happen every year, and because it is just awesome. A single thread that will contain a number of storylines for your character is just immensely tempting is it not? You start doing one thing and end doing something completely different in almost a completely different place. The potential for character growth is immense. Obviously, some complications come about due to the RP being a year long and working it in with other threads, but those landmarks and stuff will hopefully help with dealing with that.
What is the thread about?
This is probably the most important question. It is going to be centered on Hapes. I get some of my inspiration from the Alderaan story in The Old Republic video game. Essentially, given that Hapes is a massive political game that rivals that of A Song of Ice and Fire (in its implied nature) some nobles have decided to ally with the Empire. While something of a cold war is going on between the two factions proper, this becomes a more local effort. Each side of the Hapes coin being supported by the faction behind them. Loyalists with the Republic, and Imperialists with the Empire.
How will it work?
Well, to put it simply. The thread will have a map of the zone where all activity will take place. It will give you landmarks and objects to focus on. Those are just a starting point. Really the thread is mostly left to your influence. Who really stands out as a victor between landmarks will influence where the thread moves. This is a unique thread in that you'll be able to tell a continuous, long story that interweaves itself with others all in one thread like very few other threads will happen.
Won't it be hard to keep people posting in it all year?
It might slow down at times but that is not entirely bad. But really I intend to solve that problem. This will be by introducing new zones, new twists in the meta-story, or a number of other zaney things. I once saw a year long thread at another board where the thread had all but died by mid year then this new faction that was gaining a lot of popularity crashed a massive ship right into the middle of it and the thread blew up with activity afterwards. So all things are possible.
Important Story line Elements:
Well, the first post that I will put up in something like twelve hours will introduce a lot of the key elements. The thread will start with the battle lines already formed. I'll throw up important tidbits in here as well.
The Map
The Link for it is here.
Things to know about the map:
-The area within the RP is where all RPing will take place. The landmarks within it will be the major points of interest for that segment of the thread. The RP will start with one area (it will be very large) at first. As the thread goes on and certain landmark points hit (likely at two month intervals, maybe more often) new areas will be introduced. They will take the forefront of the thread, and RPing will be in the new area and not the previous. Revisiting old areas will likely happen though, so don't worry, those old battlegrounds and memories will be revisited!
-It is where the RP will take place. I cannot emphasize this enough. All activities in the thread at any given time will be in the same zone. Not other ones or in space or other planets. The zones will have plenty of space for all the characters and a multitude of plots happening in them, so don't worry about that at all.
-It will change. New zones will open up. Major events may changes aspects of it and create new landmarks. If people start really hammering at a location not recorded on the map, it'll be added (assuming people tell me lol).
-Import Note: This is a VERY rough map right now, I have every intent of making it look infinitely better than it does now. I'm just getting something on paper for you now. As such, not everything in the map is perfectly to scale at this point in time, and objects on the map are not indicative of buildings but of areas. So the large blue box does not mean a building that large but that over that area is where the Republic staging area is. This holds true for any of the other markers, in the future maps things will look a lot better and be a lot more indicative of how things really look, but also will not be to perfect scale. Also, the general feel of the region is grassy and hilly, with farms. The edges of the map are rivers.
The Legend:
Small blue squares: Republic Outposts
Medium blue Pentagons: Republic Bases
Large blue square: Republic HQ
Weird blue thing: Comm Station
Red Daggers: Imperial Landing Zone
Red Thing: Imperial motorpool
Green Octogons: Farm Estates
Green Box: Lighthouse/Dock Area at mouth of river
Orange thing at the edge: An industrial factory region
Other Possible Questions
Why Hapes?
To put it simply, it seems the most likely place for this kind of thing to happen. Plus it is close enough to the border to make it not unreasonable.
What about members of other Factions?
All will be welcome. With so many alliances involvement shouldn't be hard to get involved. Difficulties arise with possible alliances being broken or changed outside of thread, but that kind of thing will be worked with inside. And with those landmark points I've hinted at they might also solve them.
What are these landmarks you keep referencing?
Well as stated in the above section. The thread will be placed in set locations for various spans of time. Certain mini-events or shifts will happen that change the area the thread is in as well as act as ways for the thread to have a gap of time so that characters can move. These will also offer good points for more people to join (though joining at anytime is strongly encouraged).
