Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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<img align="right" src=""><center><i>"Darker, the coming storm grows. I fear the dark cloud of the Sith shrouds us all."</i> - Jedi Grand Master Yoda</center>Believed to have been killed in the Great Jedi Purge, [WIKI]Jedi Master[/WIKI] Yeddaris resides in relative secrecy on the forest moon of [WIKI][planets]Endor[/planets][/WIKI] and remains one of the most elusive Jedi in existence. Upon arrival as an exile, he found solace and sanctuary among the highly-primitive [WIKI]Ewoks[/WIKI], who had no technology or contact beyond their treetop villages. As growing darkness and war continued to ravage the outside Galaxy, Yeddaris utilized his knowledge of the Force to shield his presence from detection.

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