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Approved Starship 'Yellow 13' Modified RZ-1 A-Wing

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Intent: To bring an old ship from Kurayami's backstory up to date

Image Source: Here

Canon Link:

Restricted Missions: N/A

Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer:Kurayami Bloodborn

Model: Modified RZ-1 A-Wing 'Yellow 13'

Affiliation: Kurayami Bloodborn

Production: Unique

Material: Neutronium reinforced duraplast/crystadurium and armorplast composite armor (armorplast is layered between the plates of duraplast/crystadurium) hull, reinforced carbon fiber/titanium frame, Faraday Cage


Classification: Interceptor

Length: 9.6m

Width: 6.5m

Height: 1.9m

Armament: Low

-6 L.s 9.3 laser cannons(mounted internally, firing through ports in the hull, 3 either side of centerline)

Defenses: Very Low

-Neutronium reinforced duraplast/crystadurium and armorplast composite armor (armorplast is layered between the plates of duraplast/crystadurium)

Squadron Count: N/A

Maneuverability Rating: Extreme

Speed Rating: Extreme

Hyperdrive Class: 1

-Etheric rudders
-Standard life support systems
-Advanced targeting computer
-Advanced flight control
-Inertial compensators
-Phantom 4x short range sensor jammer
-Advanced IFF transceiver
-Neutronium reinforced duraplast/crystadurium composite hull plates
-Custom designed three dimensional thrust vectoring
-Additional firepower in comparison to stock models
-Customized J-77 Event Horizon engines(2 mounted internally)


-Upgraded engines-The thrust output of the engines was increased, and a new three dimensional thrust vectoring system with a faster response time was installed to push beyond standard levels to offset the weight of the hull plating utilized.

-EMP resistance-Thanks to a faraday cage the craft is insulated against attacks of this nature.

-Firepower- Even with the missile launchers replaced with more cannons, the fighter still packs a surprising punch for its size.

-Small target-This means that hitting the craft is a test of skill for gunners.

-Fast and maneuverable-The speed and maneuverability are increased with the removal of the tailfins, addition of etheric rudders, a custom designed three dimensional thrust vectoring system, and the replacing of the concussion missile payload with cannons, as well as the removal of shield generators.

-4x Phantom short range sensor jammer-Utilized to disrupt lock ons long enough to escape pursuit or reduce chances of a direct missile strike


-No shielding-There is no shielding present on this craft, leaving the pilot to play to the strengths of the ship and know when to stay out of a fight.

-Squirrelly-The ship has maintained its disposition towards being on the very edge of losing control. A slight mistake can send the craft into a near unrecoverable state.

-No heavy ordnance-There are no missiles, nor means to carry them onboard the ship. Good luck against a walker, or doing anything other than a very fast strafing run. This is no bunker buster.

-Specialized care-Due to the fact that the ship has been modified so far from what it was it requires specialized repair work after returning from an engagement

-Short range jammers-These are not going to effect craft or projectiles far away. It is simply kept to provide a degree of survivability against guided munitions.

Description: "Yellow 13" was at one time nothing more than a callsign assigned to Kurayami when he was a merc pilot. However when it was combined with his A-Wing that bore the number, it lead to it becoming a recognized and feared thing to hear over the comm channels for enemy pilots. This is the rebirth of that legendary ship.

Having tracked down his old A-Wing after many years of searching databases and records for the registration number, Kurayami was reunited with his long lost friend and an important part of his past. The state of the craft however was less than impressive, with it being little more than some of a frame, cockpit, and a few systems. Instead of trying to repair what was there he instead decided to make some redesigns to the aesthetic and materials used. The design was inspired by the Delta-7B 'Aethersprite' Jedi starfighters, considered by many pilots to be a direct ancestor to the A-Wing.

The frame is as the original, reinforced titanium. The shape of the craft was modified while maintaining its original dimensions. The J-77's were completely disassembled and rebuilt with upgraded components made to increase their thrust output and new three dimensional thrust vectoring systems in place to offset the removal of the tailfins, the engines were moved into the frame to make them less of a target. In another attempt to save weight, the concussion missile launchers were replaced with laser cannons. When he found the ship it had already had a weapon swap done, as well as the addition of two more laser cannons. This lead to him pulling the launchers and replacing them with 2 more laser cannons. He had never been a huge fan of missile payloads outside a few situations, so to him the launchers were no major loss. The weapons were moved midship and the cockpit was plated over with the same plating as the hull, which necessitates the use of sensor data to be projected inside the canopy for the pilot to have situational awareness. This was done to increase survivability of the pilot in case of a systems failure, and reduce the likelihood of being struck by enemy fire. The decision to do so was the deciding factor in adding a faraday cage to protect against EMP attacks. The 4x Phantom short range sensor jammer is still in place though has been modified to only activate when it is detected that the craft has been locked onto, or a missile is inbound. Due to the short range nature of the jammer, it is still possible that the craft will suffer damage from secondary effects of a near miss such as shrapnel.