Why pick just the Republic and Empire for the focus?
Well, in a year I can safely say that both will still exist. While I think that many of the present factions will still exist it is easier to focus on the simple fact that I know the Republic and Empire will. I mean that in no disrespect, it is just that they are the icons of Star Wars. Also, pushing more factions as focused parts of the story makes it more convoluted and difficult to give a clear focus.
What if I get promoted outside of the thread?
This is probably one of the more difficult things to deal with for many characters. For one promotion it is not too hard. Just have the promotion that happened outside be made official in the thread. Difficulties arise if a second promotion happens in the year, but then you just have to figure things out. Plus! You can just decide to RP the entire thing the same rank you entered in. Now, that might get weird with other people, but that'll be part of the fun working in this thread.
You talked a lot about the ground, what about fleets?
NO FLEETING! While that does alienate some RPers the crowd is few, and with the intended emphasis to be on zones and focusing the action into certain areas fleets just muddle that. If you start bringing fleets... I have a way to absolutely destroy them.
What do we win if we win?
Nothing aside from a fun RP experience and knowing you were a part of SWRP history.
To Hapes Characters:
I realize this might step on some of your toes. I know a few of you exist out there and come and go. I apologize but I also think you will find it easy to integrate into the thread. If you presume that your character would have absolute control over Hapes and that this could never happen, I would ask that you let that go. Furthermore, Hapes is an immensely complicated political mess in all of the books with backstabbings and cloak and dagger stuff being common. I doubt any individual character could account for every NPC noble about. Also, as I said, this thread should be easy for you to get involved in, no matter your characters agenda.
Alright, so nothing is cooler than a massive RP that everyone can look back on and say that they were a part of it. The events here at SWRP certainly have held true in that regard. I almost decided not to even broach this idea because the events here offer something that so few boards seem to. However, this kind of thread is also different in that it literally lasts a year, will see numbers of RPers in it like no other thread, more storylines, and can be a centerpiece of the year. Plus... it'll be huge.
So now onto the basic questions you might be thinking.
What is a Year Long RP?
It is exactly what it sounds like it would be. It is a thread that will literally last an entire year. It will start January first at midnight and end December 31st at midnight. The first post will go up sometime around midday tomorrow just to give you all a taste, but it will be locked until midnight. Obviously, a thread this big has some natural reservations. A month in getting people to join will be hard, but I have plans to make that easier. So worry not!
Why do a Year Long RP?
Well, to put it bluntly, to be a part of something special. Something that likely will not happen every year, and because it is just awesome. A single thread that will contain a number of storylines for your character is just immensely tempting is it not? You start doing one thing and end doing something completely different in almost a completely different place. The potential for character growth is immense. Obviously, some complications come about due to the RP being a year long and working it in with other threads, but those landmarks and stuff will hopefully help with dealing with that.
What is the thread about?
This is probably the most important question. It is going to be centered on Hapes. I get some of my inspiration from the Alderaan story in The Old Republic video game. Essentially, given that Hapes is a massive political game that rivals that of A Song of Ice and Fire (in its implied nature) some nobles have decided to ally with the Empire. While something of a cold war is going on between the two factions proper, this becomes a more local effort. Each side of the Hapes coin being supported by the faction behind them. Loyalists with the Republic, and Imperialists with the Empire.
How will it work?
Well, to put it simply. The thread will have a map of the zone where all activity will take place. It will give you landmarks and objects to focus on. Those are just a starting point. Really the thread is mostly left to your influence. Who really stands out as a victor between landmarks will influence where the thread moves. This is a unique thread in that you'll be able to tell a continuous, long story that interweaves itself with others all in one thread like very few other threads will happen.
Won't it be hard to keep people posting in it all year?
It might slow down at times but that is not entirely bad. But really I intend to solve that problem. This will be by introducing new zones, new twists in the meta-story, or a number of other zaney things. I once saw a year long thread at another board where the thread had all but died by mid year then this new faction that was gaining a lot of popularity crashed a massive ship right into the middle of it and the thread blew up with activity afterwards. So all things are possible.
