Julian Valentine
"I don't come cheap."
Chalmun's was as good place as any to get shot. You kept your head down and you drank quietly, unless you were looking for trouble. Julian Valentine wasn't here for trouble. He was here to find a cargo hauler. An old freighter pilot that went by the name of Lanz Beloi. And he had found him.
"Yeah, my old rig does some serious knots, I'm tellin' yah, Valentine, if it weren't for tha' fact I'm flyin' a big old beast, that ion drive could outdo any racer. 'Course, she ain't legal, and she is modded to all heck, but hey, whatever gets the job done I 'spose," Lanz said, downing half his drink.
Julian smiled. He just needed to buy that ion drive, the KR-TB would soar faster than most with a drive like that. Sudden commotion turned his head, some new kid on the block was looking to make a name for himself. A bounty hunter. He said something to the alien under the likes of being under arrest, but he didn't have time to finish his sentence when the crook gunned him down.
"How much is he worth?" Valentine hiked his thumb at the tailed creature, "Not worth it," Lanz said, "10,000." Julian shrugged, that was spare change. The alien was quick on the trigger, but so was Julian. He would keep an eye on him. "So how much for the drive?" Julian made his intentions clear, Lanz frowned. It wasn't the thought-type of frown, it was are-you-karking-serious type of frown.
Then his eyes widened, "So that is the only damned reason you've called me out here, Valentine!?" he spouted, finishing his drink and slamming his drink down on the table, "Get karked, arsehole." The old man stood up and stormed out of the building. He was about to pursue when he got a call.
A target. 1,000,000cr. Suddenly the alien didn't seem so worth it, even if it was a pretty penny in his pocket. Julian was still on his datapad, listening to the Arceneau Trade Company associate as he detailed the bounty, and sent forward a link to the holonet post. "You still listening Valentine?" he asked him through the datapad. There was silence, "Yeah, I'm listening." He ended the call.
With his eyes on the alien as he sat back down on his seat, and the corpse of the young kid being dragged into the alley behind Chalmuns, Julian unholstered his pistol under the table. His finger scraped against the trigger and he was just about to fire into his back when...