There is no shielding present outside of low energy deflectors to prevent micrometeorite impacts and other spatial hazards from destroying the ship given its highly resistant hull composition. There are also no onboard countermeasure systems in terms of physical means such as chaff and flares. The only thing approaching actual countermeasures on the craft is the 4x jammer suite and addition of a faraday cage to protect against EMP attacks.

What is most impressive about the fighter is the speed and maneuvering, most fighter craft strive to reach such heights, but this was always meant to be a hit and run attacker and dogfighter. THe most effective use is a slashing attack, followed by a quick exit on anything outside a starfighter. The hull provides high levels of protection, though it did necessitate the upgrades to the engines to offset its heavier weight. The ship is painted in the standard livery of the old squadron. Mottled grey and black camouflage pattern with sand yellow trim and underside, '013' is emblazoned in block numbers on either side of the nose in the same yellow.
Kurayami Bloodborn said:
Material:Folded Beskar(Carbon and Ciridium added)hull, micronized beskar reinforced titanium frame, Faraday Cage
Restricted materials are only exempt from their restricted missions when used as unique submissions in the Technology section (and only the Technology section) of the factory. In order to continue forwards with the submission with Beskar utilized I will need to see a restricted mission objective completed for it.

Beskar (( Objective: Perform a mining operation, a raid, an excavation, or steal to obtain Mandalorian Iron Ore from any of the following planets: Mandalore, Concordia, Echo'lya –OR— inflict a devastating defeat on a Mandalorian character and have them verify it. Characters belonging to the Major Faction whose influence covers Mandalore and/or Concordia are exempt from fulfilling this objective.

All tech submissions involving Mandalorians using Beskar will require a forging or construction thread of at least 10 posts where the item is made. Limited or minor production items will require longer dev threads of 20 and 30 posts respectively, or at the discretion of the Factory Judge. UNIQUE submissions in the Technology subforum except.))
[member="Irina Volkov"]

I am aware of this rule applying only to Technology. This was a sub I had been working on for sometime, started on it not long after joining the Mando'ade faction. As of the 18th we completed a Tier 2 dominion for the planets of Mandalore and Concord Dawn. I thought that the map had been updated to reflect this fact, however it seems that it has not yet. So my question is, with the dominion being completed and submitted to the map update thread as well as being part of the faction that completed the dominion, will the ship still require the dev thread? It seems like it could be a bitof a grey area in this case so I would just like clarification. Thank you for your time.

Links to the request and dominion provided below for reference:
Map update

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
No problem. I'll re-read your submission and get back to you as soon as possible. I'm currently experiencing a bit of technical difficulties with a broken keyboard, so it may take me a tiny bit longer to give you a quick reply via mobile.
Kurayami Bloodborn said:
-Specialized care-Due to the fact that the ship has been modified so far from what it was it requires specialized repair work after returning from an engagement

Kurayami Bloodborn said:
-Heavily modified-Due to the extensive modifications made to the craft, it requires a lot of upkeep and careful tuning of components to keep it in a flyable condition.
These are the same statement rephrased.

Kurayami Bloodborn said:
-EMP/Ion resistance-Thanks to a faraday cage the craft is insulated against attacks of this nature.
While an EMP probably would be prevented by a faraday cage, Ion cannons are not likely to be shielded from by a faraday cage. There is a noticeable trend to associate the two types of attacks with each other, but their similarities are mostly the type of damage they both cause to electronics and their intended use. An Ion cannon fires ionized plasma bolts (like a laser cannon, except with an ionic charge) or highly ionized particles which, when struck against its intended target, would release a much higher amount of energy in a much more localized area. In order to effectively combat an Ion cannon with faraday shielding, you would need powerful superconductors which can more quickly distribute, evenly, the high amount of energy it would be struck with.

As you do not have superconductors listed in your materials for your starship, such as Ultrachrome, I'm going to have to ask you to remove the portion of this strength which relates to Ion cannons, as well as any similar such phrasing in the description.

Kurayami Bloodborn said:
Manufacturer: Kurayami Bloodborn and RMIA
RMIA needs to be hyperlinked.
[member="Irina Volkov"]

I have removed the ion resistance from the description, though due to the neutronium being ultra-dispersive i figured that would provide a higher level of resistance with the faraday cage added in. I may be mistaken but was just checking wookie again when i noticed that in the neutronium article. I beleve that i also remved the instances in the description where it came up. RMIA has been hyperlinked, and the rephrased weakness has been removed as well.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
RMIA should be hyperlinked to its company submission, not its marketplace thread. However, after checking the submission for the actual company itself, I've notice it does not have starships or related operations pertaining to starships listed.

However, as this is just a modified, existing, starship, just remove the RMIA in your manufacturer and we can move ahead. You can either replace RMIA with the canon manufacturer, or simply name your character as the current manufacturer due to it being so heavily modified, as this is only an unique submission for a small starfighter-sized starship.
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