Important Story line Elements:
Well, the first post that I will put up in something like twelve hours will introduce a lot of the key elements. The thread will start with the battle lines already formed. I'll throw up important tidbits in here as well.
The Map
The Link for it is here.
Things to know about the map:
-The area within the RP is where all RPing will take place. The landmarks within it will be the major points of interest for that segment of the thread. The RP will start with one area (it will be very large) at first. As the thread goes on and certain landmark points hit (likely at two month intervals, maybe more often) new areas will be introduced. They will take the forefront of the thread, and RPing will be in the new area and not the previous. Revisiting old areas will likely happen though, so don't worry, those old battlegrounds and memories will be revisited!
-It is where the RP will take place. I cannot emphasize this enough. All activities in the thread at any given time will be in the same zone. Not other ones or in space or other planets. The zones will have plenty of space for all the characters and a multitude of plots happening in them, so don't worry about that at all.
-It will change. New zones will open up. Major events may changes aspects of it and create new landmarks. If people start really hammering at a location not recorded on the map, it'll be added (assuming people tell me lol).
-Import Note: This is a VERY rough map right now, I have every intent of making it look infinitely better than it does now. I'm just getting something on paper for you now. As such, not everything in the map is perfectly to scale at this point in time, and objects on the map are not indicative of buildings but of areas. So the large blue box does not mean a building that large but that over that area is where the Republic staging area is. This holds true for any of the other markers, in the future maps things will look a lot better and be a lot more indicative of how things really look, but also will not be to perfect scale. Also, the general feel of the region is grassy and hilly, with farms. The edges of the map are rivers.
The Legend:
Small blue squares: Republic Outposts
Medium blue Pentagons: Republic Bases
Large blue square: Republic HQ
Weird blue thing: Comm Station
Red Daggers: Imperial Landing Zone
Red Thing: Imperial motorpool
Green Octogons: Farm Estates
Green Box: Lighthouse/Dock Area at mouth of river
Orange thing at the edge: An industrial factory region
Other Possible Questions
Why Hapes?
To put it simply, it seems the most likely place for this kind of thing to happen. Plus it is close enough to the border to make it not unreasonable.
What about members of other Factions?
All will be welcome. With so many alliances involvement shouldn't be hard to get involved. Difficulties arise with possible alliances being broken or changed outside of thread, but that kind of thing will be worked with inside. And with those landmark points I've hinted at they might also solve them.
What are these landmarks you keep referencing?
Well as stated in the above section. The thread will be placed in set locations for various spans of time. Certain mini-events or shifts will happen that change the area the thread is in as well as act as ways for the thread to have a gap of time so that characters can move. These will also offer good points for more people to join (though joining at anytime is strongly encouraged).
Why pick just the Republic and Empire for the focus?
Well, in a year I can safely say that both will still exist. While I think that many of the present factions will still exist it is easier to focus on the simple fact that I know the Republic and Empire will. I mean that in no disrespect, it is just that they are the icons of Star Wars. Also, pushing more factions as focused parts of the story makes it more convoluted and difficult to give a clear focus.
What if I get promoted outside of the thread?
This is probably one of the more difficult things to deal with for many characters. For one promotion it is not too hard. Just have the promotion that happened outside be made official in the thread. Difficulties arise if a second promotion happens in the year, but then you just have to figure things out. Plus! You can just decide to RP the entire thing the same rank you entered in. Now, that might get weird with other people, but that'll be part of the fun working in this thread.
You talked a lot about the ground, what about fleets?
NO FLEETING! While that does alienate some RPers the crowd is few, and with the intended emphasis to be on zones and focusing the action into certain areas fleets just muddle that. If you start bringing fleets... I have a way to absolutely destroy them.
What do we win if we win?
Nothing aside from a fun RP experience and knowing you were a part of SWRP history.
To Hapes Characters:
I realize this might step on some of your toes. I know a few of you exist out there and come and go. I apologize but I also think you will find it easy to integrate into the thread. If you presume that your character would have absolute control over Hapes and that this could never happen, I would ask that you let that go. Furthermore, Hapes is an immensely complicated political mess in all of the books with backstabbings and cloak and dagger stuff being common. I doubt any individual character could account for every NPC noble about. Also, as I said, this thread should be easy for you to get involved in, no matter your characters agenda.